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Dream Yard

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    Dream Yard

    Alright, I wanted to extend this discussion beyond the Cultural Appropriation thread and I feel there's enough of us with an idea of what we want (or possibly already have) to have a decent discussion about it.

    If you could have your dream yard, what would you do with it? I have a decent sized yard now and the planning has begun. It's prolly gonna take a good 5 years or so before I can do everything I want with it, but that's alright because I know I can do it now.

    I've been researching native plant species to put in the gardens. I've especially excited about putting in a pond with some native plants and fish. But I also plan on having a fire pit, bug house, natural and traditional (including a sunken trampoline, google it, it's awesomesauce) play areas for my daughter, a labyrinth and possibly another circle type area and a deck.

    With the bug house, I know it will give a place for all sorts of critters to live. They're pretty awesome.

    And I have every intention of telling my daughter to go walk the labyrinth when she's old enough and needs to go calm down. So it'll have some practical use as well as lighting it up at Samhain for folks to come walk it then.

    When it comes to natural play areas I'm thinking about a small mud pit, some log stepping stones and balance beams, that sort of thing. I've been roving the natural playground sites for ideas. We don't have any hills in our yard so that eliminates that sort of thing, but otherwise, I'm into it.

    This is my plan. It's not very well proportioned to my actual yard, it was more a sit down and brainstorm thing. But it's a guide to what I'll be doing in the future.
    Attached Files
    We are what we are. Nothing more, nothing less. There is good and evil among every kind of people. It's the evil among us who rule now. -Anne Bishop, Daughter of the Blood

    I wondered if he could ever understand that it was a blessing, not a sin, to be graced with more than one love.
    It could be complicated; of course it could be complicated. And it opened one up to the possibility of more pain and loss.
    Still, it was a blessing I would never relinquish. Love, genuine love, was always a cause for joy.
    -Jacqueline Carey, Naamah's Curse

    Service to your fellows is the root of peace.

    Re: Dream Yard

    That's a great plan!

    You'll enjoy bringing it to be as much as you'll enjoy living in it!

    Did you have somewhere in there for a chicken/duck/goose/peafowl/Guinea fowl yard or coop? You might enjoy birds.

    My dream yard is in progress (lack of cash & illness has put the work on hold).

    I have 29 acres.

    There are two acres up around the house with a fire pit, an overrun garden, and two coops with fenced in runs (one the peafowl, and one for ducks/geese). I want to build another fenced area for fancy chickens, and a pond (small, ornamental, for koi & lilies) is somewhere on the horizon.

    The 27 acres just run wild - which is the way I like it. There is one fire pit back there, and we have plans for building a small "honeymoon house" with a wood stove for heat, for those times when we just want to chuck the world and hangout where nobody can pester us.
    Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


      Re: Dream Yard

      All we can have in town is chickens and only hens at that. And we have to have neighbors permission. I've thought about it but my husband is dead set against chickens and we'd have to be able to afford feed, and the like. There are other things I can be funneling my money into that I'll enjoy more. Maybe in another decade, but we'll see.

      I'm dead set again koi. Even if the chance is small, when their eggs get into the main water ways, it can be devastating for the ecosystem. They're quite invasive. That's why I'm planning to use only native fish. I'm thinking Least Killifish, Sunfish, and Golden Shiners. That's Iowa natives.
      We are what we are. Nothing more, nothing less. There is good and evil among every kind of people. It's the evil among us who rule now. -Anne Bishop, Daughter of the Blood

      I wondered if he could ever understand that it was a blessing, not a sin, to be graced with more than one love.
      It could be complicated; of course it could be complicated. And it opened one up to the possibility of more pain and loss.
      Still, it was a blessing I would never relinquish. Love, genuine love, was always a cause for joy.
      -Jacqueline Carey, Naamah's Curse

      Service to your fellows is the root of peace.


        Re: Dream Yard

        Automated defense turrets everywhere with a mix of 50 cal machine guns and rockets.
        Why yes, my dream yard is completely illegal and highly impractical, why do you ask?
        Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

        Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

        "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

        John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

        "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

        Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


          Re: Dream Yard

          Have fun building your dream, Shak. My dream yard comes with a permanent groundskeeper. Lot of work maintaining all this stuff.

          "No, no, you're not thinking; you're just being logical." -- Niels Bohr


            Re: Dream Yard

            My dream "yard" would actually be a natural forest with some form of lake/pond within walking distance. The more I've thought about "what kind of house would I buy if I had a million dollars" the more I come back to "tiny little house in the middle of the wilderness." I'm still working out the bugs on how to make that manifest, unfortunately. Maybe one day.


              Re: Dream Yard

              1) I want a natural pool.

