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New member who needs some advice

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    New member who needs some advice

    Hello Everyone,
    I'm new to this forum and need some advice. I am a mother of two little boys and my oldest has been seeing someone in his room recently. He is two but he tends to wake up crying and screaming from his naps and when you go in to see whats wrong he always points to his closet and says person. I asked him one afternoon if he saw someone standing there and he told me yes. I then asked him if it was a boy or a girl and he told me it was a girl and she was scary. I never thought about what it could mean (just assumed we had a spirit in the house) but then my husband brought up the fact that the girl that used to live in his room before we moved in had apparently been into devil worshipping. She had a mirror with pentagrams all over it and the words satan rules everywhere. The house was also extremely trashed and we had to clean everything out and repaint the whole place and fix things that were wrong with it like floors and windows and what not. Now this past summer my husband and I would see a little girl walking around outside our house that looked like our oldest daughter. She would walk past the windows and come up to the door but as soon as you looked it would be gone. I didnt connect the two things together with my sons girl in his room till just last night. I'm very familiar with ghosts and the paranormal and I know that smudge sticks and salt can help but i just wanna know if there is any way i can find out what the spirit is (regular ghost or demon) without using ouji boards or anything that could possibly open any doors to the other world. I want to get rid of it since it scares my oldest son and dont want to invite more spirits into my home. If anyone has any advice that are willing to help me out please let me know. I would appreciate anything anyone can tell me.
    Thanks so much

    Re: New member who needs some advice

    Honestly? He's probably experiencing night terrors, which are a form of sleep paralysis. You should have a sleep study done for him, before assuming he's seeing a ghost. Just my two cents.


      Re: New member who needs some advice

      I like Rowan's advice...always check out mundane possibilities first. I had horrible night terrors as a child, and can totally see that as a possibility. Especially with a two year old, too, it can be really tough to figure out exactly what's going on without leading the child.

      Past that, and potentially for your own peace of mind as much as anything, I'd suggest a home cleansing. I've written down basics for how to do that about a half a dozen times on here( thinking about making it a blog post so I can just link it), so a simple search should pull that up...pretty sure there's a full thread, even. Wish I could be more useful with that, but I'm away from home at the moment.

      *Whatever* the case, stay calm, and don't let it get to you! A positive outlook will help insure things don't escalate
      Great Grandmother's Kitchen

