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Have you ever talked to a demon?

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    Have you ever talked to a demon?

    Hello, guys!

    I'm a newcomer and I want to ask you some questions about demons.

    Have you ever talked to one of them? Were you afraid? Is it dangerous? And do you actually believe in them, maybe I came on the wrong forum?

    Many thanks for considering my question!

    Re: Have you ever talked to a demon?

    Yes, several. No. It can be. And yes.

    Before I answer in more detail, can I ask why you wish to know about Demons?


      Re: Have you ever talked to a demon?

      Yes. No. Depends on the demon and how you treat it. This is an appropriate forum for this, we discuss and have members of many different belief systems.
      They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
      Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
      -Madeline Miller, Circe


        Re: Have you ever talked to a demon?

        Originally posted by Rae'ya View Post
        Before I answer in more detail, can I ask why you wish to know about Demons?
        Well, I guess I've been always interested in the spiritual world. I have a vague notion about them, and I'd like to know more, talk with people who had some experience and could tell me their point of view on such things.

        Why do you use the capital letter in the word 'demon'?


          Re: Have you ever talked to a demon?

          Originally posted by creepyoak View Post
          Hello, guys!

          I'm a newcomer and I want to ask you some questions about demons.

          Have you ever talked to one of them? Were you afraid? Is it dangerous? And do you actually believe in them, maybe I came on the wrong forum?
          How this question gets answered depends on how one defines "demon". I do not believe in any entity that is all evil with no good about it at all. I believe that everything has good and bad in it. Granted some entities seem as though they have nothing good about them; but somewhere they do have it.

          That said, let me give you this viewpoint on spirits that some may call demons. Think of them much like humans. If a human is capable of wishing harm upon you, I believe that a spirit has the same capability. If a human is capable of helping you, I believe that a spirit has that same capability as well. So are "demons" dangerous? I believe they can be, yes.

          I have been in a few places that went from feeling comfortable to very uncomfortable. This would give credence to the idea that a spirit of ill intent showed up. Much like when you and your friends are having a good time talking together and someone who is "mean" shows up and suddenly the mood of everyone turns in a grim direction.

          Originally posted by creepyoak View Post
          Well, I guess I've been always interested in the spiritual world. I have a vague notion about them, and I'd like to know more, talk with people who had some experience and could tell me their point of view on such things.


            Re: Have you ever talked to a demon?

            All spirits can be demons it depends to how to treat them, I deal with spirits but I hate calling them demons because they are not however there certain kind of spirits which can do everything you ask them to do, even if haunting, killing or any kind of torture. But still they are the same spirits I use to heal or cast any spell for positive reasons. If you want demons, yes you can get them and if you want to get scared they can really scare you to death.
            No sig for you.


              Re: Have you ever talked to a demon?

              Warning! Colorful metaphors, bad language, and general Corbin-style nastiness ahead. Be forewarned. No apology will be forthcoming.

              Have you ever talked to one of them?


              Were you afraid?


              Is it dangerous?

              Very few people who actually do it survive it.

              And do you actually believe in them?

              Yes or No.

              YES - A demon is what a god looks like if somebody sticks their head up it's ass. For example, the demon version of Yahweh powered the Inquisition, and is currently running Westboro Baptist Church. The demon form of Allah is currently convincing people that the way to paradise is through the massacre of the innocent.

              People get into this mix-up because they (somehow) become convinced that, by jamming their head far enough up a god's ass, that god will be obliged to ride on their shoulders.

              NO - Demons, like gods (being the same thing) are creations of our own minds - not usually, although sometimes, consciously created - used to give an excuse to those who don't have the cojones to admit that it (whatever it is - spew hatred at gays, blow up crowded bus stops) is what they really want to do anyway.

              They are used to give guts to the gutless, courage to the cowards, authority to the wimps, a sense of worth to the worthless, power to those who are too pathetic to obtain power on their own, etc.

              I, Corbin, with the power and authority of my God, to whom I show my dedication and devotion daily by shaving the short hairs off his face each morning, have spoken.

              maybe I came on the wrong forum?

              You decide. We'll respect your opinion.
              Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                Re: Have you ever talked to a demon?

