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    Alright Ladies and Gentlemen
    so here is a little something that has followed me my entire life...I seem to have "startling" thoughts and emotions sometimes, that usually end up coming true...
    They are usually very realistic visions and are accompanied by a physical reaction, which is usually a tingling sensation on any body part really (hands, legs, arms, head etc) or even pain.
    It usually starts with me drifting off a little, then comes the vision, it is realistic to touch, smell and sight, because of this i seem to startle "awake", then comes
    the tingling sensation for good things, pain for bad things. these visions as I said usually come true some time later down the road.
    For an example, I knew that I was going to have a Son before I ever thought about getting pregnant...I had a vision of me setting in the grass with a very young boy,
    he was blonde and had big blue eyes, and I knew I was his Mother. As I "awoke" from this I had a tingling sensation in my abdomen.
    Now 4 years down the road I have a 1 and a half year old blonde baby boy with big blue eyes and I love setting in our back yard with him in our lawn.....he is a splitting
    image of the child from my vision.
    As I said there are also bad examples out there...where I have been in pain. Over time I have learnt to control these "emotions"...
    but I'm still curious, does anyone else experience similar things? If so I am highly interested in what you call it affects you...what you do about it? do you engage them? etc etc.
    Thanks and Blessings!!

    Re: PreCog?!

    well science says that everything is connected and magickal theory says this aswell, science also says thats that particles and atoms act in pridictable ways
    so if a person could know the location, orientation and vector (speed and direction) the could theoretically with enough computing power predict the interactions of these particles from that point on to the end of time and as such know future events.
    how ever then we come to the paradox
    that by knowing future events, you could do something that wasnt ment to happen and thus change the course of the future, however having made that descision to do it differently would be a future event and now would change the future to a different outcome which you would try to change and so on and so forth,
    it desolves into a paradox
    but the way i see it ,is that the human brain has both the computting power and the connection to every atom in the unverse and there for can see the future (if the mnd is open to it)and although we cant see the whole of time because that would cause us to change it if we did just notice the odd thing here and there but in a context that we didnt actually change anything of we would have technically seen the future
    this is why i dont believe in divination or fate, not because the person cant see it but because by just seeing it you've already changed the future i believe that everythign is the way it is because its meant to be but i dont think we can know it without changing it and ill give you and example. say the future said your was having a heart attack and was going to die, so you act on it you stop it from happening, so say you had another vision right after that that your i dunno your teacher was going to have a car crash. so you see the future your dad dies of a heart attack and a week later your teacher has a crash
    so you change your future and save your dad, then you wait for your teacher to have a crash but it never happens because by changing your dad's future you caused a changed of were citian atoms were at cirtain times so the other events after that very first instant event will no longer happen because youve changes the original movements of the atoms.

    atleast this is how i see it,

    and sorry guys i know it doesnt exactly answer the op, we had this discussion over PM and this was what i said, got told i should post it up lol.


      Re: PreCog?!

      I have vivid dreams that happen. Sometimes they're rather mundane, and just consist of regular events mixed with what I call "markers"...things that are a little unusual that break up the averageness of the rest of the scene. They're usually how I remember I dreamed up the whole situation the night or week before. These could be things like a very unusually dressed person, dropping all my groceries, etc. I've also dreamed of a few accidents and other abnormal events. One guy died once. That was pretty horrible.

      I get flashes of things sometimes too. I sometimes wonder if they're mini warnings. Sometimes they happen, but luckily none of the bad ones have. I think it's because I started to pay attention to them.


        Re: PreCog?!

        Originally posted by DanieMarie View Post
        I have vivid dreams that happen. Sometimes they're rather mundane, and just consist of regular events mixed with what I call "markers"...things that are a little unusual that break up the averageness of the rest of the scene. They're usually how I remember I dreamed up the whole situation the night or week before. These could be things like a very unusually dressed person, dropping all my groceries, etc. I've also dreamed of a few accidents and other abnormal events. One guy died once. That was pretty horrible.

        I get flashes of things sometimes too. I sometimes wonder if they're mini warnings. Sometimes they happen, but luckily none of the bad ones have. I think it's because I started to pay attention to them.
        This is exactly how I have 'visions,' but I never saw anybody die that was precognitive (and I am glad). The feelings are usually different. My precognitive dreams are more vivid. I am still trying to find more triggers that let me know what is a precognitive dream and what is just wacky subconscious melting.

        I have also noticed that what I sometimes think are fantasies, stories and character development for mini stories I write, actually end up happening to a small degree. For example, (this might sound a little kooky), when I was younger I wrote a story about a hit man who hunted fallen angels and demons with his son. His son died and ended up being an important part of hell- a leader of sorts. He killed demons and fallen angels with a special type of gun that shot special bullets. He hunted demons and fallen angels to save the world... (mind you, I still don't read fiction and had no access to TV back then).

        Fast forward ten years later and I am watching Supernatural. The story is a bit different, but it is about two brothers that hunt demons and fallen angels, they were taught by their father (not a hit man), they both end up in hell but one is chosen from birth to be the vessel for Lucifer- a leader of sorts, and have a special knife that kills demons and used to have a special gun made to shoot special bullets that could kill anything supernatural. The whole reason was because they are trying to save the world. Like I said, not exact, but pretty damn close.

        Or having a fantasy about having kids for a string of time for no reason. The fantasy ceases and it's no longer a second thought, then suddenly some friends have kids on accident (sounds bad, but you know what I mean). Fantasy to reality. Things like that. Not major, but it also runs in my family.


          Re: PreCog?!

          Thanks much for the answers guys interesting to see the different aspects from person to person!!


            Re: PreCog?!

            I don't have the tingly feelings like you describe.......but I have what I call my spider sense. Like a super acute version of deja vu. On a smaller, less important level....I can have a dream where I'm reading a book that I've never read before. A month later, I'll go to the bookstore and buy a book to read............then halfway through it I'll read the same paragraph I read in my dream and be like "woah."

            I've had dreams that wound up saving my life the next day or so. I guess you could say it was precog. But when I realized suddenly that I was living my dream, I changed my actions to get a different outcome.

            I've seen dead people walk. Not in a zombie kinda way. But in a "I know that guy walking across the parking lot is dead, and when I blinked to get a better look at him, he vanished" kinda way.

            And I've had some really, really heinous end-of-the-world type dreams that I really don't want to see come true. One I remember was me running towards a baby carriage to get it out of the street directly after a car bomb went off. Another was me fighting zombies and I woke up as I was braining a crawler type with the butt of a shotgun.

            The bottom line is....I don't know what to tell you. Call it precog. Call it warnings/messages from the gods. Hell, it could even be you accessing a part of your brain unknown or tapped by our current understanding. They say we only use a small part of our brainpower anyway. All *I* know is my own version of whatever this is has saved my bacon more than once. So when it speaks.....I listen.
            Last edited by Monster; 25 May 2013, 18:55. Reason: spelling

