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Valerie Love, a Christian Witch

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    Valerie Love, a Christian Witch

    I came across this interesting and brilliant youtuber named Valerie Love. She has been a Jehovah's Witness for the first 30 years of her life until she decided "Nuh-uh. This ain't for me!" before moving onto things she felt connected to, such as nature and witchcraft and things like that. She still loved Jesus, so she became a Christian Witch. Shes been one for over 20 years now and she is sharing her experience and her views on youtube.

    I highly recommend her if you ever wanna get a further understanding of ChristoPaganism.

    If you have heard of her and seen her videos, what's your opinion on her? I think she's one of the greatest youtubers I've seen so far. Her wisdom and knowledge of the Universe astonishes me. It lets me know that this stage of my faith that I am in is only the beginning. There's so much surprises that the Universe has to offer and I know that Toothless will take me there.

    Update: Apparently I can't post links. ><

    Re: Valerie Love, a Christian Witch

    links are restricted till you have 15 non-game, non-intro posts. Once you have those, they should be fine and the site will be less likely to try and eat your posts.
    Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

    Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

    "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

    John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

    "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

    Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


      Re: Valerie Love, a Christian Witch

      Originally posted by Daughter of Toothless View Post
      I came across this interesting and brilliant youtuber named Valerie Love. She has been a Jehovah's Witness for the first 30 years of her life until she decided "Nuh-uh. This ain't for me!" before moving onto things she felt connected to, such as nature and witchcraft and things like that. She still loved Jesus, so she became a Christian Witch. Shes been one for over 20 years now and she is sharing her experience and her views on youtube.

      I highly recommend her if you ever wanna get a further understanding of ChristoPaganism.

      If you have heard of her and seen her videos, what's your opinion on her? I think she's one of the greatest youtubers I've seen so far. Her wisdom and knowledge of the Universe astonishes me. It lets me know that this stage of my faith that I am in is only the beginning. There's so much surprises that the Universe has to offer and I know that Toothless will take me there.

      Update: Apparently I can't post links. ><
      I'd personally add that Christian Witch does not equate to Christio-Paganism. Any one can be a witch and practice their craft within the framework of any spiritual belief system. Yet most consider pagan to be any religion not based upon Abrahamic principles. Sort of like Gnostic's are still Christian though they are not what many would identify as Christian. Many Ceremonial and High Magics are still Christian in focus and practice of whom they call or summon. Yet other's call upon different sources so are not seen as being Christian dogma based. I'd add that Pow Wow is also heavily influenced by Christian influences and maybe seen as a form of folkish Christianity vice pagan.
      I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


        Re: Valerie Love, a Christian Witch

        Originally posted by monsno_leedra View Post
        I'd personally add that Christian Witch does not equate to Christio-Paganism. Any one can be a witch and practice their craft within the framework of any spiritual belief system. Yet most consider pagan to be any religion not based upon Abrahamic principles.
        It depends on how you define 'pagan', which is a big question. As I've said before, I tend towards a 'nature religion' or 'earth-centred religion' definition. So, for example, a Christian with a strong focus on the natural world and deity's immanence in nature, would have at least somewhat of a pagan approach.
        You are right in that witchcraft does not necessarily implying paganism, though. Witchcraft is a reclaimed term referring to, primarily European, folk magic practices. It is often attached to a nature-based approach to spirituality, by dint it being magic practised by the folk--the common man of the countryside. But it does not necessarily have to be that way.


          Re: Valerie Love, a Christian Witch

          Originally posted by Louisvillian View Post
          It depends on how you define 'pagan', which is a big question. As I've said before, I tend towards a 'nature religion' or 'earth-centred religion' definition. So, for example, a Christian with a strong focus on the natural world and deity's immanence in nature, would have at least somewhat of a pagan approach.
          You are right in that witchcraft does not necessarily implying paganism, though. Witchcraft is a reclaimed term referring to, primarily European, folk magic practices. It is often attached to a nature-based approach to spirituality, by dint it being magic practised by the folk--the common man of the countryside. But it does not necessarily have to be that way.
          I'd buy that right up to the point where the bible gives man dominion over the beasts of the field and land. That suggests something less than nature oriented but more exploitative of those natural resources. But I do agree it has a lot to do with how one defines Pagan.
          I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


            Re: Valerie Love, a Christian Witch

            Originally posted by monsno_leedra View Post
            I'd buy that right up to the point where the bible gives man dominion over the beasts of the field and land. That suggests something less than nature oriented but more exploitative of those natural resources. But I do agree it has a lot to do with how one defines Pagan.
            This is something where the translation of the Bible you have is going to give you a super different reading. Mine said that we are given "stewardship" which is quite a different concept then dominion, and implies that our job is to care for and take care over the earth rather than exploit it. I know some translations say dominion, which only goes to show how ridiculously up for interpretation the Bible is.
            hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


              Re: Valerie Love, a Christian Witch

              Truthfully, I do not see the term "Stewardship" being utilized until more recent translations of the bible, older translations I've seen have always used Dominion. Which I must admit makes me wonder is it the translation or the PC influence of making things more politically correct and appealing to people. Though I do agree which translation one uses can make a lot of difference in how it is read.

