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What Is Your Wand Made Out Of?

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    What Is Your Wand Made Out Of?

    Just as the title of this thread says... What is your magic wand made out of? Is it fully crystal? Metal? Glass? Wood?

    Pictures are appreciated!!


    I am looking for ideas when it comes to wands, so I would love to see what you guys have.

    Re: What Is Your Wand Made Out Of?

    Bamboo Wood, I don't know how to attach a crystal to its tip.

    Check out my blog! The Daily Satanist


      Re: What Is Your Wand Made Out Of?

      Hot glue generally works. Otherwise, you may try wire-wrapping a rough stone onto the end of the wand.


        Re: What Is Your Wand Made Out Of?

        Some kind of wood. Not sure what, I found it on the ground over ten years ago. I painted it black, painted on some runes, glued some stones along the length and to the tip, and wrapped some black yarn tightly around the end to serve as a handle.

        I just now took a picture for ya. My wand is a bit longer than normal (shut up, childish mind) so I couldn't quite get all of it in view, but you get the gist. Also, try to ignore my hairy beastliness...I just got up a few minutes ago.
        Attached Files
        Children love and want to be loved and they very much prefer the joy of accomplishment to the triumph of hateful failure. Do not mistake a child for his symptom.
        -Erik Erikson


          Re: What Is Your Wand Made Out Of?

          My wand is a branch I found on the ground. Felt right so I grabbed it and pealed off the top layer of bark. Havn't done anything to it yet, but have been contemplating if I need to. I like it natural the way it is. It's cedar wood.
          Kemetic Blog -

          Bring your grains of Salt.


            Re: What Is Your Wand Made Out Of?

            I have no wand. I hope to soon.


              Re: What Is Your Wand Made Out Of?

              I use a small stang (so it's like a forked wand of sorts) made from white oak wood, decorated with some leather and beads. I often use it to symbolize the world tree, so I thought wood would make the most sense for that. Also because I like to work with a variety of materials, and I already have metal, ceramic, and glass tools.
              Hearth and Hedge


                Re: What Is Your Wand Made Out Of?

                I've got a wand somewhere in storage. No idea what the wood is but after I pealed off the top part of the bark its a pretty goldish white. The stick felt good so I used it. I've got a stone attached to the tip; it's either a raw ruby or amethyst, I forget which, that I got on a school trip to a geologic place a while back. I'm not entirely sure where it is now.

                I've got a staff that is essentially the support rod from a storage thingy. Pretty sure it's pine. The thingy is broken so I did some repurposing since I cant bring a big branch into the house. It's painted black and green withe runes along it. Currently it's in storage. Honestly I've never been one for using wands/staffs too extensively but they're fun projects
                They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
                Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
                -Madeline Miller, Circe


                  Re: What Is Your Wand Made Out Of?

                  Originally posted by Clive View Post
                  Some kind of wood. Not sure what, I found it on the ground over ten years ago. I painted it black, painted on some runes, glued some stones along the length and to the tip, and wrapped some black yarn tightly around the end to serve as a handle.

                  I just now took a picture for ya. My wand is a bit longer than normal (shut up, childish mind) so I couldn't quite get all of it in view, but you get the gist. Also, try to ignore my hairy beastliness...I just got up a few minutes ago.
                  Ya know your hairy beastliness is a wee bit on the sexy side

                  As for the topic at hand, I do not use a wand any more, I have a big arse staff I found in the woods, I have no clue what it is other than I am fairly certain it is some manner of beach. The fat side gets periodically tied with different ribbons, and has different herbs tied to it and other such things. Beyond that I sort of like it the way it is... its regular shape is what caught my attention, so why alter it? you can see it leaning on top of my ostara alter pic, in the ostara thread, tiny bloody pic, but thats all I got at the moment.

                  My very first wand, back when I used one was an unsharpened #2 pencil with red yarn wrapped around it (literaly all I had.) I used it along with my swiss army athame ( :P ) and birthday candles which were stuck into gum which was stuck on some paving stones, and a plastic cup... I had drawn a picture for a god/goddess representation. This was back in Iraq, and I have not been so specific in a long time, I also keep a standing altar now, so things are in constant collection...

                  But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                  ~Jim Butcher


                    Re: What Is Your Wand Made Out Of?

                    My Wand is made out of wood. Not sure what kind of wood, but I found it on the ground in a local park and figured "hey this would be perfect for my wand", so I whittled it down some and customized it to my liking. Its a little different, because it has one end where I hold it that has a perfect split in the middle, so what did I do with it? I attached a ribbon and a bell. Somehow seemed appropriate. But it works and it's been that way ever since!


                      Re: What Is Your Wand Made Out Of?

                      The one I actually use the most is mad of Oak or Sweetgum. I really don't remember anymore. I do have a crystal in the tip. However, this isn't the only wand that I own. I also have one that is made from a Chinaberry tree from my apartment's back yard that I use with my coven and another from driftwood that I collected at the beach for ocean themed spells. I like to have opinions when doing my magickal workings. The one I am currently working on that will replace all others is going to be made from a combination of wood and metal. The metal is actually from a rod that originally kept my ankle fused together but after the bone set I had an infection so they had to remove it. I asked to keep it. Purple colored titanium should make for an interesting wand. lol


                        Re: What Is Your Wand Made Out Of?

                        I don't actually use one (nor have I ever) but I find wands and walking sticks to be absolutely gorgeous.

                        Mostly art.


                          Re: What Is Your Wand Made Out Of?

                          Driftwood, but I rarely use it.


                            Re: What Is Your Wand Made Out Of?

                            Turkey leg, copper, oak, an agate.
                            Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                              Re: What Is Your Wand Made Out Of?

                              I have a bucket filled with cool stuff to make a wand with, never got around to it.
                              Trust is knowing someone or something well enough to have a good idea of their motivations and character, for good or for ill. People often say trust when they mean faith.