                Well, I am not certain about this. Some years ago, before I converted into Kemetism, I had a meeting with a 2 demon like-creatures, and were followed by one. It may appear dangerous in many times. I still can't understand what it is.
                "Fair means that everybody gets what they need. And the only way to get that is to make it happen yourself."

                Since I adore cats, I might write something strange or unusual in my comment.Cats are awesome!!! ^_^


                  Re: Have you ever talked to a demon?

                  Originally posted by Tarn View Post
                  How this question gets answered depends on how one defines "demon".
                  Well, Tarn, I'll try give my definition of "demons".

                  Let's say, that in the spiritual world there are roughly speaking two main categories of spirits - spirits that bring you harm, and those who can help you. By "demons" I ment exactly those harmful spirits. Some of them can bother a little, do little harmful pranks, they are in a way "lower-class harmful spirits".

                  Then, there are more powerful spirits, I suppose all of them have some kind of hierarchy and "specialization", for instance one likes to drive people crazy and the other prefers to deceive and mislead.

                  As for the second category, "helpful" spirits, I'm not even sure that they exist. I mean, yes, some of this creatures can heal you, or give you the power to heal other, but... if they are so cunning and deceitful how someone can be sure, that this healing won't bring something worse? I suppose there is a price for everything, including such "help".

                  This is my general point of view, and I wonder why people try to communicate with such creatures, what's the point of this communication? Maybe I'm wrong and there are indeed some good spirits who don't ask anything bad in exchange??

                  Can someone here say why did he or she want to communicate with demons, what did you want from it (demon is 'it', right?))?

                  - - - Updated - - -

                  Originally posted by B. de Corbin View Post
                  the demon version of Yahweh powered the Inquisition, and is currently running Westboro Baptist Church.
                  So you are trying to say, that every god, or deity has it's own "version"? Bad Yahweh/Good Yahweh - Bad Jesus/Good Jesus? Is it your own idea?

                  - - - Updated - - -

                  Originally posted by Gleb View Post
                  Well, I am not certain about this. Some years ago, before I converted into Kemetism, I had a meeting with a 2 demon like-creatures, and were followed by one. It may appear dangerous in many times. I still can't understand what it is.
                  How did you understand that you are followed? Was it like a poltergeist?


                    Re: Have you ever talked to a demon?

                    Originally posted by creepyoak View Post
                    So you are trying to say, that every god, or deity has it's own "version"? Bad Yahweh/Good Yahweh - Bad Jesus/Good Jesus? Is it your own idea?
                    I'm not "trying to say" anything, I'm being as blunt as I possibly can - what friend and teacher Nietzsche calls "practicing philosophy with a hammer."

                    No, it's not my own idea - it is the hard earned wisdom of the ancients, ignored and reviled by the ignorant, at the cost of endless human suffering -

                    As it is above, so it is below - Hermes the Three-Times Great

                    If you set off on a straight course at the speed of light and travel long enough, you will arrive at your point of departure before you have left - Albert Einstein

                    To confront a person with his shadow is to show him his own light. Once one has experienced a few times what it is like to stand judgingly between the opposites, one begins to understand what is meant by the self. Anyone who perceives his shadow and his light simultaneously sees himself from two sides and thus gets in the middle - Carl Jung

                    Every cloud has a silver lining - Who knows?

                    Every silver lining has a cloud - Woody Allen

                    I do not believe in any entity that is all evil with no good about it at all - Tarn

                    The inside is out; the outside is in - The Beatles

                    There's two sides to every story - Mom

                    Heads I win; tails you loose - LMAO

                    On the other hand... - Colloquial expression

                    The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing - This is starting to get tedious, but you get the idea...

                    If you read the Bible, you will notice that in the Old Testament, Yahweh creates and destroys with equal gusto. It isn't until he becomes all lovey-dovey in the New Testament that Satan is needed...
                    Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                      Re: Have you ever talked to a demon?

                      Originally posted by creepyoak View Post
                      As you explained it, I understand your use of the term "demon" to mean a spirit that is completely evil, or bad.

