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Within neopaganism does feminism exist at the expense of male neopagans?

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    Re: Within neopaganism does feminism exist at the expense of male neopagans?

    In the states we tend to have the problem of OVER policing, maybe we could work out some sort of officer exchange system. You lot get some of our Dirty Harrys and we get some of your Lestrades.

    Everyone's happy!
    Trust is knowing someone or something well enough to have a good idea of their motivations and character, for good or for ill. People often say trust when they mean faith.


      Re: Within neopaganism does feminism exist at the expense of male neopagans?

      Originally posted by Denarius View Post
      In the states we tend to have the problem of OVER policing, maybe we could work out some sort of officer exchange system. You lot get some of our Dirty Harrys and we get some of your Lestrades.

      Everyone's happy!
      The difference between a British Police officer and an American cop is how they would deal with a person caught rioting.

      British Copper, "I am arresting you for theft and destruction of property! You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court." Copper takes the shoplifter by the arm and walks him out to the police car.


      I know which approach I prefer. Hint: it's not Lestrade's :devil:
      Last edited by DrStrange; 19 Jul 2012, 03:14.


        Re: Within neopaganism does feminism exist at the expense of male neopagans?

        Not quite but when US riot cops deploy, the Miranda warning comes after you're conveniently zip-tied and in little position to threaten them. Riot dispersion by gunfire looks messy on the news so we try to avoid shooting everyone first time out. Given an excess of tear gas, organized and specially equipped officers and maybe (don't know if its still a considered tactic) fire trucks with high pressure hoses, we've got some options before filling the streets with blood.
        Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

        Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

        "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

        John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

        "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

        Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


          Re: Within neopaganism does feminism exist at the expense of male neopagans?

          Originally posted by MaskedOne View Post
          Not quite but when US riot cops deploy, the Miranda warning comes after you're conveniently zip-tied and in little position to threaten them. Riot dispersion by gunfire looks messy on the news so we try to avoid shooting everyone first time out. Given an excess of tear gas, organized and specially equipped officers and maybe (don't know if its still a considered tactic) fire trucks with high pressure hoses, we've got some options before filling the streets with blood.
          At least US Cops do not stand around watching homes and businesses being looted and burned, while rioters throw bricks and petrol bombs at them. During one incident, a rioter fired several rounds at police from a pistol. It was only his appalling marksmanship that prevented several officers from losing their lives.

          This seems to be a British Disease; in France they have the CRS, who's response to riots is to steam in and swing their heavy batons like drunk, horny Canadians on the first day of Baby Seal Season. And the CRS are a bunch of choirboys when compared to Russia's OMON unit. mg:

          I don't know what they're like now, but it used to be said of the West German Riot police, only half-jokingly, that they continued the finest traditions of the Waffen SS.:devil: A British soldier who was given a tour of the unit described them as, "All about 7 foot tall, built like Arnold before he came off the steroids and equipped with enough weapons and kit to wipe out an Infantry platoon."

          It's only the the UK where our police lack the muscle and intestinal fortitude to close with and destroy the enemy.


            Re: Within neopaganism does feminism exist at the expense of male neopagans?

            Originally posted by orchestrion View Post
            Also you and others have said some pretty unabashedly misogynistic stuff in this thread and no one's chasing you off the site for it.
            Where was I mysogenistic? Just in the spirit of full disclosure I do think third wave feminism is a waste of time. Its a pop culture backswing of an essential civil rights movement that is less interested in activism and social change then self aggrandisement. IME the people involved wear feminism conspicuously like its a status item like a D&C handbag, standing up in bars shouting I love my vagina is common practice hilarious as that is its not standing up for equality or civil rights... its a bad replacement. The the reclaiming side. Things like venerating exploited sex workerrs in the name of reclaiming feminine sexual identity is just stupid. A prostitute is not liberated and only the dilletant child of second wave feminists would be so divorced from the realities of life that theyd think that someone whos life is that rough is an aspirational figure.

            Go look at Dr. strange's last post. "White straight men are targets!!!!"
            Also your whole story about the women at the moot is pretty much "baww i have a penis".
            I like you but there's just. Only so much misogyny I'm okay with seeing in one place. .___.
            Youre entitled to your feelings on this mate. I wish I was entitled to mine. Where I come from we dont do political correction, its the language of cowardice. If I feel a certain way Im not just entitled to express that feeling Im expected to. All I expressed in my first post was a feeling and I put the post in that context. The responses in this thread do make me think that the feeling was based on more then me just feeling left out of the community here though. Even appreciating the cultural differences that belie our common language theres a lot of people defending something that Id say is indefensable.

            Man bashing is common enough in neopaganism that leading members of the neopagan communities have addressed it in their published works. Like Isaac Bonewits the pagan man. Its not in my or anyone elses head.


              Re: Within neopaganism does feminism exist at the expense of male neopagans?

              Originally posted by DrStrange View Post
              At least US Cops do not stand around watching homes and businesses being looted and burned, while rioters throw bricks and petrol bombs at them. During one incident, a rioter fired several rounds at police from a pistol. It was only his appalling marksmanship that prevented several officers from losing their lives.

