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Why don't we remember lessons from previous lives...

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    Re: Why don't we remember lessons from previous lives...

    Contrary to the popular belief that I am a human that is trying to become spiritual, I believe that I am a spirit trying to exist as a human. I believe that my spirit is developing, or growing, and therefore learning. As a human, I recall various lessons that I have learned in my past; how certain foods taste, don't grab cast iron cookware without a hot pad, crows can usually figure a way to get the peanuts despite your best efforts to prevent them from doing so, and many many more. Yet, as a human, I don't seem to be able to recall lessons that I've learned from previous lives. And this brings up my question of: Do we recall lessons learned from past lives, or not?

    As my friend asked: "What is the point of previous lives, or even future lives, if we don't remember the past lives?". A very good point. What would be the purpose of being reborn if we don't recall anything from previous lives? For that matter what would be the purpose for being incarnate in the first place? To me that would be like taking a vacation by sitting in a jail cell; going from a spirit to a human being.


      Re: Why don't we remember lessons from previous lives...

      My own opinion is that why would I want to retain a past life when I am here to live this life? I find those who focus upon a past life all the time have a difficult and un-fulfilling life this time. Then factor in that in all probability the life experiences from one life would have little bearing or impact upon a current life time. The ethics, morality and knowledge of 1900's in the US would have no bearing on life in 1990's US and would serve more to ostracize one than aide them in any specific way. At best you end up with a bunch of Queen Elizabeth the 1st and Peter the Great type personalities running around.

      Then factor in that our spirituality in part allows us to survive within the current life and face the trials and tribulations of that life. Thus those spiritual aspects grow with each life though an underlying aspect probably remains which inspires us to seek and search out things. Yet if it all came through unaffected or recalled then there would be no need to seek and search, nor to really live I suppose.
      I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


        Re: Why don't we remember lessons from previous lives...

        Actually if we are reincarnated...Which I personally am not even sure we do or don't...But if we are, I feel like it would explain those little things that you just know, without reading them nor anyone telling you them. Have you ever experienced these things before? And wondered... "hmmm, how the hell do I even know this for sure?!"
        like for instance in relationships, there are things that you are about to say or do and then all of a sudden you don't, because you feel as if you've done this before (even though you haven't) and you just know it's going to backfire on you...Or you do it, because you are 100 % sure this is the right thing to do to make that person happy...or to have a healthy marriage. Or with other things...illnesses for example. Sometimes you just know, without a doctor confirming it. As if you or someone (maybe from a past life who knows) you were close to experienced this before. There are so many situations (small almost unnoticeable things) that happen, where it's nearly impossible for you to know ... but you do!
        Now some people may say this is the "proof" of reincarnation...others might say its a coincidence...and others will say it's a guardian angel...and others will say this is God helping you along...there are a ton of explanations for this, that all in all can only be answered individually depending on your path.
        IF (the emphasis is on IF i did, hence I'm not sure I believe in this) I did live live's before this one...Then I most definitely think I've learned from them. *thinking outside the box*


          Re: Why don't we remember lessons from previous lives...

          Originally posted by Claude View Post
          Find me a study that proves reptiles (I own 3) and plants have intelligence comparable to that of a mammal and I'll resend my comment.
          The octopus, while neither a plant or a reptile, is quite intelligent, comparable to that of (some) mammals or birds. While this is just an article, there are about 50 years worth of studies that support this idea. (just because I think octopi are cool, not because I'm trying to drag out this line of conversation)

          As for the OP, I don't believe in a reincarnation of consciousness. I know that our physical body is recycled, that our genes carry on in our children, that our deeds are reflected back into the world at large. Everything else is supposition. Death (what happens after it) is one of the great mysteries of life, and irrelevant in the living of life.
          Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


            Re: Why don't we remember lessons from previous lives...

            This certainly an interesting topic. I've never really thought on it this deeply. Love the deep thinkers on this forum!

