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    You know, I know it's pointless and meaningless to do it, but I've been really feeling like "why?" lately.

    My daughter is diabetic. She's 6. This is a lifetime thing.

    And the last few days, my heart has been so heavy about it. Why did this have to happen to her? I get how stupid this is, so please don't rip into me for it... but things were supposed to be so good for her. I've tried so hard to take care of her. Her life was supposed to be great, and it was supposed to be so much better than mine.

    Instead, she has this chronic condition that ties her to insulin for the rest of her life. Dependent upon money-grubbing medicos.

    I know I sound bitter, but it's the rant thread.

    My sweet baby, and I have to stab her multiple times per day--when it's not with the blood tester, it's with a needle. It's this every day struggle to make sure she gets enough to eat. This constant fight to keep her blood sugar levels up because she's in "honeymoon period" where her pancreas is still trying to do its thing. Rigid scheduling... up at 7:30 every single day. Stab the kid. Twice. Eat at 8, eat at 10, eat at 12, eat at 3, eat at 6, eat at 8... never deviate.

    And god help me, but I live with this constant fear of giving her too much insulin. I did once when we were first home from the hospital. It was so terrible, even though the nurses were kind of like, "oh well, just test her a lot". But what if I'd not realized? I'm so afraid. It's so easy to make mistakes, to forget to feed her, or to miss giving her insulin because you get distracted and put the needle down to drag her back up out of the trash can (did that once, too!).

    It was not supposed to be like this. I want to fix it so badly, but this just can't be fixed. I feel helpless and I'm so tired emotionally. I just want my baby to be carefree. Not to have to "make sure you have your bracelet on!" or "do you have your kit [of insulin supplies]??" She's six. She shouldn't have to worry about keeping track of a "kit" all the time... but she HAS TO.

    I am feeling sad and angry today. And I want to cry, but I'm too overwhelmed to even do that right now. Watching this happening to my baby hurts so much.



      Originally posted by SPhoenix View Post
      You know, I know it's pointless and meaningless to do it, but I've been really feeling like "why?" lately.

      My daughter is diabetic. She's 6. This is a lifetime thing.

      And the last few days, my heart has been so heavy about it. Why did this have to happen to her? I get how stupid this is, so please don't rip into me for it... but things were supposed to be so good for her. I've tried so hard to take care of her. Her life was supposed to be great, and it was supposed to be so much better than mine.

      Instead, she has this chronic condition that ties her to insulin for the rest of her life. Dependent upon money-grubbing medicos.

      I know I sound bitter, but it's the rant thread.

      My sweet baby, and I have to stab her multiple times per day--when it's not with the blood tester, it's with a needle. It's this every day struggle to make sure she gets enough to eat. This constant fight to keep her blood sugar levels up because she's in "honeymoon period" where her pancreas is still trying to do its thing. Rigid scheduling... up at 7:30 every single day. Stab the kid. Twice. Eat at 8, eat at 10, eat at 12, eat at 3, eat at 6, eat at 8... never deviate.

      And god help me, but I live with this constant fear of giving her too much insulin. I did once when we were first home from the hospital. It was so terrible, even though the nurses were kind of like, "oh well, just test her a lot". But what if I'd not realized? I'm so afraid. It's so easy to make mistakes, to forget to feed her, or to miss giving her insulin because you get distracted and put the needle down to drag her back up out of the trash can (did that once, too!).

      It was not supposed to be like this. I want to fix it so badly, but this just can't be fixed. I feel helpless and I'm so tired emotionally. I just want my baby to be carefree. Not to have to "make sure you have your bracelet on!" or "do you have your kit [of insulin supplies]??" She's six. She shouldn't have to worry about keeping track of a "kit" all the time... but she HAS TO.

      I am feeling sad and angry today. And I want to cry, but I'm too overwhelmed to even do that right now. Watching this happening to my baby hurts so much.
      My brother is 8, and he was diagnosed last spring. He's just coming out of the honeymoon phase and if you have any questions I can probably help.

      If it helps, you and they get used to it after a while, and it will probably help with her mood (or hunger, or thirst, or bed wetting issues)

      Mostly art.


        Re: THE RANT THREAD!

        Originally posted by volcaniclastic View Post
        My brother is 8, and he was diagnosed last spring. He's just coming out of the honeymoon phase and if you have any questions I can probably help.

        If it helps, you and they get used to it after a while, and it will probably help with her mood (or hunger, or thirst, or bed wetting issues)
        That's the funny part, really. She's used to it. It's a nonissue for her. In fact, she tells people, "I have diabetes!" like she's telling them "I won a blue ribbon!" People look at her like, "What??". Then she announces, "I'm type 1, though."

        It was super hard in the beginning when we had to hold her down and stab her. It was the end of the world for her for a while, and as parents, it was devastating to do that to our baby.

