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friend trying to convert me

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  • DanieMarie
    Re: friend trying to convert me

    I got this with many of my atheist friends. Mostly, they tried to "educate" me because they have this misguided view that everyone who believes in a religion doesn't believe in science, so I talk a lot about science lol. I did tell them that I believe what I believe and I consider it to be personal. Then I left it at that and never brought up my beliefs again. For the most part, it's worked. I don't really feel the need to discuss my path with others, and when I do, I do it on here or talk to my mom (who is interested). When I first found it I wanted to talk about it all the time to everyone, but now I've sort of mellowed out a bit and everyone has thankfully forgotten about it.

    So yea, I'd do the same in your situation. Just tell her that your beliefs are your own, and each person is entitled to their own world view, and that you'd be happy to hear about hers (since you told her about yours). Then leave it at that and see if she lets it alone.

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  • Sarkana night
    started a topic friend trying to convert me

    friend trying to convert me

    so, where to start??

    let's se, i have this very good (and very christian) friend that i've known since we were about... ten years old. but after she moved to away to another town, long away from where i live, i haven't seen her for almost three years, which felt strange to me, because i was used to have her hanging around everywhere. few days ago i was visiting her in her "new" house, and we were very happy finally to see each other again.

    but then i told her about my path, aztec belieafs, (which i've followed in two-three years now) and she started to tell me, that this was not a good idea. she tryed everything to convert me back to christianity again, and i tryed to tell her that i never really have been christian, but she doesn't wanted to listen. and now we can't really start a normal talk without her trying to convince me that i shouldn't keep belief in aztec mythology.

    what do you think i should do??