            Personally I'm not sure I believe reincarnation in the sense that your soul is revived in a new body after your current one dies so much as the previous life resonates in you. I believe that if we had previous lives we don't share a soul with that previous person, but rather a piece of them echoes within us, sort of like the passing of a torch. Natural talents, instincts, and other things you simply "know" how to do came from somewhere, in my opinion. I like to think that I carry a part of my ancestors outside of the physical things like DNA.


              Re: Why don't we remember lessons from previous lives...

              Originally posted by Cobra View Post
              I just do not see how "life spark" as energy could transfer when we already have a full consciousness with the possibility to continue.
              Because life = energy is a fact, and energy cannot be created or destroyed is also a fact. If a human thought could exist independently of human mind then you'd be right. However, thoughts happen in a contained space defined by actual boundaries that can't be crossed. I can sit here an think "My essay will get finished." but that doesn't mean that it will get done. My thoughts/mind/consciousness has to interact on a chemical and cellular level in order to produce physical change. Even then that entire process is happening within the confines of my own body and results of it would only be seen if my body existed. A consciousness independent of a body is incapable of producing physical change. So how could we even determine a consciousness's ability to exist after the death of the body? You simply can't. But the aforementioned things, that energy is life and energy can't be destroyed, can be proven and has. Therefore, there are actually two kinds of reincarnation. The atoms of the body beak their bonds and are put back into the planetary cycle of reconfiguration and decomposition. The energy stored inside of those atoms and the energy that was used to keep the body alive is also recycled. If you could pin your idea of soul or consciousness on a single unit of energy, which would have an independent form, then you'd be 100% correct. From what I've seen and read thoughts and most other mental functions are complex electro and chemical reactions. Shortly after happening they fade and cease to exist. This is of course assuming that they weren't reflected through the body onto something physical like a book or canvas. The real question in all this is rather or not the continuity of sensation, emotion, volition and thought is possible without a physical medium. If these things make up a consciousness and a consciousness makes up a soul and a soul is reincarnated then they would also have to have an independent form. Without a form they would fade at the moment of death into nothingness.


                Re: Why don't we remember lessons from previous lives...

                Originally posted by monsno_leedra View Post
                The ethics, morality and knowledge of 1900's in the US would have no bearing on life in 1990's US and would serve more to ostracize one than aide them in any specific way. At best you end up with a bunch of Queen Elizabeth the 1st and Peter the Great type personalities running around.
                It actually has the potential to get much worse. Holding onto full recollections of multiple past lives means potentially holding all the pains of those past lives. What would it be like to be an eight year old with vivid memories of trench warfare or a concentration camp? How much trauma would that hit someone with. Even if one is particularly lucky and has mostly happy lifetimes, a four year old with memories of their last lifetime's marriage, of raising children (more fun if you're reincarnated into your own bloodline and you remember raising your current grandparents...), of a hundred other experiences could be in for an interesting childhood.


                  Re: Why don't we remember lessons from previous lives...

                  Originally posted by Keldorn View Post
                  It actually has the potential to get much worse. Holding onto full recollections of multiple past lives means potentially holding all the pains of those past lives. What would it be like to be an eight year old with vivid memories of trench warfare or a concentration camp? How much trauma would that hit someone with. Even if one is particularly lucky and has mostly happy lifetimes, a four year old with memories of their last lifetime's marriage, of raising children (more fun if you're reincarnated into your own bloodline and you remember raising your current grandparents...), of a hundred other experiences could be in for an interesting childhood.
                  Oh I very much agree. I have active memories that I can identify to both my grandmother and mother that occurred prior to each birth. Initially scared the dickens out of my other when I told her of some of my "dreams" and things I recalled that she identified as being from her youth and prior to my birth. Then figure those are nothing important or life altering memories. They simply are though they have faded as I have aged.

