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Greek Pantheon Asks - A Question Game

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    Greek Pantheon Asks - A Question Game

    I found this on tumblr, and I liked it, and it's been a while since we've done something like this...

    What do you find attractive in a partner?
    Apollo: Favourite song?
    Ares: If you had to fight someone in a duel, what would be your weapon of choice?
    Artemis: Favourite animal?
    Athena: Do you have any special talents?
    Demeter: Favourite food?
    Dionysus: Favourite drink?
    Hades: If you could meet a person from history, who would it be and why?
    Hephaestus: If you could learn a skill instantly, what would you choose?
    Hera: Do you want to get married and/or have children?
    Hermes: Where in the world would you most like to visit?
    Hestia: Where do you most want to live?
    Poseidon: If you were shipwrecked on a tropical island, what would you want to have with you?
    Zeus: If you ruled the world, what would you change?

    Mostly art.

    Re: Greek Pantheon Asks - A Question Game

    Aphrodite: What do you find attractive in a partner? Hairy, rugged manliness.

    Apollo: Favourite song? Doing the Unstuck by The Cure.

    Ares: If you had to fight someone in a duel, what would be your weapon of choice? Crossbow.

    Artemis: Favourite animal? Turtle.

    Athena: Do you have any special talents? Only in the sack.

    Demeter: Favourite food? A big, huge, messy burrito.

    Dionysus: Favourite drink? Jack and Coke, my Lord.

    Hades: If you could meet a person from history, who would it be and why? Bill Hicks. Just so I could listen to him speak.

    Hephaestus: If you could learn a skill instantly, what would you choose? Gourmet cooking.

    Hera: Do you want to get married and/or have children? Meeting someone I could see myself being with forever would be nice. A non-legal Handfasting would be nice. Children, definitely not. You shouldn't have either, Hera. Worst mother ever.

    Hermes: Where in the world would you most like to visit? Germany. I want to meet some men there.

    Hestia: Where do you most want to live? Hawaii. I'm sorry, my Lady Hestia, but it was Pele who blessed me in this regard.

    Poseidon: If you were shipwrecked on a tropical island, what would you want to have with you? Something capable of cracking coconuts.

    Zeus: If you ruled the world, what would you change? Burritos would grow on trees.
    Children love and want to be loved and they very much prefer the joy of accomplishment to the triumph of hateful failure. Do not mistake a child for his symptom.
    -Erik Erikson


      Re: Greek Pantheon Asks - A Question Game

      Aphrodite: What do you find attractive in a partner?

      Me: Optimism and the ability to snuggle.

      Apollo: Favourite song?

      Me: Most Touhou-related songs. Apparitions Stalk the Night, U.N owen was Her?, Fires of Hokkai, Legend of the Great Gods, ect.

      Ares: If you had to fight someone in a duel, what would be your weapon of choice?

      Me: Depends. If it's to kill, then certainly a gun of some kind. If not (and we're thinking medieval), a spear.

      Artemis: Favourite animal?

      Me: HAMSTERS dfjkgrfesg

      Athena: Do you have any special talents?

      Me: My ability to break charisma?

      Demeter: Favourite food?

      Me: Oranges! Tangerines! Anything within the Orange family!

      Dionysus: Favourite drink?

      Me: .....Orange Julius? Or simply orange juice.

      Hades: If you could meet a person from history, who would it be and why?

      Me: Nicholas Flamel or John Dee... They are extremely cool people. One is an alchemist, the other worked with the Queen of England and dabbled in angelic magicks.

      Hephaestus: If you could learn a skill instantly, what would you choose?

      Me: The ability to write good fiction without taking more than half a year for each book.

      Hera: Do you want to get married and/or have children?

      Me: No and possibly no. Do adopted children count?

      Hermes: Where in the world would you most like to visit?

      Me: I want to go to Japan again!

      Hestia: Where do you most want to live?

      Me: If I knew Japanese.... Japan. Yokohama, maybe.

      Poseidon: If you were shipwrecked on a tropical island, what would you want to have with you?

      Me: Everything.

      Zeus: If you ruled the world, what would you change?

      Me: Execution of proven, red-handed criminals so money is not spent uselessly keeping them in a prison, only for them to be released and cause more harm.... Religious equality to all, the rehabilitation of people who do stupid things (Snorting a condom up your nose, sticking your hand in a sharks mouth, ect.)...


        Re: Greek Pantheon Asks - A Question Game

        Aphrodite: What do you find attractive in a partner?

