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Keep safe tomorrow

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    Re: Keep safe tomorrow

    My mind was 98% made up, now it's 100%.
    I believe in giving chances, just in case someone really is on the up & up.
    Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


      Re: Keep safe tomorrow

      Originally posted by Medusa View Post
      I think women can be good jury members. I think your comment was sexist. That's the level of discussion I'm going to have with you.

      I never said women couldn't make good jury members. I said I find it suspicious that a jury of Zimmerman's "peers" was made up of all women. Four of the six, have children. And of the mothers I've known...they don't care if there is video of their little angel using a flamethrower on a church van full of nuns........they will still defend them.

      So, 2/3 of the jury are women who are more likely to empathize with "angelic" Trayvon than looking at the facts of the case. Women *are* more emotional than men. You can't dispute that. And my fear is Zimmerman won't get a fair trial because some emotional women believe that he *had* to do something wrong, regardless of the facts.

      - - - Updated - - -

      Women *CAN* be good jury members. I just don't think that an all female jury, 2/3 of them an ideal jury for THIS case.


        Re: Keep safe tomorrow

        Originally posted by Monster View Post
        I never said women couldn't make good jury members. I said I find it suspicious that a jury of Zimmerman's "peers" was made up of all women. Four of the six, have children. And of the mothers I've known...they don't care if there is video of their little angel using a flamethrower on a church van full of nuns........they will still defend them.

        So, 2/3 of the jury are women who are more likely to empathize with "angelic" Trayvon than looking at the facts of the case. Women *are* more emotional than men. You can't dispute that. And my fear is Zimmerman won't get a fair trial because some emotional women believe that he *had* to do something wrong, regardless of the facts.
        You must know, like every mother. Ever. You just have all the experience of every person. Ever. Ever ever. Good for you! But apparently you don't know mine. She yelled at me when I was 13 for walking with my best friend's boyfriend around our apartment complex. Said I looked like a whore doing so. I never did anything like that again! How dare a jury be all women. I mean, we know there are all those really fair trials over the centuries done by all male juries. None of them were ever rigged. Not a one. Ever. The end. Amen. Praise baby jesus.

        Come on now.
        Satan is my spirit animal


          Re: Keep safe tomorrow

          Originally posted by Medusa View Post
          You must know, like every mother. Ever. You just have all the experience of every person. Ever. Ever ever. Good for you! But apparently you don't know mine. She yelled at me when I was 13 for walking with my best friend's boyfriend around our apartment complex. Said I looked like a whore doing so. I never did anything like that again! How dare a jury be all women. I mean, we know there are all those really fair trials over the centuries done by all male juries. None of them were ever rigged. Not a one. Ever. The end. Amen. Praise baby jesus.

          Come on now.
          Your crappy upbringing aside (most of us aren't raised that way, sorry)..........what do trials over the centuries have to do with THIS trial? You just kinda made my point for me. If its not ok for an all male jury to preside over a female accused of a heinous crime......then why is it ok for women to preside over a man accused of the same? It isn't. Why not have a mix of male and female?


            Re: Keep safe tomorrow

            Originally posted by Monster View Post
            then why is it ok for women to preside over a man accused of the same? It isn't. Why not have a mix of male and female?
            Shrug, six women passed voir dire. Given that defense can oppose a jurist being empaneled and has a handful of "get out of jurist free cards" where it just stands up and says "no, that individual can go home" it's not like they were powerless in jury selection. I'm presuming that defending counsel either didn't like any of the men enough to push for one or sees a benefit to an all female jury.
            Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

            Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

            "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

            John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

            "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

            Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


              Re: Keep safe tomorrow

              I think this setup benefitted the prosecution more though. From what I'm seeing it was damned if you do and damned if you don't with the jury selection. If I heard correctly the lesser of two evils was the all female jury, because what was left had too many blacks.

              So, either way....I'm mighty afraid ol Zim is screwed.


                Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                Originally posted by Monster View Post
                Your crappy upbringing aside (most of us aren't raised that way, sorry)..........what do trials over the centuries have to do with THIS trial? You just kinda made my point for me. If its not ok for an all male jury to preside over a female accused of a heinous crime......then why is it ok for women to preside over a man accused of the same? It isn't. Why not have a mix of male and female?

                Men can try men and women can try women. Guess what women can try men and men can try women. It's when you get a man with a certain set of biased opinions about the opposite sex that it becomes a problem. This time you are proving my point.
                Satan is my spirit animal


                  Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                  Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                  Men can try men and women can try women. Guess what women can try men and men can try women. It's when you get a man with a certain set of biased opinions about the opposite sex that it becomes a problem. This time you are proving my point.
                  Yes,'ve done your duty vanquishing the big bad sexist male haven't you. Bwahahahahahaha

                  Personally, I don't think they are biased at all. The average woman who has kids.....try and say something negative about them. Theres a reason they have the saying "mothers protecting their cubs." Because women will do anything for their kids. Most of them anyway. And they also empathize when other mothers lose their kids.

