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Past lives and your beliefs?

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    Past lives and your beliefs?

    I started this thread to learn more about past lives. I find the topic interesting What are your beliefs on it? How do you feel about it? Any information will be appreciated.
    "Turn, and look in the mirror. What do you see?" Her own brown eyes stared back at her until she was nothing but a blur.

    "I see you. Red lipstick spread perfectly over your lush mouth, brown eyes that hold centuries upon centuries of secrets. A face made to entice even the most celibate of men and women alike. A red dress that sways and moves with your body, making you a temptation like no other."

    Re: Past lives and your beliefs?

    No compelling reason to believe in them atm but no particularly compelling reason not to either. Reincarnation is not my favorite theory in the universe though. I don't particularly like the idea of multiple instances of complete and near irrevocable amnesia and that's sort of built into reincarnation.
    Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

    Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

    "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

    John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

    "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

    Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


      Re: Past lives and your beliefs?

      To put it simply, I don't believe in reincarnation. All things happen in their place and time. Once it is done, it is done. You fail or succeed. Paradise or the abyss. I believe in dharma and karma but not in the reincarnation of souls.


        Re: Past lives and your beliefs?

        I believe in the possibility and impossibility of just about everything, so sure, I think there's a chance that past lives are real.

        However, I think it's the height of human arrogance to assume that we've only ever been human. Perhaps we were blades of grass, air molecules, bark on a tree... It just makes no sense that we've only ever been human.
        No one tells the wind which way to blow.


          Re: Past lives and your beliefs?

          I believe in quantum physics. Energy cannot be destroyed, only change forms. Clearly, our bodies contain energy so then its likely that the energy in your body once belonged to another being or body.

          Is it possible to interact with your own energy to learn where it's been before? Potentially, though I think one should be very wary of believing at face value of who or what someone else says you "were" because I have no idea how another person could read that, though I am of the opinion that nothing is impossible.

          This does amusingly almost explain all the Cleopatras. The chances that all of one energy would go to a new body is pretty much zero, so the energy from one person could end up in a variety of people and things.


            Re: Past lives and your beliefs?

            I believe that people are reincarnated in order to complete their task in the world, though it happens very rarely.
            Nothing lasts forever - once a person's task is completed, the person dies, goes to the other world that depends on the current person's believes and stays there.
            Perhaps that's why people don't have the... memories from former lives - because they don't have any.

            But when I think about it, I wonder what happens to a reincarnated human being. Does it recall everything? Does it live? Or probably it's not the person reincarnated but only the person's organism.
            "Fair means that everybody gets what they need. And the only way to get that is to make it happen yourself."

            Since I adore cats, I might write something strange or unusual in my comment.Cats are awesome!!! ^_^


              Re: Past lives and your beliefs?

              Once has proven to be enough for me...
              Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                Re: Past lives and your beliefs?

                The earliest dream I can remember having is one where I am under the hull of a wooden ship with my hands and feet tied together. I'm struggling and drowning.

                I later found out that I was dreaming of being keel-hauled, an old form of torture, punishment or execution. Such a strange dream for a small child.

                I wish I had better answers. Instead, I have fragments of beliefs. I'm starting to realize that maybe there is no truth, only experiences and how we react to them. Which means your experiences are going to be different from mine and have different meanings.

                Good luck on your journey.


                  Re: Past lives and your beliefs?

                  Originally posted by Riothamus12 View Post
                  To put it simply, I don't believe in reincarnation. All things happen in their place and time. Once it is done, it is done. You fail or succeed. Paradise or the abyss. I believe in dharma and karma but not in the reincarnation of souls.
                  Karma is, specifically, the idea that the moral quality of one's actions influence one's rebirth.... belief in Karma presupposes belief in reincarnation.

                  There are beliefs (Wyrd, for example) that imply that the moral quality of one's actions influence later consequences in this life... but Karma isn't one of them.
                  "Don't ever miss a good opportunity to shut up." - Harvey Davis "Gramps"


                    Re: Past lives and your beliefs?

                    I believe in reincarnation. The spirits rarely dies. We return to the other world and go back to a type of body to keep obtaining spiritual power, growing, learning, constantly striving. I believe souls are born, formed, created, they can be destroyed, weakened into exstinction. So we must fight.

                    When we die our soul leaves, we travel to another realm, we then make a choice of a sort to decide where our next path is, what are we going to do. Some of us return, some go forward into other entity forms ect.


                      Re: Past lives and your beliefs?

                      I won't dare to claim to understand the comings and goings of souls between worlds, but I will say that I have remembered past lives. I know for a while tehre was a time when thinking/hearing about romans would make my blood boil.


                        Re: Past lives and your beliefs?

                        I'm not too sure if I believe in past lives. I've read about far too many hypnotists coercing people into remembering false memories and way too many people claiming to be Cleopatra or a famous person. But I do believe the soul continues after death, though not necessarily as another human being.


                          Re: Past lives and your beliefs?

                          My faith tradition, Orach Qad'moni, supports reincarnation. As for whether or not that's the normal state of afterlife or a common exception, I can't be sure (the texts are unclear). I know that I've been around quite a few times at this point, however.
                          ʼŌraḥ Qaḏəmōnī, a revival of Ancient Israelite religion --


                            Re: Past lives and your beliefs?

                            Personally I think that reincarnation makes the most sense of the various afterlife hypotheses, but that's not necessarily the same thing as believing it. I'm reasonably certain that we don't just vanish into nothingness after passing on, beyond that, I figure I'll find out when the time comes - why stress about it now?


                              Re: Past lives and your beliefs?

                              Originally posted by Aeran View Post
                              I figure I'll find out when the time comes - why stress about it now?
                              My tradition would certainly agree with that!
                              ʼŌraḥ Qaḏəmōnī, a revival of Ancient Israelite religion --

