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The Paula Deen backlash

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    Re: The Paula Deen backlash

    Originally posted by Monster View Post
    But do you agree that there is a clearly defined double standard when it comes to the subject of race/racism in this country.

    Example: The star witness for the prosecution in the George Zimmerman trial stated today that shortly before the altercation went down, that Trayvon Martin called Zimmerman a "creepy ass CRACKER" and said "this ni**er is following me." But according to the prosecutor AND the so called witness.....its not racist. Just everyday terminology in their "culture."

    BUT.....if Zimmerman ever went on record ANYWHERE calling Martin a ni**er.....OMG, they'd be calling for his head because its "racist." Its a crock of s**t is what it is. Either its wrong for everyone, or its wrong for no one.

    In the Paula Deen case, some knee grow came out of the woodwork and tried to EXTORT MONEY FROM HER by saying she was going to SAY Deen used a racial slur UNLESS Deen settled before court. It may be legal. But that's outright extortion any way you look at it. Deen didn't go for it, came clean about an incident decades ago....after she was robbed by a black male mind you.......and her life has been ruined.

    Meanwhile the black that started all of this faded off into obscurity with ZERO repercussions to her actions.

    Its all a crock of s**t IMO. Unfortunately, until and unless people of ALL colors start standing up to this stupidity.....racism will continue to be a huge payday to some. And a reason to keep a hatred alive for a paycheck.
    No, I don't agree that there is a double standard for racism in this country. Either someone is racist or they aren't. Zimmerman is not accused of saying bad things about Martin, he's accused of murdering him. A jury will decide whether or not he's guilty. That's what juries are for.

    As for Paula Deen, she said things that her advertisers and network didn't care to be associated with. She is not on a criminal docket.


      Re: The Paula Deen backlash

      I think that this happened in the 80's it was 30 years ago, and it's just a word, albeit an offensive one. It's just sort of sad that saying something that's not even illegal, in the 80's, can ruin a carer like that. That being said, her reputation is tarnished by it, and no one will ever want their name with hers again. Which goes to show you that if you can't be respectful to everyone, you can get away with it, but not forever.


        Re: The Paula Deen backlash

        Originally posted by Chessa View Post
        I think that this happened in the 80's it was 30 years ago, and it's just a word, albeit an offensive one. It's just sort of sad that saying something that's not even illegal, in the 80's, can ruin a carer like that. That being said, her reputation is tarnished by it, and no one will ever want their name with hers again. Which goes to show you that if you can't be respectful to everyone, you can get away with it, but not forever.
        Well, that's essentially it. If you act in a harmful manner, it will eventually be dragged out into the light of day.


          Re: The Paula Deen backlash

          Well, everyone has the right to their own opinion. Personally though, it nauseated me to see Paula Deen crying and blubbering and begging for forgiveness on national TV. The only thing that does is embolden the race baiters and pimps to go after someone else in the future.


            Re: The Paula Deen backlash

            Originally posted by Luce View Post
            No, I don't agree that there is a double standard for racism in this country.

            Mainly, I see people with privilege pissed off for being called on it.
            Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


              Re: The Paula Deen backlash

              Originally posted by thalassa View Post

              Mainly, I see people with privilege pissed off for being called on it.
              Yeah, there's not much that can top the top dogs moaning about how rough it is to be on top, with Those People victimizing them all the time.

              - - - Updated - - -

              Originally posted by Monster View Post
              Well, everyone has the right to their own opinion. Personally though, it nauseated me to see Paula Deen crying and blubbering and begging for forgiveness on national TV. The only thing that does is embolden the race baiters and pimps to go after someone else in the future.
              When will the oppression ever end, eh?


                Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                Paula Deen Offered Six-Figure Pay Day By Porn Company

                Looks like she might be able to turn this to her advantage...
                Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                  Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                  ...Who would want her for porn? xD

                  ...Apparently this company e,e


                    Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                    Originally posted by B. de Corbin View Post
                    Paula Deen Offered Six-Figure Pay Day By Porn Company

                    Looks like she might be able to turn this to her advantage...
                    ooohhhh WOW...this is just crazy HAHAHAHAHA
                    i sooo like your posts corbin!!!!! LMAO


                      Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                      Yeah, there's not much that can top the top dogs moaning about how rough it is to be on top, with Those People victimizing them all the time.
                      And this whole new phenomenon of the "guilty white liberal"..................................I just don't get it. They want to blubber and whimper "Its not your fault that you don't get off your lazy ass and go succeed. Its MY fault Mr Minority that I have it better than you, so how can I make it up to you?"

                      It really does make me sick. The government keeps taking more and more from the working stiffs, to give to those ungrateful bastards......and they just keep becoming more dependent. How much more easier do we have to make it for them to succeed in life?

                      You can get a free college education, where you don't even have to perform at the same level as everyone else to pass. Then you can get a good job that you aren't qualified for, and keep the same job no matter how bad you are at it.........simply based on the color of your skin. And if anyone says ANYTHING about it......they're "racist."

                      Sounds like a real tough life don't it. I wish my life was that tough.


                        Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                        Originally posted by Monster View Post
                        And this whole new phenomenon of the "guilty white liberal"..................................I just don't get it. They want to blubber and whimper "Its not your fault that you don't get off your lazy ass and go succeed. Its MY fault Mr Minority that I have it better than you, so how can I make it up to you?"

                        It really does make me sick. The government keeps taking more and more from the working stiffs, to give to those ungrateful bastards......and they just keep becoming more dependent. How much more easier do we have to make it for them to succeed in life?
                        Usually, the people I hear complaining like this don't really work that hard. Oh, they like to think they do...but most of them didn't actually have to try that hard to land where they did.

                        Have you lived off of SNAP? Gotten housing vouchers? Gotten CHAMPS to pay for daycare so you could work? I haven't, because I've always made *just* enough money to not qualify. But, rather than begrudge a family making less that I do for having some assistance with their groceries or their housing, I'm happy that they have that opportunity for their kids to have a roof over their head and food on the table. I've actually looked at the statistics on government assistance. And I'd rather pay "welfare" to people than least people spend the money back into the economy.

                        Of course, I wouldn't understand what a big, strong, white man goes through to support my poor little girl self since I'm one of those "ungrateful bastards" "dependent" on the "working stiffs"...after all, the government paid for my college, and pays me a little bit of disability every month for effing me up while I was in the military.
                        Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                          Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                          This thread has me all sorts of confused...right around page 3 is where I got lost, I think. Is it about Paula Deen using the N word 30 years ago? Is it about her getting fired? What do taxes and borders have to do with Paula Deen? Is she secretly related to Zimmermann? WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON?
                          In answer to the question of why it happened, I offer the modest proposal that our Universe is simply one of those things which happen from time to time. ~~ Edward P. Tryon


                            Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                            I'm going to be off topic but the reprimand will be worth it.
                            Just to clear up some obvious confusion.
                            The Working Stiffs are also the ones ON WELFARE.
                            There is no US and THEM.
                            We all are suffering and underemployed.
                            Innappropriate content pulled
                            Last edited by MaskedOne; 04 Jul 2013, 16:08.
                            Satan is my spirit animal


                              Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                              This thread is currently careening toward a death sentence. It may cool down and return to the subject of Paula Deen or I can execute it.
                              Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                              Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                              "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                              John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                              "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                              Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                                Re: The Paula Deen backlash

                                Originally posted by B. de Corbin View Post
                                Paula Deen Offered Six-Figure Pay Day By Porn Company

                                Looks like she might be able to turn this to her advantage...
                                I wish you would find these on NOT the Huffington Post! It slows my computer down so badly I generally have to restart it if I try to make it do anything besides read you articles!!!!! They are so funny, and so inaccessable for me for some strange reason... /end mini rant!

                                Reading the article or not... suffice it to say that this is porn I am unlikely to watch, though I am willing to bet I know where they are gonna try and use butter!

                                But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                                ~Jim Butcher

