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Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

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    Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

    Father's Day, what's it to ya'?
    Satan is my spirit animal


      Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

      Originally posted by Medusa View Post
      Whether physical or emotional, what's the most painful thing you've been through?
      I would have to say a scratched cornea and ear infections. Both are terribly painful.

      - - - Updated - - -

      Originally posted by Medusa View Post
      How much of your personal values and beliefs do you think you picked up from your parents?
      I think I was taught well by my mother and father to not judge people, to say thank you, excuse me, etc... (which is not used much today). I think my personal values and beliefs were rubbed off from my parents. I think they taught me right with my morals and etc.

      Dedicated and devoted to Lord Anubis and Lady Bast. A follower of the path of Egyptian Wicca.


        Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

        Originally posted by Medusa View Post
        Father's Day, what's it to ya'?
        Part of me wants to be cynical and say "Eh, just another day". But the other part of me starts thinking about my father, and how since I graduated high school back in 06 he hasn't really said much to me, hasn't called, hasn't really been involved in my life. Which then makes me think about how my mother has done the same and worse. I'm a grown man, I don't need them coddling me. It would just be nice for them to take an interest in their eldest who is first to graduate college, first to get into grad school, is a successful adult, and whom every other person whom I know is proud to know.

        That's when the cynical part of me smacks me across the head and reminds me to stop wasting my time.


          Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

          Originally posted by Medusa View Post
          Father's Day, what's it to ya'?
          There's a Father's day? Hm... We celebrate the 23rd of February here. It's a day in honor those who fell in WW2.
          Well... We just come together and celebrate the 23rd of February..
          But I am not sure about the Father's day.
          "Fair means that everybody gets what they need. And the only way to get that is to make it happen yourself."

          Since I adore cats, I might write something strange or unusual in my comment.Cats are awesome!!! ^_^


            Originally posted by Medusa View Post
            Father's Day, what's it to ya'?
            Not much. When my husband is a father I guess, but I dont do anything for my dad.

            Or my mum on mothers day either.
            ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


            I have never been across the way
            Seen the desert and the birds
            You cut your hair short
            Like a shush to an insult
            The world had been yelling
            Since the day you were born
            Revolting with anger
            While it smiled like it was cute
            That everything was shit.

            - J. Wylder


              Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

              Originally posted by Medusa View Post
              How much of your personal values and beliefs do you think you picked up from your parents?
              My mothers' sense of all things must be balanced.

              My father's skepticism.

              Those two things I have from them. Other than that, I am not sure. As I think about it, I have never actually sat down with either of them and gotten details on what their personal belief set actually was. I know that my mother was born and raised Catholic and is now a Methodist, though she does not attend services. My father is an atheist. They have been divorced over thirty years. I spent all of my formative years with both of them, and whilst they both taught me right from wrong and other such common societal mores, neither pushed their personal belief-set on me. If I wanted to go to X-flavored Christian church, I could, and they would take me. If I wanted to go to Z-flavored Christian church the next week, the same. If I wanted to read books on Buddhism or Hinduism or anything really, it was ok. I was left to find my own way from very early on, and in retrospect, they took pains NOT to influence me with their personal belief set.


                Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                Father's Day, what's it to ya'?
                I miss him. We got along better as I got older. If the NY Rangers had managed to win the Stanley Cup I'd really be thinking of him as he was a lifelong fan.
                Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


                  Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                  Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                  Father's Day, what's it to ya'?
                  Little and less. I haven't seen my real father in my entire life (and now he's dead, cancer, I think) and my stepfather (thankfully) died over ten years ago.

                  I didn't even know it was Father's Day coming up until two days ago at work, when customers started shopping for it.

                  Mostly art.


                    Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                    Father's Day, what's it to ya'?
                    Not much. I usually call my stepdad to wish him a happy wife ususally takes me to Outbacks for kid usually forgets, which is expected.

                    Pretty much another that other people make a bigger deal out of than I do. Just like most of them


                      Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                      I'm extremely grateful to the ends of the earth I had parents who wanted me desperately. It took them 7 years to conceive me, considering my mother was 36 and father 46. My mother loved me like flour tortillas with buttah and cinnamon. Of course she was crazy as a loon!

                      And my father? He passed when I was 11. 11 short years to learn and be loved unconditionally. So few years that have watered my feelings of being loved to this day. Both still visit me in my dreams. He gave me my love of reading, of words, of gin rummy. He taught me to think and to be independent. He taught me to love my mother and all her quirks. I always remember him as some sort of wizard. Being already 46 when I was born, he had mellowed out of his WWII rebel rousing ways. I got the wise, calm, super chill dad.

                      Thanks Dad. And happy father's day. You did a good job!
                      Satan is my spirit animal


                        Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                        Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                        Father's Day, what's it to ya'?
                        Probably just going to go out to eat. Nothing too extravagant.


                          Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                          Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                          How much of your personal values and beliefs do you think you picked up from your parents?

                          None, thankfully.

                          Mostly I've learned how not to think and behave, and why, because of their behaviors.

                          And father's day... Generally speaking I work through the vast majority of family holidays, so usually it involves a sleepy gift of candy or baked goods. I'm sure we'll do something more pointed down the line, but we've all had so much going on for the past ... few... years... that all we really want to do is stare at the tv and/or sleep.


                            Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                            Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                            Father's Day, what's it to ya'?
                            Father's Day isn't until September here, but to me it means doing everything I can to forget to call my father, while trying to convince my stepdad that we need to do something for Father's Day because we love him and it's the only day of the year that we can show him that he is our 'father' even though he isn't. I don't think we'll ever convince him.


                              Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                              Rae'ya: As a stepfather, you can show him he's your "father" by respecting his opinion, asking for his advice, and (even if you don't call him 'dad' to his face), introducing him as "my father".


                                Re: Medusa's Quesion du jour (the year of the horse edition!)

                                Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                                How much of your personal values and beliefs do you think you picked up from your parents?
                                If I'm completely honest I'd have to say that it's a large percentage. I mean, when you rebel you have to have something to rebel against which means that, no matter what, your rebellion still has a jumping off point from whoever was 'oppressing' you.

                                When it comes to my values, hell, probably the majority of them. I'm an only child to parents 30 years older than me so propriety, manners, virtues, and manners were pretty well beaten into my skull from birth since only children tend to hang out with adults -- and my parents were really adamant that no one be able to tell that I was an only child.

                                Sure, they stuffed me full of religion and other things too but the one thing we always agreed on was that behaving correctly according to society's standards do not have much to do with religion.

                                - - - Updated - - -

                                Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                                Father's Day, what's it to ya'?
                                Meh. I guess it's fair since we have a Mother's Day. Just a Hallmark holiday, really, and my dad and I aren't close so it usually means that Father's Day is another day where all three of my immediate family get together for an awkward, silent dinner, open presents and maybe watch a movie or two. Not usually excited for it.

                                However, this year, I'm taking him to the local amusement park and we're gonna ride all the rides and kick it in the lazy river, so that should be fun! Scheduled for the weekend after my birthday and FD that way there's not a bunch of families out there. OUTTA THE WAY, KID. I need to ride the Mamba.
                                No one tells the wind which way to blow.

