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It was the best of days... it was the worst of days.

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    It was the best of days... it was the worst of days.

    Oh, the river runs deep it seems

    I made a new thread. Yes, it was before I got a PM by Thal to make a thread, but she did say to make a new thread. (Which was then oh so rudely retracted with a loving "HELL NO".) And then another mod closed it when I did. Nice.

    For... no real reason whatsoever.

    Honest question here: Are you all seriously this threatened by simple statements giving direction on a thread that it is impossible for you to follow?

    Last I checked "HELL NO", isn't exactly a valid reason for closing a thread.

    I'm asking for clarification here, and trying to follow the thought process. I'm trying to follow your rules, really I am. But in order for me to do so, they have to actually BE rules, and not some knee jerk, off the cuff, because I feel like it kind of thing. You see what I'm getting at here?

    The prior thread was closed because people got into arguments that were not part of the original thread. Other people could not handle those arguments, and reacted emotionally.

    I had nothing to do with any of this. I can't control what's posted into the thread by other folks.

    Now, what did I ask for in the new thread?

    • Primarily it was stating that if folks got easily offended (and a LOT of you seem to...) then PLEASE avoid this thread.

    • I also asked that if there are folks who live outside of the US (and who have repeated stated they don't care about this.) That is fine. If you don't care, don't read it. Is that too much to ask? Seriously?

    • And finally I asked that if folks were not capable of having a logical discussion to please stay out of the thread.

    And this gets a 'HELL NO'?

    What am I missing here? I am dead serious. I'm not trying to be a pain in the ass, I'm trying to figure out how I can get a simple thread posted without someone closing it for something I had nothing to do with, in short order.

    Why are you giving me such a hard time over NOTHING?

    How about you actually, Oh... I dunno... clarify a wee bit, instead of just slapping a 'THREAD CLOSED' on it?

    Re: It was the best of days... it was the worst of days.


    If you had said THIS, in your opening

    Now, what did I ask for in the new thread?

    • Primarily it was stating that if folks got easily offended (and a LOT of you seem to...) then PLEASE avoid this thread.

    • I also asked that if there are folks who live outside of the US (and who have repeated stated they don't care about this.) That is fine. If you don't care, don't read it. Is that too much to ask? Seriously?

    • And finally I asked that if folks were not capable of having a logical decision to please stay out of the thread.
    I would have reopened it. We automatically lock all threads started on a closed topic pending staff review. MO didn't know that I had said go ahead and open a new thread (neither, at that time, did you).

    But no, you went with this...

    If you are easily butt-hurt or offended, please stay out of the thread.

    If you don't live in the US and you don't want to hear about it, please stay out of the thread.

    If you are incapable of debating something without emotional knee jerk reactions, please stay out of the thread.
    That's a different, disrespectful and pretty darn obnoxious way to go about it. And it seems pretty much an emotional knee jerk reaction on your part.

    Look, we don't tolerate racism. Not even veiled racism. We've had too many problems over the years caused bigots of all stripes. That thread was nothing if not obnoxious--hell, I was afraid to open it on my BREAK at work on the chance that someone else would see it.

    And further more, this is not a free speech zone. In fact, our post of forum rules SAYS that:

    A Note from Staff Members Regarding Moderators & Moderation:

    This is a privately owned, privately operated, privately funded (partially via donations) forum. It is not a free speech zone, and its not a democracy...and its not unique among forums for that. We allow most speech, and we are largely tolerant of dissenting views, but we don't tolerate bad manners. We've been doing this for over a decade, and we've come to a format that works for this community, so we enforce it. Yeah, it doesn't work for everyone that visits it. Not everyone fits in here, but there are lots of forums around if that is the case--its nothing personal if this is not the internet home for you.

    Foremost, the mods and admin are members here, we come here for OUR enjoyment, and we don't get paid to do this. And actually, for those of us that PAID to purchase this forum from its previous owner, we have a bit more of an interest into making this a place that we enjoy coming to. As such, we curtail most off topic conversation, we don't allow trolling, spam, flaming, etc. We also don't allow racism, sexism, etc. And, we severely put down personal attacks. If someone starts something with other members, more often than not, we end up finishing it. Just so you know the difference between us chillin, and us doing our job, it will be in green if it is written by a mod, or in red if it is written by an admin.