                      To answer your original question: No, I have not spoken to any demons. And to almost copy something that you said, why would I want to? I have enough problems in my life; I don't need to associate with any spirit that is, or could, make things worse, or provide me with more problems. Why would I, or anyone, go looking for trouble?

                      Fortunately, there are no demons as you define them. Nothing exists that is all evil or all good. Everything has both good and evil. Look at the world around you; everything has the potential for good and bad. Water: we die within hours without it; yet we will drown within hours if we are in the middle of the ocean without something that floats. Fire: it warms us, cooks our food; yet it can burn down our homes, forests, it can harm or kill us with ease. A Tornado: Destroys our homes, brings down power lines, overturns our cars; yet it brings pollen from miles away to broaden the gene pool for plants, blows down standing dead trees and topples diseased trees. The sun: warms us and brings growth to the land; yet too much sun and the land, plants, and us suffer; not enough sun and all suffers as well.

                      Fortunately, there are spirits, humans, animals, and all sorts of life forms that prefer to concentrate on their bad qualities while ignoring their good qualities. Why did I say "fortunately"? Glad you asked. Because we need them to balance things out. As I say nothing is all good, or all bad. While you may have people who seem to be completely evil; there are just as many people who seem to be completely good as well... therefore, the balance. For every bumper sticker that has a smilie face on it, you will find one that has a frownie face on it. For every spirit that will help you, you will find one that will harm you.

                      So if it is demons you seek, then simply open your eyes. For every spirit you encounter has the potential to fulfill your wishes. And if the one you are speaking to is not evil enough, you might try pissing it off; that should make it more evil for you.

                      I will leave you with one little thought: Be careful for what you look for; you just may find it.


                        Re: Have you ever talked to a demon?

                        Ok, Tarn and Corbin, thank you for your answers! I respect your views.

                        Tarn, from all that you said I can conclude that there are not all evil and all good spirits, they are like humans and have their positive and negative sides.
                        If we assume that I'm mistaken, thinking that all of them want to harm us, then what is the main goal they're pursuing?


                          Re: Have you ever talked to a demon?

                          Originally posted by creepyoak View Post
                          Well, Tarn, I'll try give my definition of "demons".

                          Let's say, that in the spiritual world there are roughly speaking two main categories of spirits - spirits that bring you harm, and those who can help you. By "demons" I ment exactly those harmful spirits. Some of them can bother a little, do little harmful pranks, they are in a way "lower-class harmful spirits".

                          Then, there are more powerful spirits, I suppose all of them have some kind of hierarchy and "specialization", for instance one likes to drive people crazy and the other prefers to deceive and mislead.

                          As for the second category, "helpful" spirits, I'm not even sure that they exist. I mean, yes, some of this creatures can heal you, or give you the power to heal other, but... if they are so cunning and deceitful how someone can be sure, that this healing won't bring something worse? I suppose there is a price for everything, including such "help".

                          This is my general point of view, and I wonder why people try to communicate with such creatures, what's the point of this communication? Maybe I'm wrong and there are indeed some good spirits who don't ask anything bad in exchange??
                          This is why I asked first... because from your answers, you and I are talking about very different things.

                          To me, Demons are a specific set of individual entities, which includes the Goetia; Ha-Satan (which translates as The Accuser or The Adversary, and is a title, not a name) and the Fallen who sided with him when he quit; The Watchers and their progeny the Nephilim; many 'demonized' death, chthonic and Underworld deities from several ancient pantheons; and pretty much the entire Canaanite pantheon.

                          There are also lesser spirits of various pantheons who are commonly considered to be demons... for example the children of Lilith; the Akkadian lilake and lilitu; certain Chaldean spirits and lesser deities; the spirits that Ereshkigal sent out after Innana; and the Arabian jinn. However, none of the original terms for these spirits literally translates as 'demon', but to things like 'water spirit' or 'storm spirit' or 'night spirit'. Calling them 'demons' is relatively modern, but is not strictly incorrect when you consider the Hellenic use of the term (see my next point). In terms of whether they are helpful or harmful... they are and can be both. None of these spirits are purely malevolent or 'evil'.

                          The Hellenic daimons or daemons are the other category of lesser spirits considered to be demons, but I count them as separate to the above because they are actually named 'daimon' or 'daemon' (depending on how you Latinize the original Greek)... for example the agathodaimon (noble daimon) and kakodaimon (bad daimon). Most of the hellenic daimons are actually benevolent spirits.

                          Our modern term 'demon' derives from the Greek term 'daimon/daemon' and technically just means 'divine spirit', or 'powerful spirit'. It denoted a spirit who is a half-step below deity status.

                          Your use of the word 'demon' to describe purely harmful or malevolent spirits is a relatively modern misnomer that became popular in medieval times. The word 'demon' made it's way into the Hebrew Bible via Greek translations, but even then it wasn't used by the general populace until medieval times. That's when it was applied to the spirits of the Goetia, the Watchers, the Nephilim, the Fallen Angels etc by medieval magicians... then it was also applied to every other spirits who was not YHVH or an Angel... and of course to the Christians, anything that was not an Angel was pure evil (ridiculous in itself when you consider the actual nature and function of Angels). Thus the linking of 'demon' with 'evil' or 'harm' was a medieval Christian process that formed part of the dichotomous 'God = good' 'everything else = evil' conversion (which, incidentally, is not actually present in earlier forms of Christianity and Judaism).

                          So if you use a Judo-Christian spiritual context, then demons are malevolent because anything that isn't an angel is considered malevolent, not because the actual entity itself is inherently evil. But if you use a spiritual context that is not Judeo-Christian, then the lesser demons can be helpful or harmful, depending on their exact nature and the way you approach them. In this respect I agree very much with Corbin in that no entity is purely good or purely evil... though I obviously don't agree with his use of terminology in saying that entities have a good side and a demon=bad side.

                          Originally posted by creepyoak View Post
                          Why do you use the capital letter in the word 'demon'?
                          I actually use both Demon and demon, as you've seen in my explanation above. The capitalised 'Demon' refers to the set of individual deity-level entities... the Goetia, the Fallen, the demonized chthonic deities etc. As a Demonolator, to me these spirits are deities. The capitalisation is a sign of respect as well as differentiation.

                          But I do sometime also use an un-capitalised 'demon' in the Hellenic sense of meaning 'spirit' in the same way that I use the term 'vaettir' in my Northern Tradition work. The two terms actually both mean 'spirit'... for me personally it's a matter of context. Because I have a personal practice that is both Demonolatry and Northern Tradition, I use different spirit terms in different contexts. 'Vaettir' is an Old Norse term that means 'wight' or 'spirit' and I use it when I'm talking about land spirits, house spirits etc. I use 'demon' or 'lesser demon' as a collective term when I'm talking about certain Middle and Near Eastern spirits, which is actually relatively rare because normally I would use the specific name like 'lillitu' or whatever. I also sometimes use it when I'm talking in Demonolatry or Satanist circles. I use 'spirit' when I'm talking about a non-specific entity or when I'm talking in neo-pagan circles. They all mean the same thing... it's largely semantics and is simply contextual.

                          Originally posted by creepyoak View Post
                          Can someone here say why did he or she want to communicate with demons, what did you want from it (demon is 'it', right?))?
                          Same reason you want to communicate with your deities and spirit helpers.

                          They're entities, just like any other. If you treat them badly or with disrespect then you're liable to get some harmful backlash. If you don't hold up your end of the bargain then you're liable to get ignored or punished. If you ask the wrong thing from the wrong spirit then you may get laughed at, ignored, your work messed up or have a trick played on you. If you're respectful, work hard and do what you promised then you'll likely end up with a fruitful and beneficial relationship.

                          Originally posted by B. de Corbin View Post
                          If you read the Bible, you will notice that in the Old Testament, Yahweh creates and destroys with equal gusto. It isn't until he becomes all lovey-dovey in the New Testament that Satan is needed...
                          While I agree with the general idea that every entity has a 'good' and a 'bad' side, I just wanted to point out that Ha-Satan is in the Old Testament. The Devil didn't really show up until the New Testament, and is a somewhat different character than Ha-Satan of the older texts, even though modern translations often use 'Satan' as interchangeable with just about everything even remotely negative.


                            Re: Have you ever talked to a demon?

                            Originally posted by creepyoak View Post
                            Ok, Tarn and Corbin, thank you for your answers! I respect your views.

                            Tarn, from all that you said I can conclude that there are not all evil and all good spirits, they are like humans and have their positive and negative sides.
                            If we assume that I'm mistaken, thinking that all of them want to harm us, then what is the main goal they're pursuing?
                            I do believe that spirits are like humans in that they have their positive and negative sides. Or, to be more accurate, I believe that humans are like spirits (which we are), and have our positive and negative sides.

                            It is my belief that spirits the life forms (for lack of a better term) that you and I really are. We are spirits existing in human form for this period of time (life). I believe that every living thing has a spirit. I believe that each spirit grows and learns, kind of the way that humans grow from infants into adults; and how humans learn as they go through life.

                            They way I rationalize it right now, is that each spirit spends time (a life) on this earth as a living object. This could mean anything with life in it; from an amoeba to a human; from a mold spore to a sequoia tree. But each spirit needs to go through these lives in order to learn and to grow. Please don't ask me what a spirit can learn by being a (insert living object here). Because I haven't figured that one out for myself yet. But I do believe that each life is a time for that spirit to learn something that they need in order to pursue their main goal, to put it into perspective for you.

                            What is that main goal? You ask. I don't know exactly. I've heard some say that spirits can become gods and goddesses once they have "learned enough". I've heard some say that as spirits, we just keep learning and gathering knowledge and wisdom for eternity. I'm guessing that my spirit has not learned enough to know for sure. Sadly, I'm afraid that I can't offer you much more than that as an answer.

                            I sit back and observe people, animals and plant life; trying to see what is noticeable about each one of their spirits. The one thing that I have noticed was common to all of them was that each life form seemed to be trying to become better than what they are at the moment. Plants seek the sun and water. Animals seek places to live that are safe, comfortable and have plenty of food. Humans seek the same but go further to seek to become better at: patience; understanding; art; skills; etc.

                            From what you've said, I get the impression that you believe all spirits to be harmful to humans. With that in mind, I ask you to think about the firefighter who risks their life in order to save the life of someone they don't even know. Consider teachers who spend their lives teaching others, and usually for very low pay. Consider the people who take time out of their personal lives, after and apart from their work, to be scout leaders; coach little league; volunteer at nursing homes and the like. I believe that you will find that it is that person's spirit that drives them to do these helpful things. Just as it is a person's spirit that drives them to rob banks; steal from stores; con people out of their money; and so on.

                            I believe that spirits are like humans in that each one is different. There are "good" humans, and there are "bad" humans. There are "good" spirits, and there are "bad" spirits. But neither good, nor bad; human or spirit is all good or all bad. Although there are times when it would seem that the only spirits that you run into are the "bad" ones. It would be kind of like being in a big city and being in a certain area that the "bad" people prevail. It seems that everyone is bad because most of them are (in that area). Yet in the same city, you will find areas where the "good" people prevail. And everyone seems to be "good". And in the overall picture, the good and the bad in the city balance out.

                            Maybe that is what each spirit is trying to achieve; maybe that is their main goal... to find balance, in everything. To find exactly where the balance for everything is.

                            As for all spirits being "bad" or wanting to harm us, I would have to disagree with you. There are spirits that seem to want to harm us, I cannot deny that. But I do not believe that all of them are that way. I have known of spirits of people who were "trapped" between this life and the afterlife. I can imagine that being unable to move on could make any spirit a bit testy to say the least. Think of the things that could make you want to harm someone. I have little doubt that some of those same things could make a spirit want to do harm.

                            I hope that this have given you a different viewpoint on this subject. Not to persuade you to my way of thinking. But to have you look at it from a different angle. And in that way you may see the answer you seek.


                              Re: Have you ever talked to a demon?

                              Originally posted by Rae'ya View Post
                              If you don't hold up your end of the bargain then you're liable to get ignored or punished.
                              I've never actually called on a demon (as I have yet to feel the need to), but I've always been curious: what kind of things do they ask for in return? What could a demon possibly want from one of us?

