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Keep safe tomorrow

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    Re: Keep safe tomorrow

    Originally posted by perzephone View Post
    I lived through the Las Vegas Rodney King Fallout riots. I happened to be working at an indoor swap-meet in our 'bad' part of town when they broke out. People smashed the big plate glass windows on the front of the swap-meet building and my brother-in-law was helping people get out the back loading area doors. On our drive home, deeper into the 'bad' part of town, people were running down the streets throwing molotov cocktails & carrying looted merchandise. The crazies set fire to the welfare extension office in their own area of town, and were frikkin' shooting at the firemen. Morons.

    I keep expecting something to happen tomorrow, but I'm in a different line of work now, and working graveyard. Most likely, if anyone riots tomorrow, I'll sleep through it.
    Living in LA county...we had curfews. Couldn't be out after like 8pm or something. It was actually terrifying.
    Satan is my spirit animal


      Re: Keep safe tomorrow

      I lived through the summer of 67 in East New York, Brooklyn NY. Our beautiful neighborhood became a ghetto. My family being forced to leave changed my whole life.
      Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


        Re: Keep safe tomorrow

        Originally posted by perzephone View Post
        The crazies set fire to the welfare extension office in their own area of town, and were frikkin' shooting at the firemen. Morons.
        Yikes! Anyone dumb enough to do something like that should be denied welfare. As in, for life. No exceptions.

        If folks who engage in this type of behavior were banned from the dole for life, chances are, they'd not be so quick to join in.


          Re: Keep safe tomorrow

          Originally posted by DavidMK View Post
          They won't riot. Zimmerman isn't white and the Latins are just too lazy to get that angry. I'm not trying to sound racist or anything, it's just that seems to be how these things go down.
          They'll riot. If Zimmermans guilty the internet will riot haha.
          If innocent certain African American communities will erupt.


            Re: Keep safe tomorrow

            It's all a potential powderkeg. I really wish that people would stop letting the media and certain 'leaders' use them as puppets in their grand race war schemes.


              Re: Keep safe tomorrow

              I kinda feel that all this talk about riots is just wind and hype, but I'm not American so maybe I'm not in touch with the pulse of whats going on over there or w/e. Will be interesting either way.


                Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                Originally posted by Aeran View Post
                I kinda feel that all this talk about riots is just wind and hype, but I'm not American so maybe I'm not in touch with the pulse of whats going on over there or w/e. Will be interesting either way.
                If there wasn't such a history here of riot-y kind of actions after acquittals of folks involved in 'ethnic' crimes, then I'd agree with you.

                But you can probably bet that unless Zimmerman is found guilty of SOMETHING, that bad things will likely happen unfortunately.

                If he's charged with manslaughter, it's up in the air. That might be good enough as it's still a very lengthy time in jail. Decades, probably. But they might say 'Hayl nawh!', and riot anyway.

                Even though the manslaughter charge would put Zimmerman in jail for almost as long as the 2nd degree murder charge would. However, no one has ever accused the potential rioters (that is to say, those who would take part in any such foul actions, regardless of race, color, or creed...) as being a group of people that pride themselves on being informed...


                  Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                  My day today (well yesterday as of 7 minutes ago) started at 7 and ended at 11:30. I might wake up by 2 PM, maybe.
                  Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                  Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                  "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                  John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                  "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                  Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                    Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                    Living in LA county...we had curfews. Couldn't be out after like 8pm or something. It was actually terrifying.
                    We were mostly just confused here - why did something happening in LA matter to these fools living in Vegas?

                    Watching the news footage from LA was sickening - I can't even imagine having been there. We had people banging on the car hoods & trunks as they ran across the streets and stuff, but in LA people were being pulled out of their cars and just beaten to bloody messes. Hopefully Florida will be too far away from the west coast to cause waves on the West coast.
                    The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


                      Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                      Well, no verdict yet, and wheee, no riots... again, yet...
                      Maybe I will be home before it matters, till then I am in a hospital staffed with other armed security guards... and nuns, maybe the rioters will avoid the creepy nuns... I know I do!

                      I have not been around wilmington for a riot yet, as it stands maybe most of the staff won't show up for work... out rioting and whatnot... apparently they got really bad after the Martin Luther King assassination back in 68, I can't find anything more recent...

                      - - - Updated - - -

                      Originally posted by Hawkfeathers View Post
                      I presently live in Children of the Corn/Stepford Wife land LOL They'd only riot if anyone who looked like either Trayvon or Zimmerman moved in.
                      Also that sounds just like where I grew up, highschool graduations were referred to by outsiders i.e. other schools as the salt shaker... yeah no one was very creative eigther...

                      But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                      ~Jim Butcher


                        Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                        I'm in Australia. I think I'll be safe.
                        ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


                        I have never been across the way
                        Seen the desert and the birds
                        You cut your hair short
                        Like a shush to an insult
                        The world had been yelling
                        Since the day you were born
                        Revolting with anger
                        While it smiled like it was cute
                        That everything was shit.

                        - J. Wylder


                          Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                          Originally posted by Heka View Post
                          I'm in Australia. I think I'll be safe.
                          LOL probably

                          I may be far enough north that it may not be an issue... I guess we will see...

                          But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                          ~Jim Butcher


                            Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                            I don't think anyone here even cares about the Zimmerman trial. To be honest, neither do I. I haven't even bothered to google it. It kind of goes under "local stuff that has no bearing on the rest of the world" that I skip over when I read american news. I sort of get what the situation, but can anyone tell me -why- it's so important? I didn't think it was so big that people would riot over it....


                              Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                              I have no idea what it is. It keeps popping up in the New Posts, so I click it, then click out, cos I'm not interested.

                              I'm sure it's affecting someone, but not me.
                              ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


                              I have never been across the way
                              Seen the desert and the birds
                              You cut your hair short
                              Like a shush to an insult
                              The world had been yelling
                              Since the day you were born
                              Revolting with anger
                              While it smiled like it was cute
                              That everything was shit.

                              - J. Wylder


                                Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                                It seems to be about race? The whole thing kind of reminds me of Bonfire of the Vanities.

