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Breaking a curse? (WARNING: Very long winded)

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  • Sonku
    Re: Breaking a curse? (WARNING: Very long winded)

    What you go through and people around you real and needs you to do something but I don't believe that your aunt may have a hand in it however I do believe that you need a cleansing spell to banish all negative energies.
    You will need a sea water but you can't get sea water then you can use water and salt, add some some coins in the water and bath your body, then after take the coins in the cross road and through them there but you must say:
    I need the person who will pick up these coins to go with all negativity and then walk straight without looking back.

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  • Rick
    Re: Breaking a curse? (WARNING: Very long winded)

    I asked the Little Woman's opinion on this one, and she recommends that each person currently affected do an un-crossing bath daily for thirteen consecutive days. She also recommends outward reflecting mirrors placed around your home, and if it's possible, at your work as well.

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  • Breaking a curse? (WARNING: Very long winded)

    My mother and I were cursed years ago by my aunt, and anyone we closely associate with for extended periods of time (husbands, close family, ect.), also catches the backfire. Basically, it has made our lives, mine especially, a tribute to Murphy's Law. Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and it will go wrong in the worst way possible, at the worst possible time, and when you least expect it.

    She became very angry with us when my mother left my father because he had been beating us, and then my mom married another man. My aunt was known for incestuous relationships with her brother and other family members, even bearing her cousin's daughter, and she would not hear any wrong about her brother, whom she claimed to be in love with. There was a big fight. She ceased contact with us, and we have not seen her since. Shortly after that, the bad things started happening.

    My mom was injured in a horrible car wreck, and left unable to work. My stepdad fell off of a building at work and was left crippled and unable to work. We were struggling to find places to live and food to eat. At school, where I had always been respected, I suddenly found myself with no friends, and this followed me wherever I went. I was abused by several different men and women over a span of 5 years. My mom had her gallbladder rupture. My dad got brain cancer, repeatedly. My dad was arrested for an "unpaid" ticket that he actually paid. My mom began bleeding uncontrollably between her moon cycles, and had to have a total hysterectemy. I had an ovarian cyst rupture. My dad was put on a medication for high blood pressure that canceled out his bi-polar meds, so the doctors put him on something else as well. This "something else" turned out to be an experimental new drug that made him have hallucinations, and caused him to commit a crime which sent him to prison for 2 years. My mom went crazy while he was gone, and became paranoid, believing that I was trying to poison her, when she knew very well which herbs I was using in her teas to calm her nerves so she could sleep better. I started dating the man who is now my husband, and had to fight a year-long uphill battle against her craziness so she wouldn't chase him off. My husband (then boyfriend) and I went to pick up my (normally sane) cousin and bring her over to visit, when she flipped because we wouldn't take her to her drug-dealer's house, and she attacked my husband, trying to choke him to death. When my husband and I were married, we fought tooth and nail for everything. No one would help us out, and everything was against us. Every time we get settled, something else comes along and yanks the rug out from under us.

    The last straw was this previous month. We had one of our friends, who has been waiting for a very large inheritance (think hundreds of millions), offer to finance a farm for us, since we are now making an ok amount of money, but have very little credit history. We picked our farm out, and it was perfect. It was everything we'd dreamed of, from size, to even house style and the color of the house. Perfect location, and cheap. We made an offer, and were immediately accepted. At this time, the carrier who had the inheritance check had reached the US (from England). It was supposed to be less than a week before he handed it over to our friend. Then he got sick. Then three more offers came in on the house. The house that had sat on the market untouched for SIX MONTHS suddenly had three other offers on it. They agreed to wait for the check. Two weeks later, another carrier was sent to resume the transaction. He meandered about for another week, during which time, TWO MORE OFFERS went to the house. Then, the day he was supposed to meet up with our friend to sign the papers, he collapsed in his hotel room, and was deemed too sick to continue the job. So we lost the house, since the owner was forced to accept another offer. That was our dream home, in our dream location. Sh*t just got personal.

    My aunt's ex-girlfriend stepped forward last week, and informed me that my aunt, who claims to be Wiccan, but doesn't follow the rede, cursed my mother and I after that altercation. I knew that she had cursed other people when I was younger (she has an awful temper), but I wouldn't have thought she'd curse family, let alone me when I was only 9. Her ex told me that the curse was one meant to work subtly so I would never think of a curse, I'd just think it was bad luck, but the harder I fought it, the harder it fought back, until it was blindingly obvious. It was specifically made to trip my mom and I when we least expect it, keep us down for a while, let us get up and take a couple of steps until we're confident again, and then knock us down again. She said she tried to talk her out of it, but she'd never seen her in such a rage. She used a tissue my mom had used to stop her nosebleed once, and one of my used menstrual supplies to bind it with our blood(we had stayed at her house for a week before the fight between her and my mother.) I have no idea how to even begin to fight this curse. And no, it isn't "me giving it power because I expect it to work", because I've only known about it for a week, and it's affected me for 13 years. I need help. A direction to go in to try to break this curse, because it won't let me and my family live our lives, no matter how hard I claw and fight. (And I'm known for my fight)

    Please someone who practiced the Craft, help me. I have been taught some by my great grandmother, who is a witch, but I am mostly self-taught, and I am against a practicing witch of 30 years who is in a 13 member coven. I am at a clear disadvantage here.