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A daydream involving a choice

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    A daydream involving a choice

    I had a day dream when I was tired when I was thinking endlessly about religion and which one to follow. I imagined as I was in bed, that I was in a temple involving statues. There was a statue of Jesus, Osiris, The Buddha, Athena, Thor and Ahura Mazda. It was as if I was being asked to choose my path, whatever it may be. I was sort of a Buddhist but I was never doubt and now, once again I am unsure. I wonder if this thought has some important significance. I was in the temple looking at them and studying them.

    I wonder if this is a sign of some sort? Anyone know? Anyone have thoughts similar to this?

    Re: A daydream involving a choice

    There is possibly a sign. But when talking about such cases, you are the one to decide and understand the dream. Other people can't decide for you, but they can give you a hint.
    If you like your religion, so why should you leave it? But if you must choose between the paths you wrote above, so try looking for data about each and then choose the most suitable one.
    "Fair means that everybody gets what they need. And the only way to get that is to make it happen yourself."

    Since I adore cats, I might write something strange or unusual in my comment.Cats are awesome!!! ^_^


      Re: A daydream involving a choice

      Just my personal opinion, but I don't quite understand why people feel the need to choose one path and one path only. I tried to do that before. I was hellenic polythiest, then following Buddhism, Taoism.. I kept going from religion to religion and feeling like I had to "choose". I'd go into a religion, and then feel like I didn't agree with everything, I still believed things from other religions. I kept jumping around until I realized that trying to force myself into a box wasn't working for me. I liked certain things about Buddhism and Taoism, I liked certain things about different pagan paths - I took what I agreed with, what I saw as the truth, and said F-off to labels and boxes. You don't need to choose a specific religion, put yourself into that box, and proclaim yourself as a follower. Sometimes different religions have little parts of the truth, but not all the truth, and I think it's okay to recognize what truths you see, but not dedicate yourself to a whole religion specifically and reject the others.

      Maybe your dream is saying that you find all those paths attractive, but simply choosing one is too extreme, because you're still drawn to the others. Why must you choose? Believe what you believe is true, and that might involve aspects of multiple paths. I know people tend to feel lost if they don't have a name for themselves (Like "I'm Christian", "I'm Buddhist", etc), I just don't believe one needs to have a name when our beliefs are so much more complex and varied than just one name.

      Just my opinion of course, if you feel strongly that you have to choose among them, than that is what works for you spiritually, and I wish you the best of luck on figuring it all out. Truly.


        Re: A daydream involving a choice

        I also think that it is okay to take ideas or philosophies from different places and decide upon your own set of beliefs. This is absolutely the beauty of looking at religion from many different perspectives and forming your own unique worldview. It is one of the reasons I identify as a pagan and it is what I find beautiful about all belief systems that are comfortable with others (they do exist!). For example, I really enjoy the attitudes about the world and beliefs about the nature of deities & spirits as presented in Shinto, but I am not exactly Shinto because I do not follow specific Shinto deities and I am not in Japan. So, I take this Shinto worldview and mix it in with my own pagan beliefs. Many people do the same thing with other religions as well.


          Re: A daydream involving a choice

          The only true way to be happy is to form your own set of beliefs based on your life experiances and lessons. If those happen to fall under a title then awesome, if not then you make your own title if you wish. Stay true to what feels right for you.

          I believe this is a sign but perhaps in my opinion its telling you to take a bit of everything.


            Re: A daydream involving a choice

            Originally posted by Alienist View Post
            I had a day dream when I was tired when I was thinking endlessly about religion and which one to follow. I imagined as I was in bed, that I was in a temple involving statues. There was a statue of Jesus, Osiris, The Buddha, Athena, Thor and Ahura Mazda. It was as if I was being asked to choose my path, whatever it may be. I was sort of a Buddhist but I was never doubt and now, once again I am unsure. I wonder if this thought has some important significance. I was in the temple looking at them and studying them.

            I wonder if this is a sign of some sort? Anyone know? Anyone have thoughts similar to this?
            I see it means a lot for you to choose your religion but to my understanding, as much as you will need to choose one from the many, is the more it will keep confusing you because all these religions have somethings which you can accept to go long with unless when you are hardcore believer.
            No sig for you.


              Re: A daydream involving a choice

              I agree with Gleb. It could be a sign. I was once interested in Celtic and Norse Wicca and I thought that was my path. However, when Anubis came to me I knew that the Egyptian path was for me. So I would take time and study. You might also meditate on the different ones and see how each one feels.

              Dedicated and devoted to Lord Anubis and Lady Bast. A follower of the path of Egyptian Wicca.

