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Pot, pizza and a kid in the oven

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    Pot, pizza and a kid in the oven

    Ok. did that get your attention?

    Two men adopt a daughter. They name her Kadillak Poe Jones.
    One dad smokes a doobie, eats some pizza and watches Game of Thrones.
    Forgets his 10 month old adopted daughter in the car.
    Remembers her only when a scene of a crying child on GoT shows up.
    baby dies.

    I ain't even making this crap up.

    And now for the question you have all been waiting for!

    Does smoking pot make you a better parent? Is it the act of being inebriated that makes you deal better with children? If so, how's that drunk dad of yours doing?

    Anywho. I don't really want to steer this to pot is bad or good in general. But if you believe there are benefits to lighting up, do you think it's worth it to risk it for a bad decision that might happen?
    Satan is my spirit animal

    Re: Pot, pizza and a kid in the oven

    Well, I am generally supportive of the legalisation of marijuana and I don't generally have an issue with it (or alcohol)/people who use it unless it hurts others.

    That being said, when it comes to children, I am rather sensitive growing up in a household of addicts who routinely abused me and neglected me due to being high.

    I'm sure that a lot of people can have a drink or smoke responsibly without tragic consequences, but I also think that if they aren't capable of moderating their intake and they are responsible for children then they need to simply not get high/drink at all. That being said, I don't generally like the idea of drinking/getting stoned around kids full stop.


      Re: Pot, pizza and a kid in the oven

      I don't think getting inebriated or high is a good idea if you have to take care of anyone. That means that if you have young kids and no one else is home, that's not a good time to light up a joint. If you can't wait, you have a problem.


        Re: Pot, pizza and a kid in the oven

        Surely anything that reduces your awareness/ability to think with a kid in the house is bad to take in that situation, Ie: in that situation Pot isn't shit, however you're a shit parent.
        Work hard Play hard.
        What is history?


          Re: Pot, pizza and a kid in the oven

          Marijuana, or a similar thing which bring down your awareness to critical levels which can easily cause neglect or harm to others, is never something a parent should be engaging in, especially if they have no one with them to ensure that things can be properly looked after. To hear of such neglect happening because they went off and indulged in an illegal substance, which should never be around children in the first place, is upsetting, to say the least.


            Re: Pot, pizza and a kid in the oven

            No matter how low one sets the bar, there will always be people finding ways to squiggle underneath it.

            Reasoning based on "the lowest common denominator" can be very, very low, indeed.
            Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


              Re: Pot, pizza and a kid in the oven

              While I largely agree with this:

              Originally posted by DanieMarie View Post
              I don't think getting inebriated or high is a good idea if you have to take care of anyone. That means that if you have young kids and no one else is home, that's not a good time to light up a joint. If you can't wait, you have a problem.
              I'd like to address this:

              Originally posted by Amadi View Post
              Surely anything that reduces your awareness/ability to think with a kid in the house is bad to take in that situation, Ie: in that situation Pot isn't shit, however you're a shit parent.
              I'm guessing you aren't a parent?

              Parenting reduces your awareness and ability to think with a kid in the house!!

              Seriously. College students have nothing on lack of sleep compared to new parents. Lack of sleep will mess you up as much as any mind altering substance. Strong emotion reduces your ability to think--ever brought in a load of laundry only to find a child that has climbed a baby gate, opened a locked door, scaled a cabinet, and dragged out tubes of acrylic paint in order to massage them into the carpet? Illness reduces your awareness and ability to think with a kid in the house...I've had strep three times in the past 6 months, two of them over weekends while the hubby was on out-of-state trips for work...try parenting with a 103 degree fever, sick and miserable as a dog.

              Kids get left in cars for reasons other than pot.

              Originally posted by Medusa View Post
              Ok. did that get your attention?

              Two men adopt a daughter. They name her Kadillak Poe Jones.
              One dad smokes a doobie, eats some pizza and watches Game of Thrones.
              Forgets his 10 month old adopted daughter in the car.
              Remembers her only when a scene of a crying child on GoT shows up.
              baby dies.

              I ain't even making this crap up.
              In the context of this story...

              Is it somehow worse that he was smoking pot, than a stressed and busy parent on their way to work forgetting to drop the kid off at daycare?

              People make bad decisions every day. Some of them are fatal.

              Is it somehow worse when its a parent making a bad decision regarding their child, than when its a doctor for their patient, or a bus driver at a crosswalk?

              Is it worse if its on purpose vs accidental? Like this mom:

              Does smoking pot make you a better parent? Is it the act of being inebriated that makes you deal better with children? If so, how's that drunk dad of yours doing?

