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Not Sure Where to Turn

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    Not Sure Where to Turn

    Hey everyone,

    A couple years ago I did some really heavy research on Paganism, Wicca, Pantheism, and even some Buddhism, and I'm still not sure where I should be. My mom and my sister are both very Christian--this is not to say they are unaccepting or anything, but Christianity is just a huge part of their lives. There's no harsh feelings or anything like that, but then again, I've always sort of avoided sharing most of my feelings of disconnect from Christianity. I just don't agree with a lot of the ideas, though I was/am Methodist, and they are a pretty accepting bunch.

    I just feel something so much more when I practice yoga or when I'm outside sitting in silence and just soaking up nature. I think I believe more in an energy that is pervasive in everything and that we can tap into and that we are actually a part of it. I don't think that the divine is outside of us necessarily or that we are doomed from birth.

    I've always identified better with ideas of balance than with us being defiled by nature. I especially do not like the guilt that is pervasive in many Christian traditions.

    That said, I've always struggled with feeling a connection to a deity.

    Still, while it might seem obvious that I should be following a more nature-based religion or practice like Paganism, I've never been able to cross this imaginary bridge into converting. Instead, I've just gone through life feeling a little strange in church as a Creaster (Christmas/Easter church goer) and a little apprehensive of the spells and devotions that I see in Paganism. I think I would be happy as a Pagan and getting in touch with the history and the deeper self-discovery that seems to go along with it, but I just can't get there.

    If you were not always Pagan, what made you decide and how did you go through that process? I imagine if I knew someone who was Pagan that would help me to see what it's like and I could experience things with them. After all, for me, religion seems as if it is supposed to be a community. It's especially hard for me because every single one of my close friends is Catholic and only one of them knows I've considered Paganism and while she's extremely accepting, I still feel a little odd talking to her about it.

    Anyway, such are my 'struggles'. They're not as prominent in my life as they were, but I do wish I had a concrete belief. Maybe, I simply shouldn't be labeling anything, but I would like the community.

    Re: Not Sure Where to Turn

    Personally, what really "got me there" was realizing that i wasn't obligated to get in touch with deity or even acknowledge deity. I mean, I'm still really new to this but that's what got things to click into place for me. Something I see a lot is that you don't have to force things, nothing is written in stone, and if you ARE forcing it, then its not working/won't work and you should look for something else. You don't have to do spells or devotions either.


      Re: Not Sure Where to Turn

      I've done a lot of observing and thinking over the years, and i think Pagaans tend to fall into four different views regarding deity (or a mix of two of these views or sort of tangental to one or more of them)...this is sort of how I've broken them up:

      diety as entities...hard polytheism and some soft polytheism falls in here. ...the belief that gods are literal beings acting with independent agency and (more or less) involve themselves in the physical workings of the wold, including interacting with humanity

      deity as ideas...some soft polytheist and some panthiests and some atheist pagans seem to make up the bulk of these folks. Views here seem to fall along a range--deities as thought-forms/egregores, deities as amorphous sort of forces, dieties as a way to "plug in" to the universe, or deities as archetypes

      deities as Nature/Universe...this is usually the panthiest crowd, some animists (with a slighly different view) but sometimes there are athiest pagns that fall in here too. (Totally on my phone, please excues the typos). There is a pretty diverse bunch of ideas here too, from the idea that dieties are a poetic means to interact with Nature/Universe, to the idea that nature=god to the idea that different aspects of nature are equivelent to (or actually *are*) dieties.

      Diety as this might be because of a belief that they don't exist, or that they are personal (maybe they exist only in our own mind), or that we (as individuals or as humanity) are the originators of diety.

      Mostly, i bring this up becuase not all pagans are theists. Even among those that aren't technically athiests, there is a huge amount of variability between someone that is a devotional polythiest and someone that is a panthiest.

      You might want to browse some of the other threads around here, because we have a number of members (including myself) that have less conventional ideas about dieties, some of which don't include the (imo: stereotypical) relationship presented by most Pagan authors and other BNPs. Maybe that will give you some other ideas and perspectives!

      And welcome!
      Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible

