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A rant about Society and life, and oh, newcomer here

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    A rant about Society and life, and oh, newcomer here

    I feel that this is rather appropriate first thread that I'd post it here about my first venture into a pagan forums, and about my usual life story and as such. I don't expect people to be nice to me, I just want to know the hard truth whether this is the ideal place to share my thoughts with. Give me your best shot. It's a long read and I don't think a short version would suffice, but I hope you have the patience to read it.

    Now, this is a big senseless rant, because I just want to lt out, and I'm missing alot of things in the rant to say and most of it are just senseless rants, so feel free to ask about anything you're not clear about.

    Start of Rant

    I don't know how I got here, but perhaps I stumbled upon the pagan music band Omnia, as a fan of cultural music on youtube, and immediately fell in love with it. Next thing you know when I get obssessed with knowing the Band's backgrounds, I was surprised at it's political incorectness in life and society. Seeing that I am a man with alot of depressive feelings and emotions with my current life, I'd thought it was a fresh breath of air for me on humanity. And by a VERY long shot, I've decided to search for pagan forums, mainly because I've seen how the band has incorporated their philosophies about humanity and society into their careers, unlike other music bands they have the balls to tell people in the face about the ugly truth of society. And by a VERY long shot with my thoughts I stumbled upon this forum, looking through a few topics, religious tolerance, sensible people, political incorrectness, perhaps this is one place that I can share my experience in life with.

    I'm LordJulian, currently living in a dreaded, empty world that I call it Singapore. Why would I call it that way, you ask? Well, to say the least, if you're trying to be a different person with an interest or passion that is a far-cry compared to the mass-marketed pop culture that my ....... place has set aside to promote political correctness(yes, I've been banging on about that) to a supremely daydream scale, then you are not welcome to this country. You will be labelled as a freak, and obviously not told straight in the face, but you'd imagine the number of cold shoulders and lies that people have been telling you that you're unique in an utmost polite manner, when in reality, they really think you're a weirdo.

    My interests are so different from what others would expect. I'm Chinese, living in a prime-modernist South East Asian country, with a despotic government(how despotic you ask? If they find any public criticism of them in my country, they will prosecute said offender), in a materialistic society, people with stereotypical views, and yet I share entirely different views, I have so much passion in European Medieval Culture, I want to be a knight, learn swordfighting as my passion, start medieval fairs in this blasted country, I want to be friends with people who ACTUALLY think about life and not be fed about the garbage that we should have our backsides spanked by people just because they have more money and power than us, I want to live in a society that is truly unprejudiced, or at least be blatantly honest and not lie to people that they are racially harmonious when in truth racism is obvious to the eyes of the common man.

    You know what do the people in my country think? They think that there is no problem with pop culture, that there is no reason for one to question the very things that they eat, drink, play, shit, sleep or experience. No, they only just want to satisfy their desires, their cravings, they don't want to know why they are so obssessed with money, vanity, or even think the slightest on what impact would they have if they eat at a fast food chain like MacDonalds. No, they find it fustrating if people tell them from where their food came from. They do not want to know that their smartphones are made from factories in China slaving their workers with low pay and poor working conditions that the works put up to suicide. Now, you may say that this happens in all of modern societies, but if Singapore is considered to be the melting pot of cultures, then I say it's a shitfest of dung inside it. People from my country will look at things and just make stupid assumptions, like how they would think the word Paganism is some sort of evil cult because of all the stereotypes that they watched from the media.

    So I stopped being the usual corporate slave drive worker that I would want to be in the future, I'm young, and I'd prefer to live a life that would NOT be eventually Born->Study till death->Work till death-> Retire in an old folks home -> And eventually die in a place where no one would know about you. I want to explore life, there is so much to live in life, and yet people around me in this country would gladly, willingly, and unknowingly obey or do what is the "popular thing" in life. In a society where you see no ethical issues with materialism, dogmatic laws that restrict freedom for the people, cultures and habits that are just plain bad, and calling people freak just because they don't do what a "Normie" would consider normal, and that if you try to ask why this is the status quo, people will tell you to suck it. I hate this world.

    I hate this life, and I hate humanity and it's darkest hearts. When people can't be honest to one another, and not see the most obvious subtle lies passing through. Knowing about the lies that has been gradually built up within millennias of civilizations, you'd think that 5000 years of human progress we should be able to find a glimpse of hope for humanity to be better, well it certainly is better than kings and queens demand their self-entitlement towards everything in life, but other parts of humanity has been degraded into...... lies and modernist lies. At least in the Middle Ages, dickheads do show that they are what they are more often than not.

