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How do you feel about your name?

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    Re: How do you feel about your name?

    Well, when my family moved to Israel, 13 years ago, my classmates couldn't pronounce my name.
    So they shortened my name from Gleb, to Gal, which means "wave" in Hebrew.
    I hated it, so they head to learn pronouncing my full name.
    "Fair means that everybody gets what they need. And the only way to get that is to make it happen yourself."

    Since I adore cats, I might write something strange or unusual in my comment.Cats are awesome!!! ^_^


      Re: How do you feel about your name?

      Originally posted by Doc_Holliday View Post
      That is what my up and coming niece is going to be named. I think its a beautiful name, if anybody bullies her for it I'll be going to the parents ASAP pronto. Parents need to keep tabs on their nasty ass kids sometimes.
      Oh that's so exciting! Congrats on your up and coming niece! I honestly think she will be okay, people seem a lot more accepting of it now. I'm with you though! Obviously the parents are doing something wrong if their children act that way. It makes me terrified for when my son goes to school..


        Re: How do you feel about your name?

        I don't like my first name.
        I am a woman in a mans body and I hate being in the wrong body. I want out of this body. It's like a prison cell.

        I used to be known as AdamKane in these parts.

        Hail Satan.


          Re: How do you feel about your name?

          I love my name.


            Re: How do you feel about your name?

            I love my first name. It's an old name (originated around 13th - 14th century) and means "protector of the holy place".
            "The idea is to be whispering, and not to gain the attention from the flock, but to get attention from the individuals. That's why I relate it to whispering. It's not something you can put on a big scale; you can't get sheep to attend to it. You need to have people who can stand for themselves. It is important to have a lot of space for yourself to be able to grow strong branches, which can stand in the most extreme surroundings."



              Re: How do you feel about your name?

              Hate my name. I have a traditionally male name from the bible, that was popular in the 80's.

              The year Free Willy came out was hell for me, and hitting dating age in small circles where that name had been popular was very awkward.

              L has repeatedly asked me if I want to change it, but nothing ever feels right. It's like cat's secret names...anything worth calling myself would take way too long.
              Great Grandmother's Kitchen


                Re: How do you feel about your name?

                Originally posted by Dez View Post
                Hate my name. I have a traditionally male name from the bible, that was popular in the 80's.

                The year Free Willy came out was hell for me, and hitting dating age in small circles where that name had been popular was very awkward.

                L has repeatedly asked me if I want to change it, but nothing ever feels right. It's like cat's secret names...anything worth calling myself would take way too long.
                I like your name.

                Mostly art.


                  Re: How do you feel about your name?

                  Just out of curiosity do people still use a mother's maiden name as a middle name? I've heard it was once popular and I'm wondering why it fell out of favor.
                  They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
                  Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
                  -Madeline Miller, Circe


                    Re: How do you feel about your name?

                    Originally posted by Corvus View Post
                    Just out of curiosity do people still use a mother's maiden name as a middle name? I've heard it was once popular and I'm wondering why it fell out of favor.
                    I have a friend who's middle name is "umpherston" because of that tradition.
                    ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


                    I have never been across the way
                    Seen the desert and the birds
                    You cut your hair short
                    Like a shush to an insult
                    The world had been yelling
                    Since the day you were born
                    Revolting with anger
                    While it smiled like it was cute
                    That everything was shit.

                    - J. Wylder


                      Re: How do you feel about your name?

                      I like my name. from what I've collected, it means "Pool", "Lake", or "Waterfall". I like the "Waterfall" part of it. Waterfalls are graceful! It also means "Ruddy-Complected" which I suppose is alright. I always think of rosey cheeks when I think of 'ruddy-complected'.


                        Re: How do you feel about your name?

                        Originally posted by volcaniclastic View Post
                        I like your name.
                        Awwwww....thanks . That's what L says too, so maybe that's part of why I haven't changed it.

                        Originally posted by Corvus View Post
                        Just out of curiosity do people still use a mother's maiden name as a middle name? I've heard it was once popular and I'm wondering why it fell out of favor.
                        My middle name is like that. I didn't know it was a thing.
                        Great Grandmother's Kitchen


                          Re: How do you feel about your name?

                          I am not fond of my names as it is worded in English, but I love the meaning of my full name, first-middle-last.
                          "Strong Protector of the Mountain"


                            Re: How do you feel about your name?

                            My name is Serenity Alexis. For years I hated my name, now I like it. I wanted to be named after my parents when I was little, but now I appreciate that they named me what they did. My sister is named after both my parents, so I am the unique one in the family. ^^

                            Dedicated and devoted to Lord Anubis and Lady Bast. A follower of the path of Egyptian Wicca.


                              Re: How do you feel about your name?

                              Serenity is such a pretty name.
                              "Turn, and look in the mirror. What do you see?" Her own brown eyes stared back at her until she was nothing but a blur.

                              "I see you. Red lipstick spread perfectly over your lush mouth, brown eyes that hold centuries upon centuries of secrets. A face made to entice even the most celibate of men and women alike. A red dress that sways and moves with your body, making you a temptation like no other."


                                Re: How do you feel about your name?

                                I wish my name was easier for people to spell and pronounce. and that my last name didn't have.......unfortunate associations