        My daughter is on toddler doses. Her sugars fluctuate madly because of the honeymoon stuff. Last spring? It took a year to get over honeymoon?? I'm ready for it to be over NOW. These infinitessimal doses are just horrible. So frustrating when it's so very easy to end up dosing her wrong, one direction or the other. We have to micro-manage carbs down to the nubbins. Oh noes, 2 carbs in that... did you add them?? Cause with that other 2 carbs over there, that makes 4 and that changes it to a whole unit, omg!

        The nice part is that it's not frustrating for her. All she has to do, pretty much, is eat and do what she's told. Enjoy that while it lasts, kid.


          Re: THE RANT THREAD!

          Originally posted by SPhoenix View Post
          You know, I know it's pointless and meaningless to do it, but I've been really feeling like "why?" lately.

          My daughter is diabetic. She's 6. This is a lifetime thing.

          And the last few days, my heart has been so heavy about it. Why did this have to happen to her? I get how stupid this is, so please don't rip into me for it... but things were supposed to be so good for her. I've tried so hard to take care of her. Her life was supposed to be great, and it was supposed to be so much better than mine.

          Instead, she has this chronic condition that ties her to insulin for the rest of her life. Dependent upon money-grubbing medicos.

          I know I sound bitter, but it's the rant thread.

          My sweet baby, and I have to stab her multiple times per day--when it's not with the blood tester, it's with a needle. It's this every day struggle to make sure she gets enough to eat. This constant fight to keep her blood sugar levels up because she's in "honeymoon period" where her pancreas is still trying to do its thing. Rigid scheduling... up at 7:30 every single day. Stab the kid. Twice. Eat at 8, eat at 10, eat at 12, eat at 3, eat at 6, eat at 8... never deviate.

          And god help me, but I live with this constant fear of giving her too much insulin. I did once when we were first home from the hospital. It was so terrible, even though the nurses were kind of like, "oh well, just test her a lot". But what if I'd not realized? I'm so afraid. It's so easy to make mistakes, to forget to feed her, or to miss giving her insulin because you get distracted and put the needle down to drag her back up out of the trash can (did that once, too!).

          It was not supposed to be like this. I want to fix it so badly, but this just can't be fixed. I feel helpless and I'm so tired emotionally. I just want my baby to be carefree. Not to have to "make sure you have your bracelet on!" or "do you have your kit [of insulin supplies]??" She's six. She shouldn't have to worry about keeping track of a "kit" all the time... but she HAS TO.

          I am feeling sad and angry today. And I want to cry, but I'm too overwhelmed to even do that right now. Watching this happening to my baby hurts so much.
          My heart goes out to you, it would be and is hard to have to watch a child have to live with any disease. My wife's father(when in his 30's) and sister(when a child) both have type 1 diabetes. So we understand your heart ache. Her sister had an insulin pump installed a couple of years a go and it has made her life a lot easier. I don't know how old one has to be for one and I only mention it to make the point that advances are being made to help diabetics live a more normal life. bottom line is you have the right to rant and be upset. I would hate to have to go through you pain of having to try to explain to a six year old why you have to do the things you do to her. Keep strong and know you are not alone, you have friends who care here.
          Gargoyles watch over me...I can hear them snicker in the dark.

          Pull the operating handle (which protrudes from the right side of the receiver) smartly to the rear and release it.


            Re: THE RANT THREAD!

            I swear that people in our society are just bend on what profits them most with the hopes that the average person just won't notice - and it is seriously pissing me off. I say this because I'm having to deal with two bankers who can't see to tell me the facts straight and keep gearing up everything to benefit them without considering the effects it has on me. I understand they have to make a f-ing profit but dang it they don't have to purposefully lie and screw up the paperwork to favor them. It started out with them insisting they could only set up a 15 year loan - not a 25 year one. Got that fixed with the amount for monthly payments being $364 instead of the $490 they wanted with the 15 year loan. Get the paperwork today and they went in and added an extra $6 a month that wasn't in the other amounts. The also stuck me in a adjustable interest rate which is bad but insist it is because it isn't a primary residence - the hell it isn't! Oh that is right, they are ignoring that I am living there because my dad is co-signing and because it isn't his primary residence, it doesn't count. WTF? Then they go into this whole thing about how my dad will be on the deed - um, no - not his house. He and I have told the bank this several times. He only wants to co-sign, not own it. Well, if I didn't get the loan, then he was gonna buy it.....and let me rent to own it. So I can understand their confusion but how many bloody times do we have to go over this? So what did they do? Put him as a borrower and not a co-signer in the paperwork anyways....they insist I'm the one buying it but everything looks like it is really my dad's. Gee...thanks jerks, make me feel so great as a first time buyer....I hope you guys go to hell. Oh did i mention they also switched the maximum interest rate on me from 9.25% to 11.25% too? Again just one more way for the bank to steal my money (that I hardly have to begin with as I'm on government disability) away from me. I officially think bankers need to go to hell.....and I don't believe in hell! .....what ever happened to people being kind and treating others the way they want to be treated like in society? I hate society and the greedy jerks who exist in it.