    Mod decisions are final. Period. Final. Exclamation point. Even if another mod disagrees, that disagreement is handled in private. We don't play good cop-bad cop or mom vs dad here. The other mods and admin will back up a mod or admin decision, period...and so will most of the members, even if they PM a private disagreement to a mod or admin over the matter. If you choose to argue with a mod in a thread, take a disagreement with a mod (or another member) to another thread, or otherwise spread around hate and discontent, you won't last long as a member.

    DEBATE is encouraged (provided it is in a debate thread), DISAGREEMENT is encouraged (provided its not engaged in disrespectfully or with gross asshattery), but ARGUING just for the sake of argument or to have the last word or as a form of bullying is not. Arguing with a mod, or blatantly ignoring them will get a thread closed, period. If it becomes a personal habit, its one of the few things that will get you banned.

    You may not agree with us, and that is fine...but if you want to cop an attitude about it, heck no. To borrow a prase from Chain, you don't shit on the carpet in my house.

    And if you can't live with that, you are free to find another internet home, with no hard feelings from me.
    Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


      Re: It was the best of days... it was the worst of days.

      Hold on just one minute there. Where you come from it may be OK to accuse a fellow of racism out of the clear blue nowhere, and they'll be forced to go on the defensive and attempt to retort and prove how they're not racist.

      But where I'm from, calling another individual racist, or alluding that they are posting something which is racist, is considered offensive.

      So, either 1.) Show me where you believe I've made a racist comment, or 2.) Publicly apologize for besmirching my character.

      I have been accused. The accused is innocent until PROVEN guilty. So, in words you can understand, in regards to my being racist, either prove it or retract the comment.

      As to the opening vs the original opening. It said the exact same thing. The original post wasn't offensive, nor was there any vulgarity in it. In the second iteration I just clarified because you obviously didn't get it the first time. But let's be honest, shall we? You were already wound up, and so had a negative reaction to it. It had zilch to do with the way it was worded, as the way it was originally worded was not unacceptable in any way by anyone who doesn't already have a chip on their shoulder.

      I like this place. For the most part the people are great and thoughtful. What I don't like is excessive, extreme, and very unnecessary heavy handedness on your part. There truly is no reason for it, and it continues to baffle me.


        Re: It was the best of days... it was the worst of days.

        Originally posted by Thothur View Post
        Hold on just one minute there. Where you come from it may be OK to accuse a fellow of racism out of the clear blue nowhere, and they'll be forced to go on the defensive and attempt to retort and prove how they're not racist.

        But where I'm from, calling another individual racist, or alluding that they are posting something which is racist, is considered offensive.

        So, either 1.) Show me where you believe I've made a racist comment, or 2.) Publicly apologize for besmirching my character.

        I have been accused. The accused is innocent until PROVEN guilty. So, in words you can understand, in regards to my being racist, either prove it or retract the comment.

        As to the opening vs the original opening. It said the exact same thing. The original post wasn't offensive, nor was there any vulgarity in it. In the second iteration I just clarified because you obviously didn't get it the first time. But let's be honest, shall we? You were already wound up, and so had a negative reaction to it. It had zilch to do with the way it was worded, as the way it was originally worded was not unacceptable in any way by anyone who doesn't already have a chip on their shoulder.

        I like this place. For the most part the people are great and thoughtful. What I don't like is excessive, extreme, and very unnecessary heavy handedness on your part. There truly is no reason for it, and it continues to baffle me.

        What a second, I never said that YOU were racist. And if you feel that I implied that, I apologize. I was commenting on posts in the thread that were racist, which is why the THREAD was closed. It has nothing to do with your OP in the original thread.

        Edited to add--I just went back and reread what I wrote...I apologize, I thought I had written something else in there explaining what was objectionable about that thread, and I didn't. I can easily see that it looks like I was implying that you were being racist.