              - - - Updated - - -

              Just for comparison of Genesis 1:26 & 1:28 here's a number of translations of the dominion over the beast statement.

              Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness, to rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it.

              God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and every creature that crawls upon the earth.
              I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                Re: Valerie Love, a Christian Witch

                I actually ran into a few of her videos on my timeline. She is fantastic!


                  Re: Valerie Love, a Christian Witch

                  Originally posted by monsno_leedra View Post
                  I'd buy that right up to the point where the bible gives man dominion over the beasts of the field and land. That suggests something less than nature oriented but more exploitative of those natural resources. But I do agree it has a lot to do with how one defines Pagan.
                  I may be reading your post wrong or perhaps I am confused but regarding another thread about pagans sacrificing animals... isn't that the same attitude of 'dominion over the beasts of the field and land'? Isn't that exploiting nature/animals for human need (or greed)?
                  PS I am not poitning this question at your personally monsno_leedra, it is just a thought that came up when I read your post.
                  My posts are generally sent from my cell fone. Please excuse my brevity, and spelling/grammar errors.


                    Re: Valerie Love, a Christian Witch

                    Originally posted by Auseklis View Post
                    I may be reading your post wrong or perhaps I am confused but regarding another thread about pagans sacrificing animals... isn't that the same attitude of 'dominion over the beasts of the field and land'? Isn't that exploiting nature/animals for human need (or greed)?
                    PS I am not poitning this question at your personally monsno_leedra, it is just a thought that came up when I read your post.
                    This one is sort of hard to explain so hopefully this doesn't drift to far.

                    When I use dominion over the herds and fields as I understand Christianity it's a blanket statement that makes them of little to no concern to how humanity treats or recognizes them. They are more of a property that has no intrinsic value beyond that as they have no souls, spirits, etc. They exist not for existing but to provide for humanity and are under humanities purpose. Granted many appear to claim we are supposed to act as caretakers to those under our charge but that seems to be a more modern slant.

                    When I say blood offerings and such I see them as part and parcel of the greater dynamic of life. As such they are seen as component parts of the cycle but also recognized as aspects of the greater whole of the species and inter connectiveness of all species. Thus say a cow is both an individual but also an aspect of a greater bovine spirit that inhabits all cattle and such. So when an offering is made it touches upon the relationship between man and nature, it honors the individual spirit of the cow that is sacrificed but also acknowledges or honors the greater bovine spirit and it's interaction with humanity as an animal and carnivore.

                    From a shamanic aspect it honors the fact of the meat of the animal is not the spirit of the animal. It also somewhat honors the aspect that we are connected in that we survive because they exist and honoring via sacrifice is fulfilling our part of the dynamics. But also recognize we do not control or dominate the greater spirit living in balance with it. I think nature has also provided examples of how killing for killing and spoiling of the meat is wrong and serves no purpose such as what the wolverine does as it urinates upon excess simply to keep anything from consuming the leftovers.

                    From a personal aspect please always feel free to ask me for clarification as it not only challenges me but also makes me truly ponder my own spirituality and beliefs deeper than just the surface current. I figure if I can defend or explain them then I haven't really though deeply about them or the why of it. Of course that is my own personal position so others may see it differently for themselves.
                    I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                      Re: Valerie Love, a Christian Witch

                      Originally posted by monsno_leedra View Post
                      This one is sort of hard to explain so hopefully this doesn't drift to far.

                      When I use dominion over the herds and fields as I understand Christianity it's a blanket statement that makes them of little to no concern to how humanity treats or recognizes them. They are more of a property that has no intrinsic value beyond that as they have no souls, spirits, etc. They exist not for existing but to provide for humanity and are under humanities purpose. Granted many appear to claim we are supposed to act as caretakers to those under our charge but that seems to be a more modern slant.

                      When I say blood offerings and such I see them as part and parcel of the greater dynamic of life. As such they are seen as component parts of the cycle but also recognized as aspects of the greater whole of the species and inter connectiveness of all species. Thus say a cow is both an individual but also an aspect of a greater bovine spirit that inhabits all cattle and such. So when an offering is made it touches upon the relationship between man and nature, it honors the individual spirit of the cow that is sacrificed but also acknowledges or honors the greater bovine spirit and it's interaction with humanity as an animal and carnivore.

                      From a shamanic aspect it honors the fact of the meat of the animal is not the spirit of the animal. It also somewhat honors the aspect that we are connected in that we survive because they exist and honoring via sacrifice is fulfilling our part of the dynamics. But also recognize we do not control or dominate the greater spirit living in balance with it. I think nature has also provided examples of how killing for killing and spoiling of the meat is wrong and serves no purpose such as what the wolverine does as it urinates upon excess simply to keep anything from consuming the leftovers.

                      From a personal aspect please always feel free to ask me for clarification as it not only challenges me but also makes me truly ponder my own spirituality and beliefs deeper than just the surface current. I figure if I can defend or explain them then I haven't really though deeply about them or the why of it. Of course that is my own personal position so others may see it differently for themselves.
                      Thanks for your thoughts on the subject.
                      My posts are generally sent from my cell fone. Please excuse my brevity, and spelling/grammar errors.