                  I died in my youth and have memories of a place that I waited in to be born into this life where things were sanitized to a degree. Yet I can only imagine what it would be like if the dreams of a past life I have turned out to be actual recall memories of those lives. Especially given that in the three most active memories resulted in their deaths and painful deaths at that.
                  I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                    Re: Why don't we remember lessons from previous lives...

                    Ouch. Recollections of multiple painful deaths, just ouch.

                    This is why I'm not a fan of reincarnation. We now have a scenario where forgetting lifetimes is good. I hate forgetting things and I'm discussing the pros of forgetting lifetimes.


                      Re: Why don't we remember lessons from previous lives...

                      Originally posted by Claude View Post
                      Because life = energy is a fact, and energy cannot be created or destroyed is also a fact. If a human thought could exist independently of human mind then you'd be right. However, thoughts happen in a contained space defined by actual boundaries that can't be crossed. I can sit here an think "My essay will get finished." but that doesn't mean that it will get done. My thoughts/mind/consciousness has to interact on a chemical and cellular level in order to produce physical change. Even then that entire process is happening within the confines of my own body and results of it would only be seen if my body existed. A consciousness independent of a body is incapable of producing physical change. So how could we even determine a consciousness's ability to exist after the death of the body? You simply can't. But the aforementioned things, that energy is life and energy can't be destroyed, can be proven and has. Therefore, there are actually two kinds of reincarnation. The atoms of the body beak their bonds and are put back into the planetary cycle of reconfiguration and decomposition. The energy stored inside of those atoms and the energy that was used to keep the body alive is also recycled. If you could pin your idea of soul or consciousness on a single unit of energy, which would have an independent form, then you'd be 100% correct. From what I've seen and read thoughts and most other mental functions are complex electro and chemical reactions. Shortly after happening they fade and cease to exist. This is of course assuming that they weren't reflected through the body onto something physical like a book or canvas. The real question in all this is rather or not the continuity of sensation, emotion, volition and thought is possible without a physical medium. If these things make up a consciousness and a consciousness makes up a soul and a soul is reincarnated then they would also have to have an independent form. Without a form they would fade at the moment of death into nothingness.
                      I think we are crossing into some fairly theoretical territory. Yes, you require a body to produce physical change on this level of existence. My basic belief of a consciousness or soul is that it is a separate body that is connected now and will be disconnected later and "change dimension," which is consistent with some theories of consciousness, especially those incorporating quantum physics.

                      However, that doesn't matter in this discussion as it is more limited. With further research, we might be able to come closer to pinning consciousness on something specific. What you experience as a result of your brain requires some sort of "observer" and that is what we define as consciousness... it differentiates you from some sort of virtual intelligence because it gives you the sense that you're you, essentially.

                      What science has to tell us about consciousness is theoretical, but I believe many of us have experiences that can tell us more about its nature. What you are referring to as "life spark" is the energy stored in those atoms, correct? That doesn't seem to have really any spiritual construct - it's all just materials. A deer dies and the plants receive some of the nutrients that were in its body as it decays.

                      I can make a few observations. First, consciousness has to come from somewhere, so hopefully the scientific theories of consciousness can be better advanced as we find out more. Second, it seems as if many people's beliefs about consciousness stem directly from any spiritual experiences they have had, which many people do have. Third, we will all find out eventually whether or not it continues.

                      Originally posted by Keldorn View Post
                      Ouch. Recollections of multiple painful deaths, just ouch.

                      This is why I'm not a fan of reincarnation. We now have a scenario where forgetting lifetimes is good. I hate forgetting things and I'm discussing the pros of forgetting lifetimes.
                      I agree. I think that if reincarnation is truth, then that is fairly grim.


                        Re: Why don't we remember lessons from previous lives...

