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Couple more months til Thanksgiving, and my mom and stepfather are Christian

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    Couple more months til Thanksgiving, and my mom and stepfather are Christian

    Not sure what the best thing to do is here. I could just say grace, but I read that dishonesty isn't a good way to start a spiritual path. My mom doesn't really care either way, if it was just her, I could get away with not saying grace, but I have a feeling my stepfather would mind because he's a devout Christian.
    What one believes in is infinitely more important than WHO they believe in.

    Re: Couple more months til Thanksgiving, and my mom and stepfather are Christian

    Make a grace thanking your friends and family.
    Satan is my spirit animal


      Re: Couple more months til Thanksgiving, and my mom and stepfather are Christian

      Do you have to be the one that says grace? Can you pass it off to someone else? I was asked to say grace I made it interfaith and I was never asked again.

      In my family, us Pagans and atheists (we are about 1/4 of the family) just bow our heads and STFU for a few minutes while the Christian types have their moment of my Uncle says, the Pagan 1/8 (myself, my spouse, and our kids) just say our own prayer in our heads, and the atheist 1/8 (my uncle, his wife, and their kids) think about food.
      Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


        Re: Couple more months til Thanksgiving, and my mom and stepfather are Christian

        I say grace. I want to give thanks for my food. My husband is Christian. He calls it grace. So I call it grace, it's just easier. We take turns. When it's my turn, I don't direct it to god or say amen. The husband does, but he's usually pretty low key about it.

        just my two cents
        ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


        I have never been across the way
        Seen the desert and the birds
        You cut your hair short
        Like a shush to an insult
        The world had been yelling
        Since the day you were born
        Revolting with anger
        While it smiled like it was cute
        That everything was shit.

        - J. Wylder


          Re: Couple more months til Thanksgiving, and my mom and stepfather are Christian

          I come from an all pagan upbringing and I have never found it dishonest to say grace. If you were with other pagans and they asked you to join their circle, even if it was not your flavor of paganism, would you respect their path? Why not respect the path of the Christian tradition just for that moment?
          My posts are generally sent from my cell fone. Please excuse my brevity, and spelling/grammar errors.


            Re: Couple more months til Thanksgiving, and my mom and stepfather are Christian

            Originally posted by jcaternolo View Post
            Not sure what the best thing to do is here. I could just say grace, but I read that dishonesty isn't a good way to start a spiritual path. My mom doesn't really care either way, if it was just her, I could get away with not saying grace, but I have a feeling my stepfather would mind because he's a devout Christian.
            Ask your stepfather to say grace (or 'turn grace,' as we say 'round these parts). Let's you off the hook, makes him feel good, and you can think about turkey and dressing while he's talking...
            I often wish that I had done drugs in the '70s. At least there'd be a reason for the flashbacks. - Rick the Runesinger

            Blood and Country

            Tribe of my Tribe
            Clan of my Clan
            Kin of my Kin
            Blood of my Blood

            For the Yule was upon them, the Yule; and they quaffed from the skulls of the slain,
            And shouted loud oaths in hoarse wit, and long quaffing swore laughing again.


              Re: Couple more months til Thanksgiving, and my mom and stepfather are Christian

              I also don't find it offensive to say "grace." You can personally give it to any god of your choosing

              I always do a big thanksgiving with my friends here (less than 2 weeks until the Canadian version!) If I don't do it, no one will because it's such a minority thing here and I like to keep a bit of my country's tradition. I don't say grace at all, though I secretly offer a thanks to the turkey that gave its life before I serve it. My friends come from different faiths, and most (including my boyfriend) are atheists and stuff like that makes them a bit uncomfortable. In a multi-faith gathering, sometimes it's just helpful to keep it secular. Sometimes I ask anyone who wants to to talk about what they're thankful for. You don't need a religion to offer up a bit of gratitude for the things you have. Maybe you could try something like that?


                Re: Couple more months til Thanksgiving, and my mom and stepfather are Christian

                Are you feeling you have to say grace to the Christian god?
                "The doer alone learneth." -- Friedrich Nietzsche


                  Re: Couple more months til Thanksgiving, and my mom and stepfather are Christian

                  I know my girlfriend, when in situations like that, prays to her own Gods and keeps it to herself. When I visit my friends who are other religions, such as Hindu, I quietly show the same respect.
                  hey look, I have a book! And look I have a second one too!


                    Re: Couple more months til Thanksgiving, and my mom and stepfather are Christian

                    Black Sabbath: Iron Man
                    I often wish that I had done drugs in the '70s. At least there'd be a reason for the flashbacks. - Rick the Runesinger

                    Blood and Country

                    Tribe of my Tribe
                    Clan of my Clan
                    Kin of my Kin
                    Blood of my Blood

                    For the Yule was upon them, the Yule; and they quaffed from the skulls of the slain,
                    And shouted loud oaths in hoarse wit, and long quaffing swore laughing again.


                      Re: Couple more months til Thanksgiving, and my mom and stepfather are Christian

                      Originally posted by Malflick View Post
                      I know my girlfriend, when in situations like that, prays to her own Gods and keeps it to herself.
                      Same here. My family says grace at every dinner, so normally I just bow my head and give my own thanks to my gods. Occasionally at family gatherings one person will be asked to lead prayer while everyone else is quiet, and when it's my turn I make mine rather secular. 'Good bread, Good meat, Thanks Mom, Let's eat!' tends to get a laugh out of my relatives.
                      Last edited by Erika; 05 Oct 2013, 08:40. Reason: spell check!