        Male: high cheekbones, muscular forearms, broad shoulders (or anything which suggests you work hard for a living), and a nice ass.
        Female: Tits, hips, and lips.
        Personality wise: intelligence, wry humour, cynicism, quick wit, and compassion to balance out my lack thereof.

        Apollo: Favourite song?

        The musical world is far too vast for a favourite song, but I'm generally fond of anything with a harmony and a melody. And harps are badass.

        Ares: If you had to fight someone in a duel, what would be your weapon of choice?

        Lance. I'd joust the shit out of them.

        Artemis: Favourite animal?

        I'm really fond of deer, and coyotes, and I get way too excited over the arctic least weasel. Pretty much any of the arctic animals EXCEPT the wolverine. Foxes are up there on the list. Domesticated animal would be the cat.

        Athena: Do you have any special talents?

        I can: make a stove out of a soda can, navigate by map and compass alone, I can spear throw and axe throw with decency, I'm a longbow archer, and I can now add mead-maker to the list. Oh, and I bend in half.

        Demeter: Favourite food?


        Dionysus: Favourite drink?

        In order: mead, wine, and ribena.

        Hades: If you could meet a person from history, who would it be and why?

        I can come up with a number of people throughout history, but if I could choose only one: Marilyn Monroe. Why? So that I could be given the opportunity to fall in love with her. Because that would be an honour and a blessing.

        Hephaestus: If you could learn a skill instantly, what would you choose?


        Hera: Do you want to get married and/or have children?

        Yes, and I'd rather adopt.

        Hermes: Where in the world would you most like to visit?

        I would really like to see the Sahara before I die, or Antarctica. So long as I see all five oceans, I think I could be content. (I've seen three so far). Where would I like to return to the most? Solid tie between Europe and India.

        Hestia: Where do you most want to live?

        In the woods, on a large property, in a tiny home, with an extensive garden, and a cat or two, with a goat and some chickens. Locale TBA. (but France would be nice)

        Poseidon: If you were shipwrecked on a tropical island, what would you want to have with you?

        Another person to kill spiders for me.

        Zeus: If you ruled the world, what would you change?

        I'd probably make the entire world D'Angeline.
        Last edited by volcaniclastic; 08 May 2013, 15:47.

        Mostly art.


          Re: Greek Pantheon Asks - A Question Game

          Aphrodite: What do you find attractive in a partner?
          A great sense of humor, a love of discussion. A sense of adventure.

          Apollo: Favourite song?
          Oh, I have far too many to really count. Kissing Families - Silversun Pickups is pretty high on the list. Gasoline - The Airborne Toxic Event Some Nights - Fun. The entire Battle Star Galactica soundtrack

          Ares: If you had to fight someone in a duel, what would be your weapon of choice?
          Falchion. It just looks way too badass.

          Artemis: Favourite animal?
          Ring-Tailed Lemur, Domestic Rats, Octopi/Squid

          Athena: Do you have any special talents?
          I know how to safely scream/rasp/death-grunt while singing. I'm very good at avoiding unwanted attention.

          Demeter: Favourite food?
          I love food. Fresh Fruits and vegetables. Fish. Chocolate. It's so hard to choose.

          Dionysus: Favourite drink?
          Spiced rum, anything rainbow coloured, anything fruity.

          Hades: If you could meet a person from history, who would it be and why?
          Cleopatra. I find her a very interesting person and would love to know the truth behind the stories.

          Hephaestus: If you could learn a skill instantly, what would you choose?
          How to run/market/network a small business.

          Hera: Do you want to get married and/or have children?
          I am married And we're planning on kids in about five years. 2 of them, and if my husband has his way, a boy and then a girl.

          Hermes: Where in the world would you most like to visit?
          Everywhere? If I could only choose one place, I'd go back to Scotland and do a proper visit there.

          Hestia: Where do you most want to live?
          Vancouver Island, right near the water.

          Poseidon: If you were shipwrecked on a tropical island, what would you want to have with you?
          Captain Jack Sparrow

          Zeus: If you ruled the world, what would you change?
          I'd stop ruling the world and hand it off to someone more capable. Because no one wants me to rule the world. Though I would try to set up better gender and racial equality before handing the reins over.
          My Tumblr
          My Webcomic
          My Twitter


            Re: Greek Pantheon Asks - A Question Game

            Aphrodite: What do you find attractive in a partner?

