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Binding/Banishing an individual

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    Binding/Banishing an individual

    There is a person in my life who I have tried to remove thru all non-magickal means that I can think of. She is an energy leach and the negative energy that she puts out has a very strong affect on me, even with removing her as much as I can. I have to see her weekly still as we are both members of the same choir. She recently approached me about rekindling our friendship. When I shot her request down she literally stood behind my back and discussed me with my mom.
    I would really like for her to just leave me alone and for her to not be able to drain me of energy. I am considering doing a binding and/or banishing. I have never done anything like that that would affect an outside influence. I've done "bindings" on negativity in myself. I am looking for something that is budget friendly, simplistic and powerful! I like to do string and knot workings. When I have done workings like this in myself I typically make anklets/bracelet/necklace. I obviously don't want to harm her I just want to make sure she can't harm and interfere with my life anymore.
    Any thoughts and ideas are greatly appreciated!

    Re: Binding/Banishing an individual

    It’s extremely difficult to completely rid yourself of someone else’s energy when you are part of a shared ensemble. The arts are integral to magic, and - in a sense - we are casting a spell every time we sing a madrigal, act a play, paint a landscape, or engage in any other artistic act. The nature of our endeavor causes our energy to be consonant (at the level of the performance, at the very least). Because you are part of the same choir, you may need to cleanse every time you leave this person’s vicinity or even at intervals during rehearsal or performance.

    As for what sort of spell to use, I’d recommend you stick to what you feel you know best. People should definitely expand their repertoire of spirit knowledge, but it’s often best to use what you know best for more serious situations (assuming the person against whom you’re protecting yourself can’t anticipate what kind of magic you’re likely to use). I’ll assume, however, that you’re going to stick to using cords, ribbons, twine or something similar to achieve the desired effect.

    To my mind, however, figuring out what the desired effect should presents is the biggest challenge. If you knew this person typically used music-based magic, you could sing a series of dissonant notes into a knot to bind it in disharmony. Unfortunately, this type of spell would be likely to affect the group dynamic. It could tend to keep you off pitch in order to change the energy level she’s on, or it could keep her off pitch for the inverse reason, or - worse - it could upset two or more peoples’ sense of pitch.

    Therefore, I’d recommend enchanting a knot or cord to bind you to different energy levels, but not in terms of music. After you ground and/or center and/or cleanse and/or whatever you do to prepare to raise and seal magical energy (and after making sure that whatever connects you the most - besides music - is separated), you might picture the two of you in fields of different colors, or on planes of different heights, or in two vehicles traveling in opposite directions, or in some other way that creates an experiential boundary between the two of you and only allows your musical energy to coincide. You may even want to concentrate on a single undissolved tie between the two of you and specify that only musical energy can pass its boundaries - unless, again, you know that this person is adept with musical/sonic magic.

    I’d also like to add that you can always use a more traditional shielding technique (picturing yourself surrounded by armor - although that can sometimes be too heavy for the circulation of your energy - or as surrounded by smoke or a waterfall or three white rings of fire, etc.), but I feel that could also lead to results that might harm your artistic endeavors as choir members. That’s why I recommend a slightly less traditional, experience-shifting method.

    I hope this advice has been of some use to you, even if you need to modify the particulars to suit your situation. Many blessings to you and yours, and I hope the issue gets resolved soon. I know how much it sucks to have to work with someone you dislike, and I think having to work toward an artistic goal is even more difficult than working toward a more mundane one under those kinds of conditions.

    Book of Spirals is my author site.
    The Sentient Hillside is my blog.
    Spiral Tree is an ezine for pagans I co-founded.


      Re: Binding/Banishing an individual

      Originally posted by CorsairsHope View Post
      There is a person in my life who I have tried to remove thru all non-magickal means that I can think of. She is an energy leach and the negative energy that she puts out has a very strong affect on me, even with removing her as much as I can. I have to see her weekly still as we are both members of the same choir. She recently approached me about rekindling our friendship. When I shot her request down she literally stood behind my back and discussed me with my mom.
      I would really like for her to just leave me alone and for her to not be able to drain me of energy. I am considering doing a binding and/or banishing. I have never done anything like that that would affect an outside influence. I've done "bindings" on negativity in myself. I am looking for something that is budget friendly, simplistic and powerful! I like to do string and knot workings. When I have done workings like this in myself I typically make anklets/bracelet/necklace. I obviously don't want to harm her I just want to make sure she can't harm and interfere with my life anymore.
      Any thoughts and ideas are greatly appreciated!
      Do you practice good psychic hygiene and maintain a shield system?

      If not, start there. Look to your own energy system before you start messing with someone else's.


        Re: Binding/Banishing an individual

        Thank you, Ouranos! What great information and somethings I didn't think about. Now more food for thought!

        Rae'ya, could you give me some info on the sort of things that you are talking about? I am in no way trying to affect her energy, I'm just looking to not have her affect mine or feel as though she has a reason to approach when we have to share space. She thinks that I'm "not over her"

        Last edited by CorsairsHope; 13 May 2014, 06:10.


          Re: Binding/Banishing an individual

          Originally posted by CorsairsHope View Post
          Thank you, Ouranos! What great information and somethings I didn't think about. Now more food for thought!

          Rae'ya, could you give me some info on the sort of things that you are talking about? I am in no way trying to affect her energy, I'm just looking to not have her affect mine or feel as though she has a reason to approach when we have to share space. She thinks that I'm "not over her"

          I'm on my phone on my lunch nreak so forgive me for being a bit bare bones...

          Basically, any time you cast a spell on someone, especially something like a binding, you are affecting their energy system.

          It's far more effective to shield yourself and insure that your defenses are stable and that you deal with any energetic ties.

          If you don't currently do that let me know and I'll reply wirh some instructions when I have a keyboard.

          - - - Updated - - -

          Urgh ignore the typos... it's too much trouble to go back and correct them on this thing.

