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PF (US) Get-Together Polll

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    PF (US) Get-Together Polll

    Simple question:

    I'd love it if this get-together was:
    An already established Pagan Meet/Spiritual Festival
    Camping by the riverside at Chain's place.

    "Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." - Ayn Rand

    "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius

    "The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice." - Mark Twain

    "The only gossip I'm interested in is things from the Weekly World News - 'Woman's bra bursts, 11 injured'. That kind of thing." - Johnny Depp

    Re: PF (US) Get-Together Polll

    I voted
    It's a really, really cool thing, to be able to show people that you can be yourself, and you should be proud of yourself, and you should own who you are and what you're about, and never make apologies for it.
    -Adam Lambert

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      Re: PF (US) Get-Together Polll

      I think it would be awesome to meet everyone here, but it would also be wonderful if we could meet during an event to make other connections.

      After all, almost all of us (or so it seems) live in a primarily Christian areas and the opportunity to meet LOTS of pagans versus just us seems much more appealing.

      Also, I don't drive so organizing carpool ideas would also be harder to do if its just us at your house.

      Sorry to be such a negative Nancy.


        Re: PF (US) Get-Together Polll

        I DON'T KNOW!!!

        There's good stuff about both!
        Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


          Re: PF (US) Get-Together Polll

          Originally posted by thalassa View Post
          I DON'T KNOW!!!

          There's good stuff about both!
          I know right? I'm going to have to think about this for a while still. I like both/either idea too much to decide.
          �Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer.�
          ― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
          Sneak Attack
          Avatar picture by the wonderful and talented TJSGrimm.


            Re: PF (US) Get-Together Polll

            I'm not going but I voted anyways so sorry about that.

            But, I voted Chains property. Because I figure it would be a lot more fun and community building if you guys were just hanging out in nature in a nice quiet place. Camping out, talking, camp fire etc etc. Rather than a loud convention where you guys would be kind of all over the place trying to see all of the things. Thats just me though.
            White and Red 'till I'm cold and dead.
            In Days of yore,
            From Britain's shore
            Wolfe the dauntless hero came
            And planted firm Britannia's flag
            On Canada's fair domain.
            Here may it wave,
            Our boast, our pride
            And joined in love together,
            The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined,
            The Maple Leaf Forever.


              Re: PF (US) Get-Together Polll

              Originally posted by Doc_Holliday View Post
              I'm not going but I voted anyways so sorry about that.

              But, I voted Chains property. Because I figure it would be a lot more fun and community building if you guys were just hanging out in nature in a nice quiet place. Camping out, talking, camp fire etc etc. Rather than a loud convention where you guys would be kind of all over the place trying to see all of the things. Thats just me though.
              I had started writing what was essentially this comment, except without the Canada comment. So what Doc said. Doc is apparently my Canadian Heathen Twin.
              hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


                Re: PF (US) Get-Together Polll

                Chain, can we build a candle labyrinth? I feel that regardless of where we meet, we will need a candle labyrinth. If I have to build one myself, then so be it!
                �Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer.�
                ― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
                Sneak Attack
                Avatar picture by the wonderful and talented TJSGrimm.


                  Re: PF (US) Get-Together Polll

                  Originally posted by Malflick View Post
                  Doc is apparently my Canadian Heathen Twin.
                  Lol that makes a lot of sense
                  White and Red 'till I'm cold and dead.
                  In Days of yore,
                  From Britain's shore
                  Wolfe the dauntless hero came
                  And planted firm Britannia's flag
                  On Canada's fair domain.
                  Here may it wave,
                  Our boast, our pride
                  And joined in love together,
                  The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined,
                  The Maple Leaf Forever.


                    Re: PF (US) Get-Together Polll

                    Wolvenwold might be a place to consider. It's in Elk Creek, MO.

                    Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


                      Re: PF (US) Get-Together Polll

                      I voted Chain's place because I have a hard time with how fluffy bunny a lot of pagan gatherings can get.

                      If you give me enough time, I can make and bring mead! (and hide it going across the border...)

                      Mostly art.


                        Re: PF (US) Get-Together Polll

                        Originally posted by Juniper View Post
                        Chain, can we build a candle labyrinth? I feel that regardless of where we meet, we will need a candle labyrinth. If I have to build one myself, then so be it!
                        Yes! That sounds wonderful!

                        Originally posted by volcaniclastic View Post
                        I voted Chain's place because I have a hard time with how fluffy bunny a lot of pagan gatherings can get.

                        If you give me enough time, I can make and bring mead! (and hide it going across the border...)


                        Sounds odd, but I feel stupid for being the only person pro-meetup places. lol


                          Re: PF (US) Get-Together Polll

                          Fluffy... Bunny?
                          hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


                            Re: PF (US) Get-Together Polll

                            Fluffy bunny = omg my wiccan peoples, let me grab my familiar who is a snail and dance naked under the full moon while we charge crystals and I tell you the tale of the burning times, and after that, we can totally cast a spell or something, even though I've never done it, but I think in a past life I was a wizard, so I'm like totally a pro, and then we can be beautiful!!11!

                            (I'm sorry if that was offensive)

                            Mostly art.


                              Re: PF (US) Get-Together Polll

                              Originally posted by LadyDorothy View Post

                              Sounds odd, but I feel stupid for being the only person pro-meetup places. lol
                              No, luv. I'm having a hard time deciding myself because I have BEEN to PSG three times and a couple of other pagan meet ups in the past. Granted, it's been a long time (haven't gone at all since I've lived on the West Coast). Meetings like that are a lot of fun because there's always something to do. Classes, food, chores (yes PSG has voluntary *chores*, or they did when I went), people to meet, things to observe.
                              I've never really been to a private meet up like this, though so that's a new experience for me. Though, I can't really see how it would be any different than going to my family reunions (sadly, I never know anyone that's there). I'm not terribly good at planning events and things to do because I just have no experience in it so I would definitely need help from people with that! But we already have some things on the menu, like camp fires, (Hopefully) candle labyrinths, cookouts, etc.

                              So, I'm having a hard time deciding. One is like meeting a group of people at a very very large coffee shop, more or less. The other is a very small version of the coffee shop, but in a private setting.
                              �Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted. And experience is often the most valuable thing you have to offer.�
                              ― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
                              Sneak Attack
                              Avatar picture by the wonderful and talented TJSGrimm.

