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AP vibration stage paralysis

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    AP vibration stage paralysis

    Well, I imagine it's not just me that gets this, and that's mainly why I'm here. I need to hear someone say it's normal lol.

    Anyway, recently I've sort of been handed the freebie "vibrational state" that I associate with attempts at astral projection. I'll wake up in the morning, but still be kind of tired, and I get a "falling" feeling in my head. I can throw it off with a little mental effort, but if I let it go, the effect drops over me suddenly. My ears block off and I can hear a rushing (like when you yawn), and my whole body starts vibrating.

    The thing is, I'm paralyzed physically in this state. That's not too bad for me (though it was scary the first time it happened but this morning I explored it a VERY little bit), but I'm mainly afraid of this: I have such a hard time just getting a hand or a foot to move when I want to control my body again (it's impossible to just do - it takes a concerted burst of will, resulting in jerky motions until I can get control back) that I worry about my breathing. I have breathed in this state and I can do it, but it's a little hard, like moving a hand or something (but not quite that hard).

    I know when one is asleep, one breathes despite being unconscious, but this state isn't really sleep. So I guess I need for someone to tell me - am I okay, or will I suffocate myself if I let myself into this state? Lol.

    Thanks PF,

    Re: AP vibration stage paralysis

    It's most likely sleep paralysis. Most people don't even realize that they can't move, they just continue falling asleep. Some people get night terrors or hypnagogic imagery, and when they try to fight off or interact with whatever they see, they realize that they are paralyzed, which can intensify the fear they feel when having night terrors. It's also what gave rise to people believing night-terrors were sitting on their chests, or that they were being held down by spirits and what-not. Having a vibrating sensation is fairly common during sleep paralysis.

    I can't find the references anymore, but some research pointed to many spatial perception illusions (floating, being lifted or transported, having the bed spin under you and other things reported in alien abduction reports) may be due to having pressure on a certain part of the brain responsible for spatial orientation recognition. You might want to change the position you're in when you're falling asleep & see if the vibrations ease up.
    The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


      Re: AP vibration stage paralysis

      Well, thanks for the advice, but I was more looking for opinions from practitioners of AP (my apologies if I misunderstood and you are one). I realize I could reasily just chalk it up to "it's a weird brain phenomenon," avoid it, and forget about it, but if it's part of AP, I still need the answer to my original question: Will the "paralysis" cause me to stop breathing and suffocate, or am I safe?



        Re: AP vibration stage paralysis

        You are safe. I practice Astral Projection, and this is a common step. However, you have to be careful, because depending on the technique you have, you might accidentally end up having a lucid dream and not really projecting your soul.

        Check out my blog! The Daily Satanist


          Re: AP vibration stage paralysis

          Originally posted by Valhalla View Post
          Well, thanks for the advice, but I was more looking for opinions from practitioners of AP (my apologies if I misunderstood and you are one). I realize I could reasily just chalk it up to "it's a weird brain phenomenon," avoid it, and forget about it, but if it's part of AP, I still need the answer to my original question: Will the "paralysis" cause me to stop breathing and suffocate, or am I safe?

          I do practice astral projection, but I am still aware of the biology of the sleep process and the body in a meditative state. Sleep paralysis is perfectly natural, as is the vibrating sensation, and you will not stop breathing or suffocate. If you're worried about breathing issues you might want to check with your doctor to see if you have sleep apnea. Intensely relaxed states might cause apnea symptoms any time you're laying down.
          The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


            Re: AP vibration stage paralysis

            Is THAT what it's called? I hit that stage when I was learning AP and it scared me so much, like real panic as though I was dying. I had to quit. I think I've told the story before, but it might have been the old forum, before the crash.. so briefly.. I saw my Nanna during the particularly bad episode. I also heard my spirit guide (or my higher self if you prefer that), telling me to feel... Feel for anything. I couldn't move.. couldn't open my eyes.. a horrible loud sound that... I can't actually remember in any detail, but it was a buzz, or a tinckle.. I dunno anymore.

            Anyway. I never tried it again after that, but I have on several occasions since, had that feeling again, where by body has falling asleep but my mind is awake. It scares me so much that I sometimes notice just as it's about to happen and I end up scared to fall asleep so have to get up.
            夕方に急なにわか雨は「夕立」と呼ばれるなら、なぜ朝ににわか雨は「朝立ち」と呼ばれないの? ^^If a sudden rain shower in the evening is referred to as an 'evening stand', then why isn't a shower in the morning called 'morning stand'?