              2) I want a graywater garden (if I can)

              3) Rain barrels for any irrigation that needs to be done

              4) I want a front yard dining room garden...people should use their front yards more

              5) A hammock

              6) a fireplace outdoors with a bread oven slot

              7) one of these:

              8) a native garden, and a colonial herb garden, and veggies

              9)a concrete pit with a chest containing old dishes from the thrift store...when people are mad, they can go outside and throw the dishes in the pit. Then they can clean them up and make mosaics.
              Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                Re: Dream Yard

                Originally posted by Ljubezen View Post
                My dream "yard" would actually be a natural forest with some form of lake/pond within walking distance. The more I've thought about "what kind of house would I buy if I had a million dollars" the more I come back to "tiny little house in the middle of the wilderness." I'm still working out the bugs on how to make that manifest, unfortunately. Maybe one day.
                You can get that in Northern Mich for around $60,000. But you'll need the rest of your million 'cause you won't be able to find a job.
                Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                  Re: Dream Yard

                  We have a few plans for the place we're trying to buy now. We still haven't found it yet, but it'll be our next home purchase.

                  2+ acres (better with 5, but beggars can't be choosers) nearish Portland, but far enough out to have some privacy. I enjoy being naked outside. I also have respect for my neighbors. That sucks when you live in the suburbs.

                  Front yard - the atypical front yard with fountains, groomed walkways, Zen gardens and the like. Probably a few Zombie Gnomes, if I know my wife.

                  Back yard will have the hot tub and greenhouse - given our druthers, the greenhouse will be attached to the house. Within the greenhouse we'll grow all manner of veggies and what fruits require it, peppers, know...useful shit. Also companion plants to help keep the bugs away. What we can, we'll grow hydroponically to have a lot less waste and a lot fewer bugs to begin with.

                  ANYHOO, a large garage. And hey, if we've gotta park our daily drivers in there I'll need another. We both have big, loud, messy hobbies and neither of us want that in a house. Not only that, most attached garages are dinky if you expect to get any real work done. So space...lots and lots of space.

                  Our back yard will be fenced as necessary, but mostly left natural unless we decide to cut some trails through. The Portland area is absolutely gorgeous as it is, and we want to keep as much of the natural wonder as possible.

                  Anything further than that will have to wait until we get the house so we know what we're dealing with as far as grade, available space for building shit, etc.


                    Re: Dream Yard

                    Originally posted by B. de Corbin View Post
                    You can get that in Northern Mich for around $60,000. But you'll need the rest of your million 'cause you won't be able to find a job.
                    Yeah that last part really is the kicker. Hopefully I'll be able to develop a skillset long-term that will allow me to work comfortably from home. But... we aren't quite there yet.


                      Re: Dream Yard

                      In a dream world...

                      2-3 acres of garden ONLY. I want to approach self-sustainability with permaculture. Herbs, vegetables (fruits if I'm in the right climate, which I likely won't be), and medicinal plants, as well as anything pretty that will benefit the garden somehow. ie; flowers to attract bees, marigold keeps away beetles, etc.

                      Several acres of wild land. Forest, bush, swamp, lake, rock, whatever. Untamed, and unmanaged by human hands. A small cabin with a loft, a root cellar, and entirely off grid, if possible (I miss living off grid, fyi). An old clawfoot tub in the back (like the one rafe has), a greenhouse, and a chicken coop. Bunnies if I ever choose to eat meat again. Cabin has to have a patio. Shed full of firewood. The night sky above me.

                      Mostly art.


                        Re: Dream Yard

                        One completely and eternally devoid of blackberries. I would rather have no yard, or one made of concrete, than one infested with the thorny plague.

                        They are the bane of my existence.
                        Trust is knowing someone or something well enough to have a good idea of their motivations and character, for good or for ill. People often say trust when they mean faith.


                          Re: Dream Yard

                          Originally posted by Denarius View Post
                          One completely and eternally devoid of blackberries. I would rather have no yard, or one made of concrete, than one infested with the thorny plague.

                          They are the bane of my existence.
                          You take that back! I would kill (KILL) to have blackberries near me again.

                          Mostly art.


                            Re: Dream Yard

                            I would prefer not to have any form of back yard. That being said, I wouldn't mind living near a city garden, or I would love to live near a shrine. That or I would love to live in a city that is near to a forest or other nature.


                              I wanna build one of those big loopdyloop infinity symbol sun dials thats actually acurate to the exact location in my dream yard. .
                              ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


                              I have never been across the way
                              Seen the desert and the birds
                              You cut your hair short
                              Like a shush to an insult
                              The world had been yelling
                              Since the day you were born
                              Revolting with anger
                              While it smiled like it was cute
                              That everything was shit.

                              - J. Wylder

