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Question about scrying or psychic intuiton or something.

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    Question about scrying or psychic intuiton or something.

    I have read a bit about scrying, what I see is not exactly what I am looking for. I keep reading methods that show me that you can see "forms" or "images" in things. What I am looking for is more intuitive. I had a particular experience with a situation involving a cloud. I looked into the pink clouds over Utah, and heard the word "tornado" in my mind. Taking it s nothing more than me thinking I went about my night. The next day a tornado hit the salt lake city area, which is very rare due to are valley. What is this called? Channeling? Scrying? Omens? I did not see any shapes. But the message was from the clouds, or universe, or something like that.

    Re: Question about scrying or psychic intuiton or something.

    A couple words come to mind. Premonition, synchronicity, revelation. As far as scrying goes that can take many forms with many differing types of results. Scrying upon the third eye region for instance can produce images, words or full blown visions depending upon the one doing it and how their own abilities and mind works. Scrying upon a mirror or surface can do the same but it seems more people see shapes or images than get words. Scrying upon clouds and such often falls into matrixing and seeing or even hearing the mental chatter of making sense of shapes. Scrying using the bathtub water and soap and scum can frequently produce images in the water but also a flash type imagery when you look away and towards a solid light colored surface. If the water is still hot and causing eddies and such on the surface still it can produce moving animation and visualization vice static imagery.

    To many possibilities to say this is the one and only way or the only way people will utilize something.
    I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!