              Re: AP vibration stage paralysis

              Well, I do figure I'm not really in danger, cause the last time it happened, I stayed in it for a little bit. It was just a few seconds, but I just increased the vibrations, decreased them, and then broke out of it. When I was back "awake," I didn't feel a great need to take a breath or anything, so I imagine my breathing was okay.

              The closest I ever came to APing was in a motel once, but after having experienced this vibration stage (which every AP writer seems to declare absolutely necessary to the practice), I am not so sure I was actually close to projecting. But I certainly felt as if my astral body were rising out of my physical one - that was when I got very scared and broke the meditation.



                Re: AP vibration stage paralysis

                Perhaps pertains to what your asking but I am reminded of the misalignment of physical and spectral bodies that sometimes occurs doing an Out of Body Experience (O.B.E.). As one attempts to separate or reunite the two bodies do not come back together properly so the cords that align them do not match. Imagine your physical body facing upwards for instance yet the spectral body lying face down within the same space. Neither works for the crossed signals prevents you from separating again or controlling any aspect of the physical. It will eventually straighten itself out but it may take anywhere from a few seconds to hours depending upon how severe the misalignment is.

                Ones orientation and awareness is really screwed up during the process. Consider your physical lungs pushing upwards to take in air, then the spectral bodies lungs pushing downwards to take in air with the connectors registering both aspects and trying to process it at the same time. You get the sensation of having difficulty breathing under such conditions, almost feels asthmatic in the difficulty you get breathing.

                I was tough the best way to prevent it is to project while in a sitting position or a certain prone position with the extremities close to the physical body, such as crossed arms and crossed legs or side by side touching. Almost a death bed position which makes the connectors close together then you simply settle back into the physical body. I've heard of other's who prefer to rise up into the physical body from below but that always caused me issues of alignment.

                However the process I was tough was when we defined the places we could project to as Astral, Etheral and Physical. As such the spirit or spectral body we projected varied in form and awareness. Then one had to factor in where it was upon the outer realities or inner mental realities they were projecting to as that influenced things as well. Basically Etheral was the area above the earth one used for things like remote viewing or observing things while dream walking type scenarios. Astral was more multidimensional in that it could be anywhere, physical of course was projecting ones spectre or ghost to a place and actually having it witnessed by others or physically touching and being recognized as being there.
                I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                  Re: AP vibration stage paralysis

                  Why would your astral body have lungs? I doubt if spirits need to breathe. I imagine it's mostly just the brain effects of unplugging your conscious mind from your body. Maybe I wasn't hooked up to an astral body yet (I wasn't trying to project at the time). So I was just a piece of consciousness almost in between states. Quite simply, I couldn't feel my body. Occam's Razor, you know? The fewest assumptions - is it more likely, all things being equal, that my astral body was misaligned inside my physical one, or that I couldn't feel my body because my body fell asleep with my mind still awake and not linked into a dream cycle?



                    Re: AP vibration stage paralysis

                    That goes back to the connectors. While the spectral has no need for lungs, etc when they are coming back together the processes are being re-intragated so both bodies take the same actions in order to merge them back together. For want of a better term both bodies fall beneath the super mind as it pulls them together all of the functions being performed to align. Of course that is just the way I was tough so it may vary for others and their perceptions.
                    I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                      Re: AP vibration stage paralysis

                      Anyone here managed to reliably go beyond the vibration stage? I started reaching it unintentionally, sometimes while meditating, usually when I go to sleep directly after meditating then start to wake up again a few hours later. At first it freaked me out and I thought I was having a stroke or something, now I try to just lay back, relax and see where it takes me, but instead of launching into a full blown projection it generally just stops after a minute or two.


                        Re: AP vibration stage paralysis

                        I read several books on astral projecting a while ago and attempted it for months, as soon as I gave up, I woke up walking in my room physically but my spirit was ahead of myself and I was shocked, I pulled myself back into my regular body from the shock and was inhaling hard trying to pull myself back into my body but it was already done from then on I stopped because I was a little scared. When outside my body I had felt a little maybe airy, its hard to explain it is very different like when your stomach turns when you go down and up a hill fast.

