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Nipple Equality

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    Re: Nipple Equality

    I dunno. If I were a naked man about to be arrested, I'd just wave my wiener in the air for a while. People tend to shy away from the naked wiener.
    Satan is my spirit animal


      Re: Nipple Equality

      Originally posted by Norse_Angel View Post
      I don't understand why nudity is illegal. Who is so powerful, so all knowing, that they can put me in restraints, and imprison me for "revealing" my natural form? Why are we so embarrassed about ourselves? There must be something wrong with this species if we are not mature enough to handle our own sexual organs. The media, and religious morals placed upon us at such young ages have poisoned our image of our bodies, making them into something dirty... Something dirty in need of cover. While we are not dirty creatures, we are made to believe that our nudity is an unnatural, ungodly, unattractive, grotesque slander and improvisation on this world we walk. As well, The attempt to preserve the "innocence" of young children just deprives them from accepting their naked bodies as natural things. Making nudity such a dirty thing leaves young children uncomfortable with ideals that should have been seen as innocent as anything else through their eyes. While we sit in our animal skins and feel comfortable, we utterly lack the comfort of our own skins, which, in the end, leads to eating disorders, suicide, manic depression, and questions of our place. Clothing has done more harm than good, but our addiction to it shall never be lifted. Disgusting is our ability to destroy everything natural and replace it with something poisonous. We are human, but we are still animals.

      - - - Updated - - -

      As well, What are clothes to you? Are they purely for what they were intended to be used for, or have they evolved to something natural? Here's the thing. Clothing in its first use, was made for protection and warmth. But as society advanced, we have made laws stating that the bare human body is unnatural and destructive to a perfect world. Fabrics and cloths are not used for protection and warmth anymore, but for the soul purpose of censorship. This is very destructive to the image of our bodies.
      Oh my god this... THIS!! A thousand times this is what I feel on the issue
      My Divination Shop


        Re: Nipple Equality

        Stepping aside from just breasts and going to full nudity for a moment, since it is something that Norse has made very clearing is important to him, take this into consideration. People, in general, can be disgusting. I'm not talking their physical forms, but what they do to their physical forms, or DON'T do. Where I work, in the summers we take on upwards of 75 extra employees to handle our extra business, and during that time both public and private areas of the workplace become a total disaster. Plus, many of these people come to work in filthy clothes, and sometimes stink of all sorts of various things. It boggles the mind the lack of care that they give for their appearance and for the place they inhabit.

        Now, take these same individuals who pee on the floor, leave marks on the toilet seat, smell of dirt and sweat when they come to work, and all other manner of gross behavior. Do you really want to see them naked? Or, do you really want these people, who most likely do not take care enough to wipe properly or bathe correctly, to be the ones to sit next to you on the bus or to serve you food?

        Bring on the clothes!


          Re: Nipple Equality

          Originally posted by Munin-Hugin View Post
          Stepping aside from just breasts and going to full nudity for a moment, since it is something that Norse has made very clearing is important to him, take this into consideration. People, in general, can be disgusting. I'm not talking their physical forms, but what they do to their physical forms, or DON'T do. Where I work, in the summers we take on upwards of 75 extra employees to handle our extra business, and during that time both public and private areas of the workplace become a total disaster. Plus, many of these people come to work in filthy clothes, and sometimes stink of all sorts of various things. It boggles the mind the lack of care that they give for their appearance and for the place they inhabit.

          Now, take these same individuals who pee on the floor, leave marks on the toilet seat, smell of dirt and sweat when they come to work, and all other manner of gross behavior. Do you really want to see them naked? Or, do you really want these people, who most likely do not take care enough to wipe properly or bathe correctly, to be the ones to sit next to you on the bus or to serve you food?

          Bring on the clothes!
          You raise a very good point. All filthy people are created equal. This is coming from someone who shaves her armpits not because she is female and it is expected of her, but because armpit hair traps odor. Yuck. I don't want to deal with that. I think that because of the odor trapping thing, men should also shave their armpits.
          "All right, new rule: no evil laughter before breakfast." -my mother


            Re: Nipple Equality

            Regarding full nudity,

            Clothing equals pockets and a barrier between specific areas of my body and biting insects. I'm not surrendering either of those for an ideological point.
            Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

            Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

            "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

            John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

            "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

            Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


              Re: Nipple Equality

              I like being naked. I like being hairy. Suck it, world.

              Mostly art.


                Re: Nipple Equality

                Originally posted by volcaniclastic View Post
                I like being naked. I like being hairy. Suck it, world.
                I dare you to say that riding on public transportation!

                Plus. Where am I going to put my phone and keys and make up? I mean I have two nipples. I guess I could hang a few items off of them.
                Satan is my spirit animal


                  Re: Nipple Equality

                  Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                  I dare you to say that riding on public transportation!

                  Plus. Where am I going to put my phone and keys and make up? I mean I have two nipples. I guess I could hang a few items off of them.
                  That's something I was going to mention, Medusa. I mean, there are nipples and nipples.
                  Some of them look like chapel hat pegs.

                  Phantom Turnips never die.... they just get stewed occasionally....


                    Re: Nipple Equality

                    Originally posted by Tylluan Penry View Post
                    That's something I was going to mention, Medusa. I mean, there are nipples and nipples.
                    Some of them look like chapel hat pegs.
                    I can store stuff under my bewbies too.
                    Satan is my spirit animal


                      Re: Nipple Equality

                      Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                      I can store stuff under my bewbies too.
                      *sigh* I can't. I might be mistaken for a boy.
                      You remind me of the babe
                      What babe?
                      The babe with the power
                      What power?
                      The Power of voodoo
                      Who do?
                      You do!
                      Do what?
                      Remind me of the babe!

                      Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat


                        Re: Nipple Equality

                        I think that it's better to be naked when you're clean. Not that I lounge around in my natural state after dragging my fat ass out of the shower, but I find clean nudity to be a romantic notion.
                        "All right, new rule: no evil laughter before breakfast." -my mother


                          Re: Nipple Equality

                          I'm not sure how I missed this thread....

                          I'm not sure on the legal standpoint, but public nudity is highly tolerated here. In Berlin, it's not uncommon to see women sunbathing topless in the park. Most people still don't do it, but nothing would happen to you if you did it. Nudity and especially toplessness isn't seen as inherently sexual, though.

                          It's not my thing, but I don't care if people do it.


                            Re: Nipple Equality

                            What exactly do women want with this? Do they want to be able to walk around the beach naked? Or do they seriously want to go to the bank, the super market, pick up their kids...with their nipples hanging out? Like in a cut out t-shirt? Let's say we did 'free the nipple'. Then what?
                            Satan is my spirit animal


                              Re: Nipple Equality

                              Meh, its just boobs. Let 'em out.

                              Be free, Tatas! Be free! Fly like the wind!
                              There is beauty in darkness for those who dare enter the shadows to embrace it. - John Coughlin


                                Re: Nipple Equality

                                Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                                What exactly do women want with this? Do they want to be able to walk around the beach naked? Or do they seriously want to go to the bank, the super market, pick up their kids...with their nipples hanging out? Like in a cut out t-shirt? Let's say we did 'free the nipple'. Then what?
                                I thought it was just about being able to go topless, but I could be wrong.

                                I don't know about there, but over here it's not acceptable for men to go to the store, bank, etc shirtless. It's ok to sunbathe shirtless, but if you want to go to a place of business, it's seen as distasteful.