    And yet, I can't see that humanity cannot be saved. If I can find that life is still meaningful to live, and that there is so much to enjoy, so much to discover, and I've yet to find a companion to share my life with. I don't want to die with full of regrets. I want to just run in an open field among fellow comrades, wearing a full suit of armour, charging and fighting like an re-anactment in battle. I want to learn and play medieval music, I want to encourage people to have a culture that makes things rather than consume them. I want to make a video game that makes people think about life, or at least think that war is bad, or at least tell a person that life sucks, but we can make it better, and he'll say yes.

    I want to know more about this forum, I want to see that I can share mature religious topics in general, I want to discuss why I want people to accept each other even if they are culturally or even socially different from one another. I want to tell people about the Libertarianism way of living and why is it good.

    End of Rant

    So yes, that's why I'm here. I'm a freak, proud of it, proud for the fact that people acknowledged my difference and do not come to terms with it, which is ok. I want to find people who can accept who I am and why I do this. Now, in real life, I am a person with flaws, I am lazy, a egotistic bastard, not a good listener, and I don't like cheese, and I'd realize the dangers of 'othering' the people that I hate, because I have to know that I'm still human, and what I do can be said with conviction, not out of hypocrisy. I want to learn the world, discover other genuine people with differences that I will not stereotype at first glance, listen from their experience, at least know where they are coming from.

    I do realize at the end of writing this post, that this is the most open rant that I have given out on the rant, talk about reliving stress. Maybe this is the reason why I'm here, to connect to people who I can talk to, although I have my reservations on desperately charging into a forum and live there just because it's weird like me, and I'm genuinely afraid of posting in this manner. Still, life is worth living, and I'm taking a shot at it, I just hope that it's worth it.


    I hope you enjoy it here, though this:

    Originally posted by LordJulian View Post
    .... I don't like cheese.....
    Is going to cause problems....
    ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


    I have never been across the way
    Seen the desert and the birds
    You cut your hair short
    Like a shush to an insult
    The world had been yelling
    Since the day you were born
    Revolting with anger
    While it smiled like it was cute
    That everything was shit.

    - J. Wylder


      Re: A rant about Society and life, and oh, newcomer here

      Don't like cheese? How can that be?

      Welcome anywhoo!
      Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


        Re: A rant about Society and life, and oh, newcomer here

        Out of everything you've posted...yeah, the only problem I see is not liking cheese!


        (also, I'm gonna move this to intros)
        Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


          Re: A rant about Society and life, and oh, newcomer here

          I hope you like it here welcome to the boards.


            Re: A rant about Society and life, and oh, newcomer here

            Well, yes, I should have placed it on the introductions but comsidering that I'm pulling off a rant, I'd thought I'd post it there, but ok.

            Thanks for the replys, I hope this forum can offer me more than what I would expect, and perhaps learn a thing or two about life from interesting strangers from around the world.

            P.S: You'll find that cheese is the cause of all evils, you cannot comprehend that the governments of the world are ruled by the evil talking cheese faction.


              Re: A rant about Society and life, and oh, newcomer here



                Re: A rant about Society and life, and oh, newcomer here

                I don't particularly care about your opinion of cheese in a vacuum. I'm mildly concerned that it might get in the way of proper and fitting adoration of pizza which would at best make you misguided and at worst make an irredeemable heretic.
                Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                  Re: A rant about Society and life, and oh, newcomer here

                  Praise the pizza gods lol
                  Knowledge is the key to eternity. Not bowing before a deity not grovling at the feet of a messiah. Knowledge is power beyond mesure - satanic witch


                    Re: A rant about Society and life, and oh, newcomer here

                    I suppose that you COULD have pizza without cheese, but I think that that is an offense greater than not having pizza at all.


                      Re: A rant about Society and life, and oh, newcomer here

                      Originally posted by Munin-Hugin View Post
                      I suppose that you COULD have pizza without cheese, but I think that that is an offense greater than not having pizza at all.
                      No cheese on a pizza that is like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the bread?? It just wouldn't be the same
                      Knowledge is the key to eternity. Not bowing before a deity not grovling at the feet of a messiah. Knowledge is power beyond mesure - satanic witch


                        Re: A rant about Society and life, and oh, newcomer here

                        Welcome to the forum!

                        Dedicated and devoted to Lord Anubis and Lady Bast. A follower of the path of Egyptian Wicca.


                          Re: A rant about Society and life, and oh, newcomer here

                          Hey, I have pizza without cheese, isn't that what the Italians had before mozzarella became the in-thing back in those days?


                            Re: A rant about Society and life, and oh, newcomer here

                            Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your time with us! :3


                              Re: A rant about Society and life, and oh, newcomer here

                              Awesome to see you are a man of experience, and have something to say!