                  I feel bad, to a point, about Trayvon's parents. No parent should ever have to suffer the loss of their child. But you know what though? Maybe if they had both stayed together and given that kid some home learning...he wouldn't have thought it was ok to be a "gangsta." When a dog is left to fend for itself, it becomes feral and wild. Kids are no different. When there is no one around to whip their ass and wipe their nose in it when they shit on the carpet...they turn feral.

                  Trayvon Martin had turned rabid, and in turn got put down. But to his mama....he's still that sweet little boy.


                    Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                    Rabid? I guess buying skittles was his vaccine.
                    Are you serious?
                    Go be gone with yourself
                    Satan is my spirit animal


                      Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                      Originally posted by Monster View Post
                      Women *CAN* be good jury members. I just don't think that an all female jury, 2/3 of them an ideal jury for THIS case.
                      Being absolutely honest, I don't think the jury should have been all women, let's be clear I have some issues with there only being 6 jurrors to begin with, but thats a different issue. Technically a jury is supposed to be made up of a persons peers, race is used to determine a person's peer group, frankly sex should be too, I would be miffed just as much if a lady was being tried by all men. Personally I think it should always be a random mix... again it seems like a fail on the part of the defense... They can remove jurrors for whatever reason they like, and I feel like they buggered the pooch on that...

                      But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                      ~Jim Butcher


                        Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                        Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                        Rabid? I guess buying skittles was his vaccine.
                        Are you serious?
                        Go be gone with yourself
                        'Eh, I sort of feel sorry for people like that. They wouldn't survive a week with a different skin tone. Someone just like them would take care of it.

                        ...Which reminds me of a funny yet pathetic commentary on the state of race relations in America. The Hubby got pulled over for DWB.

                        Last fall, when he was out your way, he was working a job with two other guys that happened to be black. They were working evenings, and were on their way back to their hotels and got pulled over. Hubby was in the back seat, which had tinted windows so the cops did't notice him, just the two back guys in the nice car in a nice neighborhood at night. Never mind that *these* two guys are upstanding family guys, decorated veterans with college degrees, a very nice security clearance, and sweet gov't jobs....they had the gall to drive while black. The two guys had been pulled over on their own the night before after dropping Hubby off at his hotel and harassed by the same cops. So, the cops try giving these guys a hard time, when the Hubby rolls down the windows and gives them a lesson in race relations they will never forget. And then goes to the police station and has a little chat with the watch captain.

                        I believe he even invoked the "my father was a Chief of Police, and he'd be rolling in his grave to know how your officers were behaving" and the "bad cops like that give good cops and bad name and get them shot" cards.
                        Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                          Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                          Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                          Rabid? I guess buying skittles was his vaccine.
                          Are you serious?
                          Go be gone with yourself
                          Actually, innocent little Trayvon was a violent drug user who was involved in felony activity (burglaries), fighting on a regular basis, and was involved in the purchase/sale of stolen firearms. That information comes from A) his OWN texts that were not admitted into evidence in trial, and B) an article that was written in a Florida newspaper after the principal of Trayvon's school and a few others were FIRED after deciding to keep instances of student crime a secret and in school. It seems that the jewelry that was in innocent, angelic Trayvon's backpack was taken in a burglary a few blocks from the school. And when local police learned of it and came to claim it, they were told no because it was a "school matter."

                          Basically the school was guilty of obstruction and the principal was fired for it.

                          Oh and lets not forget about Trayvon's oh so caring and crying mother that wants to sue for all this money to get "justice." She has a little bit of revisionist history because she won't admit that she kicked her little angelic boy out of the house and sent him to his father's because he had become so out of control that she couldn't deal with him anymore.

                          Oops....sorry. Those are facts and you don't like those do you.


                            Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                            Originally posted by Monster View Post
                            Trayvon Martin had turned rabid, and in turn got put down. But to his mama....he's still that sweet little boy.
                            His mother had kicked him out because she couldn't handle him and he was a problem. Her own words. That's not a sweet little angel.

                            Update: 9:04AM EST Judge Nelson sends jury back to deliberations after they confirm they read/watched no news about the case.


                              Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                              Originally posted by Thothur View Post
                              His mother had kicked him out because she couldn't handle him and he was a problem. Her own words. That's not a sweet little angel.


                                Re: Keep safe tomorrow

                                My thoughts... I think they'll 'deliberate' until at least noon to make it look good. There's no way they've been digesting this information for weeks and STILL can't decide whether Zimmerman is guilty or not guilty on the 2nd degree murder and manslaughter charges. I think they're afraid to make a verdict, honestly. And I can't say I really blame them. In a way, if they follow the law, they'll go down in history as being the jury responsible for the outcome that contributes to a riot. They've GOT to know that.

