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A sickly healer

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    A sickly healer

    I have known a person who does energy healing for several years and have watched her decline, both physically and psychologically, over the last couple of years. She was using a cane when we first met, so I have never seen her truly healthy, but this change seems more spiritual. I am concerned, but don't know how to bring the topic up since we are not particularly close. Not only did her aura look a sickly yellow green the last time I saw her, the house feels heavy and her conversation is almost perpetually negative. I absolutely did not want her to touch me, and fortunately the nature of the visit was such that it was not an expectation on her part. After about an hour and a half I began to feel poorly and tired, but was fine once I got home. And so. On one hand, I do not know what purposes may be served by the choices she has made, and perhaps the life she has is the life she is choosing, whether consciously or not. On the other hand, I feel certain that some type oif intervention is needed, only that I am perhaps not the right person to do it. I actually lead a rather solitary existence, and am quite happy that way, so my skills in this area are not well developed. On the third hand, which I keep discreetly tucked away until needed, it seems odd that I am the only one reacting to this, so maybe it is me. Thoughts? Experiences? Thanks if you have insights.

    "No, no, you're not thinking; you're just being logical." -- Niels Bohr

    Re: A sickly healer

    It may be that they are unconsciously using their own energy supply to heal those that they work with.

    Another possibility, is that an entity or spirit has attached to her, and she is unaware of it. Non-earthly entities need something to latch onto in the Earth Realm so they can continue to thrive here. A very good friend of mine had a malevolent entity attached to his back for a number of years, until he was able to go to an experienced person about it and get it removed. It fed off of his energy like a leech, and also caused physical symptoms.


      Re: A sickly healer

      Not discounting what WinterTraditions has said above but here's another possibility.

      Maybe it's got nothing to do with her at all. It could be something like prolonged exposure to ELF/EMF signals.

      NIOSH research on protecting workers from proven and possible EMF health risks focuses on:

      RF (radio frequencies)—including broadcast antennas, induction heaters, and cell telephones
      ELF (extremely low frequencies)—including AC electricity and video display terminals (VDTs)
      Static Magnetic Fields—including DC electricity.
      Most work places today have OSHA regulations to reduce the health risks associated with ELF/EMF but a lot of (older) homes haven't been brought up to modern standards. You can get some pretty cheap EMF meters at home depot. There are some expensive ones too. If they're anything like my Multi-Meters that I use at work, it's kind of one of those you get what you pay for deals so if you're thinking of actually purchasing one, read the reviews. (PS: Some people will probably refer to these as "Ghost Meters" or something to that nature).

      Just something to consider.
      �Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer.�
      ― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
      Sneak Attack
      Avatar picture by the wonderful and talented TJSGrimm.


        Re: A sickly healer

        On the spiritual end of things, it seems quite possible that, as Winter said, she's using too much of her own vital force in the healing, instead of drawing it from around her or using what her patients already possess. Where was she trained? Seems especially likely if she's self taught.

        I've also heard of cases where healers can 'take on' the illness of the patients they heal, either through the prolonged spiritual contact or for karmic reasons (I'm a little skeptical about the subject of karma, but I came across this in multiple trusted sources which corroborated eachother).

        I'm even more skeptical about spiritual attack, since in my experience these tend to be cases of crying wolf from people with an inflated sense of self importance, but I suppose it's technically possible.

        Or, it could be any of a host of other issues. Really it's impossible to say unless you bring it up with her, it could just as easily be some environmental factor, or an as of yet undiscovered illness.


          Re: A sickly healer

          I got my second level Reiki Attunement before I moved back home and when I did a healing on my father I got a really bad headache. He was relaxed and relieved, but I was in mental agony until he cleaned me off (kind of funny, actually), but he wasn't effected at all. Maybe it's his experience or my teacher wasn't the right teacher for me, or I just did it wrong.

          My kung fu instructor, who is also a qi gong healer, told me that all healers take on their patients issues whether they are aware of it or not, thus the importance of grounding and centering after dealing with others, especially the sickly. This is one reason internal kung fu masters and Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors do qigong daily- it not only revitalizes their own vitality but clears away any deviations or blockages they have picked up from their patients.

          I have seen a few healers who are injured, drained or just head cases because they are not clearing off the sickly and negative debris from their healing sessions. I have noticed this with a lot of intuitively 'trained' 'healers.' From a shaman I know, he always sages himself first and then the participants in the ritual, then sages after for safe measure to ensure we are all energetically and spiritually clean, which I think a lot of healers don't do because it isn't 'politically correct' to have aromas during a session. Modern healers also follow New Age dogma when it comes to their systems, such as "God and guides will take care of it," "They are healing themselves, you are only the messenger, so no harm can be done," etc, which leads to the types of symptoms you are discussing, at least in my opinion and what I have seen.


            Re: A sickly healer

            Thank you for these responses. She was/is a reiki master who moved on to quantum touch -- since I have not studied these I do not know whether she practices according to protocols or not -- she also uses a lot of crystals. I have never witnessed her cleansing her home, a client, a crystal, or herself, though we are not close and I don't see her very often. An EMF meter is not a bad idea, though she is far enough out that the source would have to be natural I think. Then again, maybe somebody put up a cell tower I don't know about. Psy, she is definitely of the New Age variety, and very firm in her beliefs. Even as she struggles with physical injuries that will not heal (over a year now) she falls into a repetitive cadence of stories about people who have healed themselves just by taking thought when/if the subject is broached.

            It still leaves me to decide what, if anything, I should do.

            "No, no, you're not thinking; you're just being logical." -- Niels Bohr


              Re: A sickly healer

              Well, the worst that can happen is if you mention the healer's health to her, you'll get an earful of complaints or denial - or maybe a, "Hey, you might just be right". It doesn't take much effort to say something like, "You seem to be having a hard time lately - does something have you down?" or even, "You seem tired. Are you sleeping well?" If her complaint is general malaise, maybe a flu that hangs around, then you could suggest some psychic house-cleaning as a solution.
              The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


                Re: A sickly healer

                Oh, I have said something, the response is a rather long, "repetitive cadence of stories about people who have healed themselves just by taking thought." I have entered that loop a couple of times in the last year; it is like she flips a switch in her head and the recitation begins. If I steer conversation to herself specifically it invariable become tales of how others have wronged her and how good and long suffering she has been. Two recordings: the power of the mind and the martyrdom of herself.

                After reading the posts here I figure nothing harmed by checking EMF, and if that is good then decisions are more complicated. I don't think butting into the details of her practice would be received well, particularly coming from some one unschooled like me, but it sounds like asking quite specifically about how she cleans things up might be the right question, though I may not be the right person to ask it. I suppose the best intervention, if I so choose, is bringing a healer she would respect to her next workshop.

                "No, no, you're not thinking; you're just being logical." -- Niels Bohr


                  Re: A sickly healer

                  Originally posted by nbdy View Post
                  If I steer conversation to herself specifically it invariable become tales of how others have wronged her and how good and long suffering she has been. Two recordings: the power of the mind and the martyrdom of herself.
                  I have one of those exact same types of people at my job. No one ever asks her "how are you?" anymore :P
                  The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.