                        I for one do believe in reincarnation as to why we don't remember our past lives I can only say I myself...dont' want to remember. What happened in that life was the past and though the events of that time may in some way affect today any final decisions lay with you. I don't necessarily see the whole reincarnation thing as a series of lives meant to learn particular things or 'lessons' because what would be the end result? A soul that knows everything but that would kinda be like becoming God wouldn't it? Or becoming 'one with the divine' as I've heard it said.
                        I'm much to happy being me and have no intention of returning to the offense to God.
                        My personal belief is this after I die where ever I am if I get the chance to reincarnate I...hope I take it because I have people I love and want to see again. Of course someone may argue you're with them in heaven why live again? I guess because I'm kinda of a romantic like that...hehe. Besides being together forever in heaven sounds wonderful and all and I'm not saying I'd reincarnate right away but if the person I loved was alive well I'd want to be right down there with them.
                        But hey, ask me that question again in fifty years and we'll see if I still give the same answer, lol.
                        A witch is a woman who knows what she wants and is not afraid to work to achieve it. She has strong beliefs and the power to go through with her wishes. She has the power to turn thought into action. She's a strong, hardworking and intelligent woman.
                        Call me a witch and I will thank you for the compliment.


                          Re: Why don't we remember lessons from previous lives...

                          Originally posted by Laketear View Post
                          This is purely a sentimental statement, but I feel like that with reincarnation, the relationships we form with people in our lives like our family and friends become less special. I know people have said it seems egotistical to feel that "everyone is special" but in my perspective, being a 'lesser spirit' doesn't make your soul expendable. I think just as this world has importance in even the smallest and most numerous things (see phytoplankton), the next one will as well. My beliefs about a life after tend to stem from my own experiences and my observations of others' experiences with phenomena that would hint at a spirit world and individual soul as well as my line of thinking regarding an individual's consciousness.


                            Re: Why don't we remember lessons from previous lives...

                            The way I believe, and keep in mind that I am still trying to sort everything out, is that my spirit, or soul, is in this body for this lifetime to learn. I still have not figured out why a spirit would need to become incarnate to learn anything, but that is how I see it now. In order for me to understand it better, I look at it as kind of like going to school. Each life is what you could call a school year and you are in a certain grade, so to speak. During this "school year", or life, I am supposed to learn certain subjects, or lessons. How well I learn these subjects is up to me.

                            With that, I wonder what good is it to learn lessons in a previous life when I don't recall them in this life. Kind of like not remembering how to add or subtract, and trying to learn how to multiply and divide, if you know what I mean.

                            Maybe I came upon some certain wisdom, or discovered an important truth in a past life... what good does that do me when I don't seem to remember it?


                              Re: Why don't we remember lessons from previous lives...

                              Originally posted by Tarn View Post

                              Maybe I came upon some certain wisdom, or discovered an important truth in a past life... what good does that do me when I don't seem to remember it?
                              Knowledge doesn't have to be active on a conscious level to be present. I used to spend a lot of time folding paper into odd things. I lost interest and forgot the detailed steps for most of the complex stuff but if you stuck paper in front of me I could still recreate a few of my favorites for years after I'd lost interest provided that I didn't think too hard about what I was doing. Once I started actually thinking about, I lost the process till I could shut my brain up again. If there is reincarnation and if you carry lessons over lives then locking that knowledge away from conscious awareness doesn't erase it. Just means that it's accessed and employed differently.
                              Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                              Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                              "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                              John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                              "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                              Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                                Re: Why don't we remember lessons from previous lives...

                                I agree with Masked One. In this case- knowledge is like a dream- can be locked in our conciousness, but unlocked if reminded.
                                But I believe that knowledge isn't something you can be born with, but something you recieve, learn, study and obtain. Maybe, just maybe, we don't remember any knowledge, because we have to start from zero, and obtain new knowledge, experience and lessons.
                                "Fair means that everybody gets what they need. And the only way to get that is to make it happen yourself."

                                Since I adore cats, I might write something strange or unusual in my comment.Cats are awesome!!! ^_^