              Anywho. I don't really want to steer this to pot is bad or good in general. But if you believe there are benefits to lighting up, do you think it's worth it to risk it for a bad decision that might happen

              I didn't read the article, so I can't comment as to whats up with the story specifically...but no, nothing that makes you anything less than at the top of your mental game makes you better able to deal with children.

              That drunk dad of mine stopped drinking several years some ways he's a better parent for it, but most of those ways he's a better parent because I'm not a small child. Sober he wouldn't have been a good parent either. Some of which is not his fault as a person--he's just the sort of person that probably shouldn't have had children. Or maybe I was the sort of child that wasn't suited to being raised by a neurotic perfectionist, whether he was inebriated or not.

              I can't see that pot would make you a better parent. But I can see that that father might have left his kid in the car anyway...because it happens. Its tragic, and its avoidable, but it still happens...just like thousands of other avoidable and tragic accidents.
              Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                Re: Pot, pizza and a kid in the oven

                He was calm enough to light up and munch some pizza while watching GoT.
                Satan is my spirit animal


                  Re: Pot, pizza and a kid in the oven

                  I know for me, I would not be able to pull myself together after i've smoked a joint or drunk some beer. But I think it's individually. My dad could easily drink some beer and still be a fine caretaker. Like I think of a friend of mine, who smokes, he still pull himself together and do a lot of responsibilities. I would say, if you can handle it, then it's okay. If only you do not paralyze yourself


                    Re: Pot, pizza and a kid in the oven

                    Originally posted by thalassa View Post
                    Parenting reduces your awareness and ability to think with a kid in the house!!
                    That's true, parenting does reduce your awareness because of how exhausting kids can be. Which is why I personally don't understand why someone would ingest something that would reduce their awareness even more so while taking care of a child(ren).


                      Re: Pot, pizza and a kid in the oven

                      Exempting a circumstance where the use of pot directly counters a condition that already screws with your abilities as a parent, no.

                      If there is a medical condition that pot demonstrably counters/minimizes/contains in some way and that condition is a greater detriment to your abilities than the effects of marijuana, then sure, it might improve your abilities as a parent.

                      I don't know of a relevant condition where the second criteria applies but then my interest in various health issues is limited on a good day and non-existent on a bad day while my interest in pot outside the Federal/State legal cluster-f*** surrounding it is just flat out non-existent. I've heard there are medical perks to the drug so I'm leaving the possibility that it might have the same benefit as any other medication and counteract a problem.
                      Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                      Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                      "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                      John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                      "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                      Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                        Re: Pot, pizza and a kid in the oven

                        My parents smoked pot like, every day when I was growing up. I was always fed, clean, and cared for. I never went hungry or without something so my parents could smoke. They kept it in their room, and when I was around 12 and found their stash by mistake they explained it to me, there were no lies. Did my parents forget things sometimes, like signing the report card on the fridge or my teachers name? Yes. But I was never neglected because of the pot.
                        Personally, I feel like its the person, not the drug. Saying pot makes you a bad parent (or person even) is a little like saying M-rated video games make kids violent. Its not the thing, its the person. Some people can handle being high and parenting, or juggling their responsibilities. It comes down to the fact that PEOPLE are responsible for their actions and do not get to shunt them off on drugs or other things. If a pot user has kids, they have the responsibility to know how they behave when high, and then make the judgement call on weather or not they can continue to smoke. People who don't do this, or people who know they can't handle being high and raising a kid but smoke anyway, probably would not have made good parents sober, either.


                          Re: Pot, pizza and a kid in the oven

                          The pot of years ago is not the pot of today. Not by a long shot.
                          Pot expert, speak up!
                          We know you are here
                          Satan is my spirit animal


                            Re: Pot, pizza and a kid in the oven

                            Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                            The pot of years ago is not the pot of today. Not by a long shot.
                            Pot expert, speak up!
                            We know you are here
                            It's definitely stronger.

                            Also, the pot of Europe is not the pot of North America, if anything because Europeans usually mix it with tobacco. I wonder if people did this back in the day in NA as well? Older people, speak up!


                              Re: Pot, pizza and a kid in the oven

                              Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                              The pot of years ago is not the pot of today. Not by a long shot.
                              No, but they're still smoking it daily and still excellent parents to my little brother. And he's a much tougher case than I was.
                              In my eyes it all just comes down to people either know how to handle themselves or they don't. But its an individuals responsibility to learn how to handle themselves, especially if they're going to be handling a kid.

