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Hello :)

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    Hello :)

    Hello! Let me start by saying there is a high probability i'm just so bored with myself/my life that i want to find something new to connect with/be a part of and this search has lead to me reading a bit about pagan reformations and going back to the mythology i used to love learning about in school.

    After reading some articles i took some steps to see if i could find my patron god/goddess mostly for curiosity ( i know this is not the way to go about things, i was just really curious/interested if i would find anything) and following their steps i realized i always had a strong fascination and feeling with the Greek gods. Now this could be because of the mythology i learned in school plus children's films like Hercules but i remember always being interested and feeling connected with the stories. My family has lived in southern Italy (Naples area) for centuries in a town known as Torre del Greco "Tower of the Greek" so maybe thats part of why i was interested in the idea of the Greek gods. Oh, i should mention i come from a classic Italian Catholic family here in the U.S but i myself was never very religious. I guess i would be considered an atheist? However the thing is sometimes when i am in trouble or hurt i just stop and pray. Not to "god" or any specific gods or religion or anything. I just pray for things to get better or to feel better and sometimes what i pray for comes true and sometimes it does not and life goes on. However it has come true enough times for me to thin maybe there is something spiritual going on.

    That is my little back story . I am here to read and learn but not really get into discussions at this time. I figured i should introduce myself though.

    Re: Hello



      Re: Hello

      Welcome. Enjoy the journey. There's lots of good resources here..even just for curiosity.

