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how to tell when its a god or a animal totem

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    how to tell when its a god or a animal totem

    Hello every one

    Okay so I have been seeing two animals , owl and the spider. (and before it was strongly a snake) Now with the owl I see it in the stores places, even in random photos and television shows. I was also on the beach one day and was asked by spirit to pick up a little rock type thing. I picked it up and its face was an owl. Like it looks like an owl. So I am thinking it is my animal totem

    I also see spiders in normal waking reality and non-ordinary reality. I see spider in meditation, dreams, and even just through pictures, conversations, and sometimes when I leave my house theres one just chilling there. The other night in dream time, I had a dream about my mother and I on a dock. There was mountains and trees around us. Then this leaf starts to come towards us so I follow it to where it lands. It landed right in front of a web. Then in that web is a spider.

    I also in the past seen snakes. My question is, animals are also associated with deities. When I keep seeing the spider I think of the spider weaver goddess, and I am really attracted to the green man, and one of his animals is a snake. I also just have the feeling that the owl is my totem. My question is how do you tell when it is an animal spirit guide letting you know something, or when its a deity telling you something through that animal spirit. Also I would be open to working with the gods, but I don't have enough altar space around the house. I heard of you can create altars in the astral planes in meditation or lucid dreaming so I might just do that

    so my question is how do you tell when its an animal spirit guide, or a deity, and if its a deity how can I fix the altar space idea xD thanks

    Re: how to tell when its a god or a animal totem

    It all kind of depends on how you relate to both deity/gods and spirits. I have a few deities who choose to occasionally work with me, and it is enjoyable when they do, I regularly give offerings, but do not keep a formal altar myself. (kitties like to play on tables with candles...) but I do keep a few things in a chest that I can set up occasionally for a formal ritual if I feel the need to do one... But I don't think an altar is a nescessity, sometimes acandle and some words are all that they really require. Just keep in mind if you suspect deity involvement to tread with reverence, and respect. I can think of a few deities who don't like to be forgotten about! As for whether or not the animals you are currently relating with are totams or deities, that is hard for me to say. I work with a single animal when do journey work, but I work with other things as well, not all spirits are animals, but not all animals are spirits. If you feel something like the pull of the gods or a god or divinity, its best to not ignore it.

    But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
    ~Jim Butcher


      Re: how to tell when its a god or a animal totem

      I'm not sure that it matters either way. What do YOU think? And...have you tried asking it?
      Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


        Re: how to tell when its a god or a animal totem

        Sometimes the best way to find out is just to ask. Ask the deity you think it might be, or the spirit. If you've got a strong gut feeling, might want to try acting on that first. Sometimes it takes a few tries to get a clear reply, of course. If you already have spirit helpers, journey and ask them, they might have a better idea of who might be trying to contact you as well.

        Also, it might help to know there is a third option. It may not be a deity or a spirit guide coming as an animal. Sometimes animals are just symbols of the subconscious, or of our guides, like any other symbol we might come across in dreaming or journeying. It's possible to work with animal symbolism without working with a spirit animal of that form. Hope that makes sense.

        As far as altars go, not sure what sort of space you're working with, but it's possible to make a very small altar. They don't have to be huge with lots of tools, just maybe a small candle, a bit of incense, and a few small symbols relating to the deity (or spirit, or whatever). I have a travel altar that fits into a very small box - it's just a mini taper candle and holder, small incense cone holder and a few cones, two little sake cups for offerings, a little vial of scented oil for anointing, and a tiny box of amber and a few little stones and such. A little pouch or box filled with symbols, stones, plant/wood, etc. can also serve as an altar of sorts.
        Hearth and Hedge


          Re: how to tell when its a god or a animal totem

          Thank you all so much!!! I will do a journey to ask the deity/spirit for some clarification


            Re: how to tell when its a god or a animal totem

            IMO the spirit guide/totem is a part of yourself. A god/ess is (of course) not.
            ~ flowers are our only garments
            only songs make our pain subside ~

