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Hi and wow

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    Hi and wow

    hello everyone.

    Really just wanted to /wave. New here and i cant believe the plethora of information on every subject that ever piqued my curiosity! I've been a pagan as long as i can remember (you know that old chestnut)

    Anyway... I've been buying books on amazon for years now, and there are so many different ways to go about doing the same thing. Ive often been confused, and just ended up doing it MY way... kind of thing. I've googled up a lot of info to be sure, but theres something about being able to talk to a real person, or just reading discussions, that really puts a whole new spin on learning...

    thank you for existing and feeding my obsession! Hugs! :devil:

    Re: Hi and wow

    Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy your time here! :3

    Hugs! (>^-^)>


      Re: Hi and wow

      hello welcome to the boards.


        Re: Hi and wow

        Are you a practicing ceremonial magician, or does your self-identification as "Pagan" indicate simply a spiritual ideology?


          Re: Hi and wow

          well i dont really like to classify myself, but I suppose im Wiccan, with a dash of Anglo Saxon heathenism thrown in there. Really not used to discussing my beliefs with anyone, being from the south, id be disowned and ostracized if people knew what i really believed. I'm so happy to have found a place to bounce ideas off people who dont judge. Its still a forum tho... but from what ive seen so far it seems to be relatively troll free, so here goes...

          Yes I practice, mostly wiccan traditions. my path never really presented itself to me, in the form of a pantheon, so my Workings are centered on the Lord & Lady. I would say im still new, after 3ish years of reading, studying, and practicing. I'm definitely a solitary. I've always felt the power in the earth and the universe, but i had no idea how to harness it... I read a book a couple years back on wiccan beliefs and a lot of it just made sense, im sure thats a typical story =) Time went on, i and i did a self initiation. a year and a day later i had a dedication ritual. and many fun nights since. i know ive still only only scratched the surface.

          So, ya, i guess i should classify myself as Wiccan, but there are branches of study that interest me outside of the wiccan belief structure... so labels are trixy. =)


            Re: Hi and wow



              Re: Hi and wow

              Hello and welcome!
              Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                Re: Hi and wow

                Hi Aislin! Welcome to our community!
                "Fair means that everybody gets what they need. And the only way to get that is to make it happen yourself."

                Since I adore cats, I might write something strange or unusual in my comment.Cats are awesome!!! ^_^


                  Re: Hi and wow

                  Welcome! Glad to have you.


                    Re: Hi and wow

                    You know, I'm not pagan or am actively religious and just found my way here from some divine intervention/fate/conspircy theory. And I kinda liked it here, somewhat.

                    And welcome.


                      Re: Hi and wow

                      thx for the warm welcome everyone!!!

