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    What are your beliefs about the make up of the Universe(s) or cosmological beliefs? I know Wiccans generally believe there is a Summerland and that's about it. I tend to believe in the basic esoteric/ occult cosmological system.

    The Physical Plane- Here... Lol.
    The Astral Plane- Perhaps the most popular non-physical plane, populated by angels, spirits, demons and other immaterial beings.
    The Mental Plane- Or thought matrix, where thoughts and information are generated, stored, and transferred on, also known as the Akashic Records.
    The Buddhic Plane- Where superconciousness or achieving the supermind operates.
    The Divine Plane- Where souls and consciousness are born and the "Absolute".
    The Logoic Plane- Where consciousness can merge with the Divine.

    Re: Cosmology

    My cosmology is both very complex, but very simple...

    At the simple end, I believe there is Thisworld, which is made up of this physical Earthly (or non-earthly, if we're talking other physical planets) plane and a non physical counterpart (aka the Astral Plane/Realm), and then a series of Otherworlds. It's the Otherworlds that gets complicated. A lot of those typical occult cosmological planes I attribute to variations of the Innerworlds, which is our own internal landscape. Perhaps those Innerworlds connect into some concept of the collective unconscious/Akashic Record... perhaps not.


      Re: Cosmology

      My cosmology is a bit boring, I'm afraid. There's the seen world, the physical universe we're all going about in, and the unseen world, or the other world, which is where you've got the stuff we tend not to see, spirits and the like. The unseen world overlaps with the seen, so there is interaction between the two, but also extends beyond it. I believe the unseen world is made up of many different parts, similar to how our seen world is, but personally I don't tend to break it down a whole lot (sometimes into the upper, middle, and lower worlds, which is a common grouping). Seen and unseen tends to work for me, though.
      Hearth and Hedge


        Re: Cosmology

        Because I like Rae'ya's terms (ya know, having an apostrophe in your name makes me question the grammar of a possesive), I believe in a Thisworld and a couple billion Innerworlds...and that those Innerworlds are both an individual and a shared experience because we are social creatures with intermingled cultures and history. I believe that deities and other entities are part of our Innerworlds. I believe that Thisworld and the Innerworlds of any creature capable of complex consciousness are part of a sort of....Overarching Sacredness of Being, if you will.
        Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


          Re: Cosmology

          Pretty much just the here and now.

          Mostly art.


            Re: Cosmology

            My cosmology is very simple.

            There is a singular universe which everything exists in both the divine and physical. The physical and the spiritual form two separate planes of existence within the singular universe. The spiritual are both separate and united, although some areas of the world are more united than others.


              Re: Cosmology

              Pick up a current textbook on cosmology, and neurology, and there you have it.
              Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                Re: Cosmology

                I think the Universe as we observe it is part of an eternal cosmic animating force, which some might call ''God''. It interpenetrate all of it, I believe it is also possible that it extends endlessly beyond it in an infinite ''set'' of Multiverse and dimensions. Therefore, the eternal cosmic animating force IS what the Universe and reality we are experiencing is about on a metaphyscial level but not all that which the eternal force IS.

                This view I based on reason and observation of the natural world. I do not ground my beliefs on sacred texts and religious teachings (though I am open-minded to any unknown or new idea that can make sens for me) but on reason, science, metaphysics/philosophy.

                I do think it is possible in some natural conditions to connect with God. Meditations and prayers may open one's mind to an union with the Infinite, the Absolute. Some refer to it as ''mysticism'' or ''transcendence'' and there is some very interesting documentation of life changing events about that as far as the ancient times.

                My beliefs are apt to change, that is they are not stuck in concrete and I feel no need to ''protect'' them. New data and developpements in science can open new possiblities and convingly refute others. So my belief system is not a static thing but at this point, they make sens for me.
                Last edited by Wonder; 27 Jul 2014, 20:52.


                  Re: Cosmology

                  The earthly plane - the realms of humanity and the ʼăḥērīm​ (like demons), the realms of the dead
                  The heavenly plane - the realms of the qəḏōšīm (like angels)
                  The chaos plane - the plane which interpenetrates and surrounds all others; the source plane and also the state of entropy to which all things must return
                  ʼŌraḥ Qaḏəmōnī, a revival of Ancient Israelite religion --


                    Re: Cosmology

                    Considering my beliefs are based on science, I see things in a similar way to Wonder, up there. I believe the Universe is everything. Or at least, our everything. I also subscribe to the multiverse theory. I believe everything that is and ever will be (to us) is in our Universe. Maybe one can cross to another.. But considering we humans hardly even leave our planet anymore, I doubt we can accomplish moving from our Universe into another.
                    I also believe the Universe is alive. One colossal living organism. Our Galaxy is a small organ and The Earth is one of many cells and we are a tiny part of that cell.


                      Re: Cosmology

                      As everyone knows you only get the higher planes if you get the higher package from your provider,I know it cost more but you might avoid the commercials.(not to be construed as true unless you buy into humor as truth)
                      MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                      all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                      NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                      don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                      my new page here,let me know what you think.

                      nothing but the shadow of what was



                        Originally posted by anunitu View Post
                        As everyone knows you only get the higher planes if you get the higher package from your provider,I know it cost more but you might avoid the commercials.(not to be construed as true unless you buy into humor as truth)
                        Unless they guarantee no commercials, and instant service, I refuse to upgrade.
                        ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


                        I have never been across the way
                        Seen the desert and the birds
                        You cut your hair short
                        Like a shush to an insult
                        The world had been yelling
                        Since the day you were born
                        Revolting with anger
                        While it smiled like it was cute
                        That everything was shit.

                        - J. Wylder


                          Re: Cosmology

                          Do we still get those crappy little advertising things running along the bottom of the screen?

                          There is a special Hell for whoever thought that up - in the -2 level of Hell, right inside Satan's colon.
                          Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                            Re: Cosmology

                            Hay,we are the ONLY game in shut up and drink the koolaid....
                            MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                            all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                            NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                            don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                            my new page here,let me know what you think.

                            nothing but the shadow of what was



                              Re: Cosmology

                              The Physical Plane-The world we live in. The mere epidermis of reality.

                              The Land Just Beyond- A whirling mass of all immediate forces acting on our plane.

                              Hell-where devils dwell and the souls of the damned reside as the final karmic payment for their wicked deeds. They are not sent here based on judgment, but condemn themselves by being cruel and callous towards others in life. They come here to reap what they have sown in life though they also pay in life. Consistent disregard for your fellow living beings without any hint of remorse earns one a place here.It is the manifest logical extreme of their choices.

                              Paradise- The layer of existence where the Divine itself and the souls of the just reside. One arrives here by being just, by being mindful, and showing that you wanted to create a better world through your actions. If you are here, your karmic debt is likely quite minimal and most offenses expunged once you have proven yourself to have grown into something greater in life rather than letting your soul languish in cruelty and disregard for all other living things.

                              The Dream World: A plane that while not literally visited in dreams, is closely related to human consciousness and subconscious. It is accessible yet all at once difficult to reach.

