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General Rambling About Going to the Vet Today

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    General Rambling About Going to the Vet Today

    So. Last week I noticed that Jasper spent a wee bit too much time staring or nuzzling his back paw. Not a great amount of time, but in my mind too much. I checked it, and sure enough, it was getting raw. Looked like a scrape on his outer paw pad. Since he was not constantly chewing at it, it was not bleeding, he was not limping, and he was otherwise in good spirit/health, I thought I would just keep an eye on things, but let it heal on its own.

    Well. Mister silly had to be MAN DOG and do the peepee dance kick back every single time he was taken outside, thus re-scraping said paw pad. Saturday, he gets a little down and mopey, but I attribute that to more my husband being out of town. Sunday morning, when I attempted to check the paw, he gave me the super soft I LOVE YOU MOM BUT DON'T TOUCH IT warning rumble and then ducked his head, apologizing. Well, I figured that was enough for me. Called his vet, and whilst she was not in the office tomorrow, arrangements were made for an appointment in early evening.

    So. We're in the vet's waiting room, and normally we don't have to wait long. We ended up waiting this time around 45-50 minutes. Jasper is awesomely quiet and patient. He gets a little antsy as some dogs come and go, but stays next to me and makes no sound. We get inside the examination room ..... And theeeen he starts playing his I-will-avoid-getting-touched-at-all-costs-and-hide-behind-mom-and-do -warning-woo-at-you game. I suggest they "might" need a muzzle, as he absolutely detests people messing with his back feet on a good day. His vaccinations have to be given in his shoulders, in fact. He lets me place said muzzle on him, and then when they reach for the paw, he alligator rolls around the room, even twisting out of the muzzle, ending up behind me and wooing again all in a matter of 5 seconds.

    I advise they take him to the back out of sight of me. I know this game. In the scary place he must PROTECT MOM, and he cannot protect if he is muzzled and held immobile. If he cannot see mom though? He's like "Hey there chums let's have fun and play!" So out they go, and they come back 5 minutes later. Not only had he calmed down, he allowed them to examine his foot, and he was doing tricks for them to get treats, basking in the Oh-you-are-such-a-good-dog attention.

    I have a freaking diva dog.

    Re: General Rambling About Going to the Vet Today

    This is actually not unusual.

    Unfortunately, most clients don't realise this and get suspicious if we suggest trying to take them out the back. Which is frustrating. Sometimes I wish we had a camera or something so we could tell them "see... we're not treating him badly or doing secret nasty things... he's just better with you not in the room!"

    I hope he heals up soon.


      Re: General Rambling About Going to the Vet Today

      Thanks I am not sure why though, but I kind of vaguely feel bad ... Insomuch as he does not behave that way at all when my husband takes him to vet. I guess he feels that his dad needs no protection? Or is there some other dynamic / behaviour I am not interpreting correctly?

      The scrape is indeed infected, but he's being a good pup and not chewing at it, so they did not prescribe a bootie or cone of shame. Just chlorhexadine to wash his paw in once daily, and cephalexin, which he thankfully takes easily with peanut butter.

      Oh, and he's sleeping and soaking up all the petting he can as I have him on Paranoid Med Watch .... ever since he was found to be allergic to his vaccinations (a benadryl pre-shot solves it) I watch him carefully when he is given meds.


        Re: General Rambling About Going to the Vet Today

        Originally posted by Rhaethe View Post
        Thanks I am not sure why though, but I kind of vaguely feel bad ... Insomuch as he does not behave that way at all when my husband takes him to vet. I guess he feels that his dad needs no protection? Or is there some other dynamic / behaviour I am not interpreting correctly?
        Not necessarily... they often behave differently with different members of the family. No one has ever satisfactorily explained it... I'm inclined to think that it's just a matter of different personal dynamics. A bit like the way that kids will often act differently with one parent over the other, or when with grandparents etc.


          Re: General Rambling About Going to the Vet Today

          I see this a lot, especially with some of the bigger breeds.
          Once they don't have to worry about looking after their family they calm down a lot. Big Rotties and German shepherds are the most common I think

