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Does anyone else believe that Lucifer is an angel of light?

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  • Ektor
    Re: Does anyone else believe that Lucifer is an angel of light?

    I'm a pantheist in base, so all "deities" in the end are part of a same base deity. That being said, I'm a soft polytheist, and I believe there are over-arching deities that show themselves in certain aspects to different cultures. I don't believe in Satan at all; firstly because in older Judaic Mythology, Satan is an angel responsible for tempting and strengthening faith, later Zoroastrian influences turned him into a Christian/Islamic "Anti-God".

    Thing is, there's no doubt to me this wisdom-giving, kind of harsh but well-meaning, kind of proud but really benevolent deity exists, I like, as a syncretist, to associate this deity with Thoth, for example. I believe that this "Satan" is Thoth, the god of justice and wisdom, who weights the balance of good and evil, all of that. So I don't believe in a "Satan". I believe in a God of Knowledge and Justice, who could be both the Christian God and the Theistic Satanistim Satan in my opinion.

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  • Does anyone else believe that Lucifer is an angel of light?

    That's what I believe. My religion is Gnostic Luciferian, and I believe most Luciferians worship Lucifer as a being of darkness. But I believe he is an angel of light, wisdom, love, etc. Also, Lucifer means Morning Star, and Venus means morning star as well, so I believe he has ties with Venus. I guess that this branch of Luciferians can refer to each other as light workers. Because we try to bring light and hope to the world, while illuminating everyone with wisdom and truth, so we can help everyone reach their full potential as divines.