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Asset Forfeiture - Legal Theft by Police

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    Asset Forfeiture - Legal Theft by Police

    Did you know that the police can take your cash and property, just because they want to, and there isn't a thing you can do about it?

    I don't know...

    This just doesn't seem right to me. Not in America, where one is innocent until proven guilty.

    'scuse me... is SUPPOSED to be innocent until proven guilty.
    Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.

    Re: Asset Forfeiture - Legal Theft by Police

    Yep, I knew about this. There was a big piece on it in the New Yorker a while back and John Oliver did a segment about it on his show. It's pretty crazy stuff, and I can't understand how this came to be or why it still happens.


      Re: Asset Forfeiture - Legal Theft by Police

      I saw the John Oliver one,and this is outright theft from citizens period...a shakedown...
      MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

      all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
      NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
      don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


      my new page here,let me know what you think.

      nothing but the shadow of what was



        Re: Asset Forfeiture - Legal Theft by Police

        Originally posted by DanieMarie View Post
        Yep, I knew about this. There was a big piece on it in the New Yorker a while back and John Oliver did a segment about it on his show. It's pretty crazy stuff, and I can't understand how this came to be or why it still happens.
        It came about because of the US' poorly considered "War on Drugs."

        The idea was that, if you can hurt dealers in the pocket, you can put them out of business, even if you can't put them in jail.

        But the illogic of this is that if you can't put them in jail, it means you can't prove them guilty. If you can't prove them guilty, then you need to be able to confiscate property without proof of guilt in order to put them out of business.

        Some idjit figured this kind of power would never, ever be abused by our highly trustworthy government, 'cause, you know, they are just looking out for us...

        In other words, it is the result of stupidity.
        Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


          Re: Asset Forfeiture - Legal Theft by Police

          It was an anti-piracy tool pre Civil War and then apparently became fashionable as an anti-drug tool. I have no idea why the courts have tolerated it this long but it has been fought as un-Constitutional and, for reasons that escape me, not been purged by hordes of angry judges.
          Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

          Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

          "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

          John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

          "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

          Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


            Re: Asset Forfeiture - Legal Theft by Police

            Originally posted by MaskedOne View Post
            ...for reasons that escape me, not been purged by hordes of angry judges.
            IMHO - because as a conspiracy theory, it isn't nearly as exciting as Illuminati controlling everything from medicine to gas millage.

            It just happens to be real...
            Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


              Re: Asset Forfeiture - Legal Theft by Police

              Of course that "Unclaimed" property becomes the property of the police force, government, etc which also does nothing to stop it. Sort of like the old church that increased it's holdings and worth by charging a person with heresy. It's sort of a win win scenario for all involved except the person whose property was actually taken.
              I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                Re: Asset Forfeiture - Legal Theft by Police

                I remember when we had our house raided the first time, the warrant also listed to seize any US Currency. Well, they ended up taking $200 from my room, but honestly, that was all drug related money. My other roommate however had our rent in an envelop labeled "Rent and utility money." Around 900 in that at the time, which was ordered by name and amount, was all seized. There wasn't any documentation of that money being taken in any of the paperwork afterwards, so no idea what they did with it. We almost didn't make rent that month because of it. But the fact that that happened was ridiculous, especially because our lawyers couldn't do anything about it.
                "In the shade now tall forms are advancing,
                And their wan hands like snowflakes in the moonlight are gleaming;
                They beckon, they whisper, 'Oh! strong armed in valor,
                The pale guests await thee - mead foams in Valhalla.'"
                - Finn's Saga



                  Re: Asset Forfeiture - Legal Theft by Police

                  Originally posted by monsno_leedra View Post
                  Of course that "Unclaimed" property becomes the property of the police force, government, etc which also does nothing to stop it. Sort of like the old church that increased it's holdings and worth by charging a person with heresy. It's sort of a win win scenario for all involved except the person whose property was actually taken.
                  Yup - the weasels are guarding the hen house.
                  Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.