        And yes, it had EVERYTHING to do with the wording in the second thread you opened. I was actually about to open it and let MO know that I had given you the go ahead, until I actually read what you had written.
        Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


          Re: It was the best of days... it was the worst of days.

          Apology accepted.


            Re: It was the best of days... it was the worst of days.

            I'm the bad guy Thothur.

            Relax bro.


              Re: It was the best of days... it was the worst of days.

              Originally posted by Monster View Post
              I'm the bad guy Thothur.

              Relax bro.
              Bad is relative. You are not actually the most annoying member I've come across and you occasionally manage to amuse me so yes, you will occasionally find me acting within an official capacity against your posts or threads you're involved in but you generally don't irritate me enough that I'm going to do more than address a specific problem in thread and then move on. I am not speaking on behalf of the entire staff atm. However, I'm pretty certain that none of the staff will rate you among the ten most annoying members we've seen in the past year. I just haven't actually discussed you with most of them. Generally I've got other concerns.
              Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

              Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

              "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

              John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

              "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

              Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                Re: It was the best of days... it was the worst of days.

                Update on the Z trial for those interested...

                The jury is taking a 'working lunch' They've been deliberating for about 4 hours solid now. Since they're taking a 'working lunch' and not a 'lunch break', it can be safely assumed that they'd like to get this wrapped up before end of day. So, hopefully, we'll see something soon.


                  Re: It was the best of days... it was the worst of days.

                  Originally posted by Thothur View Post
                  Update on the Z trial for those interested...

                  The jury is taking a 'working lunch' They've been deliberating for about 4 hours solid now. Since they're taking a 'working lunch' and not a 'lunch break', it can be safely assumed that they'd like to get this wrapped up before end of day. So, hopefully, we'll see something soon.
                  Ah, seems to me they are debating what exactly he's guilty of, but we shall see...
                  I often wish that I had done drugs in the '70s. At least there'd be a reason for the flashbacks. - Rick the Runesinger

                  Blood and Country

                  Tribe of my Tribe
                  Clan of my Clan
                  Kin of my Kin
                  Blood of my Blood

                  For the Yule was upon them, the Yule; and they quaffed from the skulls of the slain,
                  And shouted loud oaths in hoarse wit, and long quaffing swore laughing again.


                    Re: It was the best of days... it was the worst of days.

                    Originally posted by Monster View Post
                    I'm the bad guy Thothur.

                    Relax bro.
                    In this particular instance, yeah... Generally when comments start out as "(enter sex/ethnicity/religion group) are a bunch of...." (or something similar, I am totally paraphrasing the idea here, not the content), there's not much good that comes of it. Its not so much what you have said as how you've said it as a massive stereotype that you've been called on before and not bothered to correct. Whether or not I agree with your idea isn't the point, the point is that how you've chosen to express it isn't cool. The last comment or so was one too many for that thread. Hence, end of thread.

                    ...but, with that said...yeah, I'm with MO's call.

                    I might add, that we mods really don't LIKE to mod. We are members here. When you make us put on our mod hats it tends to piss us off out the gate, because we'd rather be sipping virtual mojitos or some fun BS like that. Personally, it jacks up my family time on my day off. So if I come of pissed off, its because you've ruined my tea and PF time. If I'm really pissed off, you'd know...there would be far, far more cursing.
                    Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                      Re: It was the best of days... it was the worst of days.

                      Originally posted by thalassa View Post
                      So if I come of pissed off, its because you've ruined my tea and PF time.

                      Hehe my PF time always includes tea too... Yay, I'm not the only one!


                        Re: It was the best of days... it was the worst of days.

                        Originally posted by Ljubezen View Post
                        Hehe my PF time always includes tea too... Yay, I'm not the only one!
                        Popcorn. Always the popcorn.
                        It's an Arab Spring on the horizon. I can just smell it.
                        Satan is my spirit animal


                          Re: It was the best of days... it was the worst of days.

                          Popcorn makes me sleepy...

