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Greetings from Florida

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    Greetings from Florida


    My husband has been practicing Asatru for several years now. I've just come to realize it's time for me to find a new path. So, I'm exploring the celtic/druid practices at the moment. I'll see if that's the fit I think it may be. I'm looking forward to finding my true home.

    I'm happy to find the forum to have access to additional resources and fun discussions.

    Ours is a religiously mixed house... My husband and I were baptized in the Mormon faith, which he grew up in. I was raised in the Christian Science church which I was very active in and used to lead the services occasionally. Our children went to the LDS church with us for a while, then the Christian Science church, and were later baptized in the Mormon church and attended a mostly baptist school. They also help my husband and myself with ceremonies, rituals, and spells. In December we have a Christmas tree and a Yule tree.

    We don't believe there is any one "true" path for everyone, as we each have to discover the path that meets our spiritual needs, we're all individuals with different needs.

    I look forward to getting to know some of you and look forward to using the forum.


    Re: Greetings from Florida

    Hello and welcome to the Forum!


      Re: Greetings from Florida