            Fit, intelligent, spiritual, philosophical, artistic, kind but to the point when she needs to be. A tough lady but full of compassion and love.

            Apollo: Favourite song?

            A toss up between Green Day or Lindsey Stirling... just about every song by Green Day or Electric Daisy Violin by Lindsey Stirling.

            Ares: If you had to fight someone in a duel, what would be your weapon of choice?

            If it was just to beat them down but let them live my fists or a pair of sticks, if it was to the death... a katana. It can cut bullets in half.
            For all around purposes cayenne pepper (eyes are very vulnerable and it helps cauterize wounds).

            Artemis: Favourite animal?

            Birds in general but I love crows, hawks and blue birds/ blue jays. And my mom's cat that is technically mine. He's awesome.

            Athena: Do you have any special talents?

            My ego is HUGE.Honestly though, I am proud if my martial arts ability and personal theories on the nature of existence and journaling them by way of doodles and writing and utilizing my knowledge through meditation and energy work.
            Demeter: Favourite food?

            Sandwich filled with lots of veggies, olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt and pepper and some meat. Lots of veggies and oils are of prime importance.

            Dionysus: Favourite drink?

            Non-Alcoholic- Fresh Cold Water or organic fruit smoothie
            Alcoholic- Belhaven Scottish Stout

            Hades: If you could meet a person from history, who would it be and why?

            Buddha because he's friggin' Buddha!

            Hephaestus: If you could learn a skill instantly, what would you choose?

            Music theory and its application for guitar.

            Hera: Do you want to get married and/or have children?

            I definitely want to find my life partner but children are a big maybe. I would rather adopt then add another number to the list if I was going to have children.

            Hermes: Where in the world would you most like to visit?

            Kunyu Mountain Martial Arts Academy in Beijing because you can train with ex-Shaolin, Wudang martial monks and local masters for 6 hours 5 days a week and visit the local temples. You can also learn Calligraphy, Mandarin and massage. Food, board and training all included in the package.

            Hestia: Where do you most want to live?

            I'm happy where I am.

            Poseidon: If you were shipwrecked on a tropical island, what would you want to have with you?

            My sanity, optimism and what little survival skills I've picked up through the years.

            Zeus: If you ruled the world, what would you change?

            Governments would kindly govern and protect it's people (for the pigs by the pigs, oh sorry, I mean for the people by the people), corporations would sell sustainable and lasting products and money would be easier to attain and maintain, harmful and unnecessary chemicals (in foods, farms, medicine) would be eradicated safely, more money would be given to scientific development (medicine, biology, ecology, etc- you know, the good stuff that helps humanity and our planet in a positive way) and paranormal research, real religious, gender, sexual orientation equality. To make a long list short- I would change A LOT and lend leadership over to those specialized in those areas who have a good track record with practical results and the community at large.


              Re: Greek Pantheon Asks - A Question Game

              Aphrodite: What do you find attractive in a partner?

              Sexual adventurousness!

              Apollo: Favourite song?

              Right now? Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men. Of all time? Drops of Jupiter by Train

              Ares: If you had to fight someone in a duel, what would be your weapon of choice?

              A cricket bat.

              Artemis: Favourite animal?

              The domestic dog. Especially my domestic dog.

              Athena: Do you have any special talents?

              I'm spectacularly untalented. What's up with that, anyway, Athena?

              Demeter: Favourite food?

              Pomegranates. Sorry for bringing that up, Demeter.

              Dionysus: Favourite drink?

              Good, old-fashioned, sun-brewed, unsweetened, iced black tea.

              Hades: If you could meet a person from history, who would it be and why?

              Nikolai Tesla.

              Hephaestus: If you could learn a skill instantly, what would you choose?

              To be able speak fluently in any language I hear (without losing the ability to speak in my native language for that duration of time) and remember how to speak it.

              Hera: Do you want to get married and/or have children?

              Already married, child-free by choice.

              Hermes: Where in the world would you most like to visit?


              Hestia: Where do you most want to live?


              Poseidon: If you were shipwrecked on a tropical island, what would you want to have with you?

              A lifetime supply of fresh, uncontaminated drinking water in an easily managed source.

              Zeus: If you ruled the world, what would you change?

              I would change the lack of fresh, uncontaminated drinking water from easily managed sources for everyone. I'd be the Oprah of drinking water - "You get a freshwater uncontaminated drinking water source! And so do you! And you, too! And you over there!"
              The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


                Re: Greek Pantheon Asks - A Question Game

                What do you find attractive in a partner?
                The ability to converse with me, and a sense of humor I can relate to. no fear of sexual experimentation. A sense of freedom and a wish to explore to equal my own!

