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Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

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    Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

    I was waiting for the bus and suddenly two people came up to me and the person waiting with me and were like "Happy fourth and have a blessed day that God allowed us to have!" and they worked on the person in front of me first. I was like "Oh man, I hope they don't try to convert me". The other person was already a believer so they went right over to me and hugged me.

    They started talking about Jesus and I said "I'm Pagan, sorry (kinda a mistake, I have nothing to apologize for for being Pagan but didn't want to offend them). They asked why, and I told them about Paganism and told them that although I'm not sure who I believe in yet, I'm leaning towards Morrighan. They asked why, and I told them a little about her, and they said that Jesus was a lot like her in ways. They then started quoting verses from the Bible, and at this point, I told them why I don't believe in Christianity anymore. I know I was probably wrong for doing so, since Pagans generally don't try to convert others and instead leave people to do their own research, but my beliefs were NOT up for trial, and I wanted to end the conversation already. They went on to say how all religions started from the Tower of Babel, and that's why so many religions are similar, and they kept calling Paganism evil, pretty much comparing it to Satanism. The other person who they talked to joined in and started talking about how Jesus is great, etc etc too.

    Finally, I had enough and told them I have a stepmother who is a Jehovah's Witness and I have 3 bibles at home so I'll see where that leads me, and luckily the bus came at that moment so I was able to end the conversation right there, otherwise who knows how much longer they would've worked me over?

    Was I too aggressive in defending my beliefs? Was I not aggressive enough? Should I have just told them I don't want to discuss religion? I thought it was annoying, although then again, they did get me to try to study religion more closely, so this experience probably made me spiritually stronger. Also, I feel that if I'm afraid to defend my beliefs, then I'll never get anywhere spiritually.
    What one believes in is infinitely more important than WHO they believe in.

    Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

    Some guy came to my door once and asked "Have you read the Bible?" I said, "Are you aware you're in the midwest?" LMAO

    Lately I've been on a serious rant IRL against the right wing and saying to people how I wish the Jesus I knew as a kid would come back and kick this new one's butt, and how the greatest trick the devil ever pulled off was the invention of the religious right.

    I gotta watch my mouth. They'll start gathering kindling in my front yard......
    Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


      Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

      You handled it fine. There's lots of ways to deal with people who try to convert you. Main points to consider are stay calm, you don't need their approval, you don't need their acceptance and you don't have to justify anything. Getting angry won't solve anything. If all else fails you can always ignore them.

      However it also sounds like they got their scripture wrong. The tower of Babel was a structure mankind made to show their arrogance and pride by attempting to reach the heavens. As punishment God destroyed the tower, divided their language and spread them across the world so that mankind could not make the tower again. In christian theology it's my understanding that the origin of various religions are demons masquerading as gods to lead people astray. The two may not be mutually exclusive but it's not obvious that Babel is related to the many religions.
      They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
      Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
      -Madeline Miller, Circe


        Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

        I'd say you were perfectly fine in defending your views. I've had waaaay too many Christians try that crap with me to bother taking it. If they don't respect you enough to take it and leave it after "I'm pagan, sorry" and a respectful attitude that says "I don't care, just let me have my ways" then they can get over it. You're at least better than I would've been. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself, in my opinion its one of the worst things you can do for yourself in the long run. To quote Game of Thrones-fear cuts deeper than a sword.

        Like I said though, you're nicer than I am. I had some Jehovah's Witnesses coming around 2-4 times a week for 3 weeks straight just to have the same conversation so I got fed up and when I knew they'd be coming, got a few things together and sure enough....knock on the door, picked up my cat and the biggest kitchen knife I've got and answered with a gigantic smile and went "Oh Goodie! A human sacrifice! That should work sooooo much better, come on in!!" Needless to say they ran and I never had to deal with them again
        Always taking art commissions, especially for fantasy and pagan related artwork
        Featured on Deviantart, Storenvy, Facebook, and Cafepress


          Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

          I've found the best way to "converse" with those who try to meddle in my inner life goes something like this:

          "Have you found the love of Jesus/God?"
          "Sorry, I'm not particularly interested."
          "Why not? Why don't you believe?"
          "Why do you believe?"
          " <insert gabbity gab response>"
          "<insert response>"

          A few lines of the 4-year old "why" treatment and they usually get the hint.


            Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

            Too harsh?

            As soon as one of them hugged me I'd push them on the pavement and say I thought he was trying to strangle me.

            To the police anyways.

            You were fine.
            White and Red 'till I'm cold and dead.
            In Days of yore,
            From Britain's shore
            Wolfe the dauntless hero came
            And planted firm Britannia's flag
            On Canada's fair domain.
            Here may it wave,
            Our boast, our pride
            And joined in love together,
            The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined,
            The Maple Leaf Forever.


              Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

              "My god carries a hammer, yours was nailed to a cross." Enough said.

              And while the person who said that first probably said it mockingly and with scorn....I don't. Its the simple truth for me. Most of the Christian religions keep you in line by making you feel guilty. And by making you weak. I'm neither of those.


                Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                I haven't had someone try to convert me since I got out of Christianity, but I firmly have chosen to say "stop trying to manipulate me," if someone does try to convert me.

                Because I believe it is blatant, unapologetic, manipulation. Many christians preach and hold meetings about how to trick you into getting you to change your mind. It's basically just psychologically hitting all your weak points, getting you to break, and then inviting you to church and all that. I think it's completely disgusting.


                  Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                  Very much so agreed toxic.

                  If it helps any, whenever I feel Christianity attacking me. I just look up and call to my gods and godesses.

                  Imagine disappointing them, thats what halps me anyways.
                  White and Red 'till I'm cold and dead.
                  In Days of yore,
                  From Britain's shore
                  Wolfe the dauntless hero came
                  And planted firm Britannia's flag
                  On Canada's fair domain.
                  Here may it wave,
                  Our boast, our pride
                  And joined in love together,
                  The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined,
                  The Maple Leaf Forever.


                    Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                    Originally posted by Ljubezen View Post
                    I've found the best way to "converse" with those who try to meddle in my inner life goes something like this:

                    "Have you found the love of Jesus/God?"
                    "Sorry, I'm not particularly interested."
                    "Why not? Why don't you believe?"
                    "Why do you believe?"
                    " <insert gabbity gab response>"
                    "<insert response>"

                    A few lines of the 4-year old "why" treatment and they usually get the hint.
                    This does sounds like fun

                    My Catholic sister-in-law knows I'm pagan, and whenever someone knocks on the front door (noone ever uses the front door - ever) she always asks me to get it, in case it's the Jehovah's, and I can scare them off for her :P
                    ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


                    I have never been across the way
                    Seen the desert and the birds
                    You cut your hair short
                    Like a shush to an insult
                    The world had been yelling
                    Since the day you were born
                    Revolting with anger
                    While it smiled like it was cute
                    That everything was shit.

                    - J. Wylder


                      Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                      No one ever approaches me. I'm assuming it's all my tattoos.
                      Satan is my spirit animal


                        Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                        At work I think evreryone already assumes I'm Catholic... they ask questions about saints, and I look at them like they have grown extra heads... I occasionally get some JWs who will leave me booklets... but I actually don't mind having something to read, I like reading about the community work they do, I ignore the other stuff, No one tries to convert me outside of work anymore. I think I must be good at not looking approachable...

                        But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                        ~Jim Butcher


                          Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                          There's an old cartoon I always liked, of a vicar knocking on the door of a house, where the man answering the door says: "I'm sorry I can't invite you in, vicar, but I've sold my soul to Satan in return for unlimited carnal pleasure."


                            Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                            I have had this happen a few times,because of the nature of their approach I treat them as I would a pushy salesman and consider them no more than that. I have little patience with salesmen anyway,and my main comeback is you are wasting my time. If they do not "Get" that I am not interested,then my manner changes to "Who do you think you are,to be bothering me when I made it clear that you are NOT welcome. If it goes further I become a lot less civil,and will resort to my "Angry" voice.
                            MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                            all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                            NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                            don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                            my new page here,let me know what you think.

                            nothing but the shadow of what was



                              Re: Just had two Christian missionaries try to convert me.

                              No Christians ever want to convert me.

                              Am I not good enough?