              This seems to be a British Disease; in France they have the CRS, who's response to riots is to steam in and swing their heavy batons like drunk, horny Canadians on the first day of Baby Seal Season. And the CRS are a bunch of choirboys when compared to Russia's OMON unit. mg:

              I don't know what they're like now, but it used to be said of the West German Riot police, only half-jokingly, that they continued the finest traditions of the Waffen SS.:devil: A British soldier who was given a tour of the unit described them as, "All about 7 foot tall, built like Arnold before he came off the steroids and equipped with enough weapons and kit to wipe out an Infantry platoon."

              It's only the the UK where our police lack the muscle and intestinal fortitude to close with and destroy the enemy.
              You mean the same OMON unit that busts up civil rights parades for gays and lesbians in Russia while Orthodox clerics chant words like "PERVERTS" and "GODLESS"? And did you really just insinuate that something similar to the SS would be better than the British police? I mean no offense here, honestly, it's the internet and so intent is sometimes misread without body language and inflection. I can't tell if you're joking or if you really would rather have the Russian or German jackboots over a watered-down police force.


                Re: Within neopaganism does feminism exist at the expense of male neopagans?

                Originally posted by DrStrange View Post
                It's only the the UK where our police lack the muscle and intestinal fortitude to close with and destroy the enemy.

                It really depends on who the enemy is, doesn't it? I'm getting a bit fed up with the view that the police in the UK are a gently, 'Mind how you go sir' lot. They're not. It's just that until fairly recently a lot of stuff never made it into the mainstream media.

                How about a mounted copper wielding a baton, bearing down on an unarmed woman during the Miner's Strikes in Thatcher's UK?

                This was not an isolated incident, either. Just unusual in that someone managed to photograph it without getting their camera smashed up.
                Attached Files

                Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                  Re: Within neopaganism does feminism exist at the expense of male neopagans?

                  There are bad apples in any profession. With police it's a horrible scenario cause people get killed violently and sometimes they are innocent. When they where looting in New Orleans the police were too so... I am worried about this election when combined with dire economic straights, the Martin/Zimmerman case, Occupy Movement and general sense of division we are going to have large scale riots here in US around November. I am usually not a pessimist but I think we are due soon.

                  Sorry this is so off topic.


                    Re: Within neopaganism does feminism exist at the expense of male neopagans?

                    Well, there's always the Chinese solution...

                    Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                      Re: Within neopaganism does feminism exist at the expense of male neopagans?

                      Originally posted by Witcher View Post
                      You mean the same OMON unit that busts up civil rights parades for gays and lesbians in Russia while Orthodox clerics chant words like "PERVERTS" and "GODLESS"? And did you really just insinuate that something similar to the SS would be better than the British police? I mean no offense here, honestly, it's the internet and so intent is sometimes misread without body language and inflection. I can't tell if you're joking or if you really would rather have the Russian or German jackboots over a watered-down police force.
                      Well you have to admit, the SS had really sexy uniforms...:devil:

                      All joking aside, I'd rather have a British version of the CRS: a paramilitary force separate from the normal police and selected and trained to a higher(not difficult)standard.

                      However they try to spin it, the fact remains British police did nothing to prevent the riots last year due to cowardice at the highest levels. When you hear a senior police officer state that the fact that no rioters were killed or seriously injured by the police should be regarded as a success, you know something is very wrong in the state of Denmark. The other problem was one of sheer numbers; it took three days and nights for the police to muster sufficient numbers of riot-trained personnel to re-take control of London. Prior to that, they left the law abiding citizens - who pay their damn wages! - to fend for themselves.

                      - - - Updated - - -

                      Originally posted by Tylluan Penry View Post
                      It really depends on who the enemy is, doesn't it? I'm getting a bit fed up with the view that the police in the UK are a gently, 'Mind how you go sir' lot. They're not. It's just that until fairly recently a lot of stuff never made it into the mainstream media.

                      How about a mounted copper wielding a baton, bearing down on an unarmed woman during the Miner's Strikes in Thatcher's UK?

                      This was not an isolated incident, either. Just unusual in that someone managed to photograph it without getting their camera smashed up.
                      There's an old joke that after the Miner's Strike was finished, the police Special Patrol Group wanted to push on to Moscow...
                      Last edited by DrStrange; 19 Jul 2012, 17:17.


                        Re: Within neopaganism does feminism exist at the expense of male neopagans?

                        What the hell is this thread about?
                        Satan is my spirit animal


                          Re: Within neopaganism does feminism exist at the expense of male neopagans?

                          Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                          What the hell is this thread about?
                          Gynocracies of amazons, NASCAR, and sexy SS uniforms.
                          Hearth and Hedge


                            Re: Within neopaganism does feminism exist at the expense of male neopagans?

                            Originally posted by Gardenia View Post
                            Gynocracies of amazons, NASCAR, and sexy SS uniforms.
                            well then. Carry on!
                            Satan is my spirit animal


                              Re: Within neopaganism does feminism exist at the expense of male neopagans?

                              Originally posted by Gardenia View Post
                              Gynocracies of amazons, NASCAR, and sexy SS uniforms.
                              Exactly! Do try to keep up, old chap!


                                Re: Within neopaganism does feminism exist at the expense of male neopagans?

                                Originally posted by DrStrange View Post
                                There's an old joke that after the Miner's Strike was finished, the police Special Patrol Group wanted to push on to Moscow...
                                Yes, I heard that one too! Not sure whether they really were joking though....

                                Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....