                Apollo: Favourite song?
                Castle Down

                Ares: If you had to fight someone in a duel, what would be your weapon of choice?
                Small handgun

                Artemis: Favourite animal?
                Cats of all kinds

                Athena: Do you have any special talents?
                Not really?

                Demeter: Favourite food?
                I really like pasta

                Dionysus: Favourite drink?

                Hades: If you could meet a person from history, who would it be and why?
                Calligula, I wanna know if he was just a dumb bored rich guy, or properly mad.

                Hephaestus: If you could learn a skill instantly, what would you choose?
                Is doctoring a skill? I wanna learn doctoring...

                Hera: Do you want to get married and/or have children?
                I want to have 1 child.

                Hermes: Where in the world would you most like to visit?

                Hestia: Where do you most want to live?
                On the coast. with a nearby forest on the top of a cliff, in a tiny house built into the side of it. and a cave and damnit I want everything!, but most especially, privacy....

                Poseidon: If you were shipwrecked on a tropical island, what would you want to have with you?
                A really large machete, and a tarp.

                Zeus: If you ruled the world, what would you change?
                Find a way to value intelligence more, teach the merits of birth control, and find a way for all people to be treated equal... and clearly having all of the answers would help...
                Last edited by Maria de Luna; 09 May 2013, 02:31.

                But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                ~Jim Butcher


                  Re: Greek Pantheon Asks - A Question Game

                  What do you find attractive in a partner? vitality, intellect
                  Apollo: Favourite song? don't have one
                  Ares: If you had to fight someone in a duel, what would be your weapon of choice? remote detonator linked to an explosive in their skull, I really don't like fair fights. Presuming a fair fight, handgun most likely, I'm a passable shot and I've used them more recently than rifles.
                  Artemis: Favourite animal? I'm fond of raptors, whales, and bears. don't have a specific favorite
                  Athena: Do you have any special talents? not answering questions in meaningful ways
                  Demeter: Favourite food? pizza (at least 3 times out of 5 it is)
                  Dionysus: Favourite drink? soda, (too many that I like to list)
                  Hades: If you could meet a person from history, who would it be and why? don't know for sure
                  Hephaestus: If you could learn a skill instantly, what would you choose? how much of computer science can I fit into one skill?
                  Hera: Do you want to get married and/or have children? married, eventually, kids yet to be determined
                  Hermes: Where in the world would you most like to visit? don't know
                  Hestia: Where do you most want to live? really don't know
                  Poseidon: If you were shipwrecked on a tropical island, what would you want to have with you? a satellite phone with a gps chip
                  Zeus: If you ruled the world, what would you change? my job description, as soon as remotely feasible
                  Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                  Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                  "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                  John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                  "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                  Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                    Re: Greek Pantheon Asks - A Question Game

                    Aphrodite: What do you find attractive in a partner?
                    being able to hold a conversation, a good sense of humor, kindness, a slight bit of mystery and a love for romance

                    Apollo: Favourite song?
                    changes...but as of right now i would have to say Ke$ha 'Chain Reaction'

                    Ares: If you had to fight someone in a duel, what would be your weapon of choice?
                    close combat, dual wielding daggers, fast and silent killers

                    Artemis: Favourite animal?
                    anything Feline

                    Athena: Do you have any special talents?
                    art and a good sense for people

                    Demeter: Favourite food?

                    Dionysus: Favourite drink?

                    Hades: If you could meet a person from history, who would it be and why?
                    I'd want to meet Cleopatra the stories, have me very interested and I would just love to know the actual person! See how she truly was!

                    Hephaestus: If you could learn a skill instantly, what would you choose?
                    I'd learn another language

                    Hera: Do you want to get married and/or have children?
                    yes and yes

                    Hermes: Where in the world would you most like to visit?
                    Tunisia, India, Egypt, The Netherlands and Brazil (during Festival times >>> PAARTEEYYY)

                    Hestia: Where do you most want to live?
                    definitely not Germany lol somewhere the weather is always warm....i dont like being cold!

                    Poseidon: If you were shipwrecked on a tropical island, what would you want to have with you?
                    a compass, a mirror, first aid kit, a knife, a lover and my son

                    Zeus: If you ruled the world, what would you change?
                    I've decided my list is too long lol A LOT !!