              Re: THE RANT THREAD!

              Originally posted by GypsySeaWitch View Post
              I officially think bankers need to go to hell.....and I don't believe in hell!
              OH my freakin goodness YES! I am with you! I have wished that I believed hell was real just so some a-holes could go rot in it!

              But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
              ~Jim Butcher


                Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                Life is stressful and confusing right now. I need some sleep.


                  Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                  Originally posted by GypsySeaWitch View Post
                  I swear that people in our society are just bend on what profits them most with the hopes that the average person just won't notice - and it is seriously pissing me off. I say this because I'm having to deal with two bankers who can't see to tell me the facts straight and keep gearing up everything to benefit them without considering the effects it has on me. I understand they have to make a f-ing profit but dang it they don't have to purposefully lie and screw up the paperwork to favor them. It started out with them insisting they could only set up a 15 year loan - not a 25 year one. Got that fixed with the amount for monthly payments being $364 instead of the $490 they wanted with the 15 year loan. Get the paperwork today and they went in and added an extra $6 a month that wasn't in the other amounts. The also stuck me in a adjustable interest rate which is bad but insist it is because it isn't a primary residence - the hell it isn't! Oh that is right, they are ignoring that I am living there because my dad is co-signing and because it isn't his primary residence, it doesn't count. WTF? Then they go into this whole thing about how my dad will be on the deed - um, no - not his house. He and I have told the bank this several times. He only wants to co-sign, not own it. Well, if I didn't get the loan, then he was gonna buy it.....and let me rent to own it. So I can understand their confusion but how many bloody times do we have to go over this? So what did they do? Put him as a borrower and not a co-signer in the paperwork anyways....they insist I'm the one buying it but everything looks like it is really my dad's. Gee...thanks jerks, make me feel so great as a first time buyer....I hope you guys go to hell. Oh did i mention they also switched the maximum interest rate on me from 9.25% to 11.25% too? Again just one more way for the bank to steal my money (that I hardly have to begin with as I'm on government disability) away from me. I officially think bankers need to go to hell.....and I don't believe in hell! .....what ever happened to people being kind and treating others the way they want to be treated like in society? I hate society and the greedy jerks who exist in it.
                  I'm so sorry you're going through this. I hope you're sticking to your guns like crazy!

                  By the way, what you can do is go in there and make the corrections. Write them in. Scratch out the 11%, and write above it, "9% as stated in verbal agreement." Where they are putting your father's name that it's not supposed to be, scratch it out. Write yours above it and write, "(Your Name) as stated in verbal agreement" above it. Where they have put NOT a primary residence, scratch out "not" and write, "IS primary residence, as stated in verbal agreement".

                  Put your initials next to each change, and then sign it with a statement above your name saying, "Signature only valid so long as the changes made by me are kept. Signature invalid if any changes from this exact document are made."

                  Your dad writes the same thing, only instead of "my" and "me" he writes your name.


                    Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                    Originally posted by SPhoenix View Post
                    I'm so sorry you're going through this. I hope you're sticking to your guns like crazy!

                    By the way, what you can do is go in there and make the corrections. Write them in. Scratch out the 11%, and write above it, "9% as stated in verbal agreement." Where they are putting your father's name that it's not supposed to be, scratch it out. Write yours above it and write, "(Your Name) as stated in verbal agreement" above it. Where they have put NOT a primary residence, scratch out "not" and write, "IS primary residence, as stated in verbal agreement".

                    Put your initials next to each change, and then sign it with a statement above your name saying, "Signature only valid so long as the changes made by me are kept. Signature invalid if any changes from this exact document are made."

                    Your dad writes the same thing, only instead of "my" and "me" he writes your name.
                    She is pretty straight on the button. Give em hell, and don't back down. Act like you know exactly what you are talking about (even if you don't really.) Be as aggressive as you can, without being crazy. keep solid posture and don't you DARE let them talk down to you, and if they continue to argue, you do not hesitate to get their superiors involved or a phone number for the head of their office. and call them! Threats only work if they are promises...

                    But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                    ~Jim Butcher


                      Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                      Deployment sucks.

                      I hate it.
                      I feckin hate it!
                      "You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me"- CS Lewis



                        Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                        Waterbed sprung a leak.

                        Camping out on the bedroom floor sux road apples!

                        "Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." - Ayn Rand

                        "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius

                        "The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice." - Mark Twain

                        "The only gossip I'm interested in is things from the Weekly World News - 'Woman's bra bursts, 11 injured'. That kind of thing." - Johnny Depp


                          Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                          Ok, ok, I've had enough now, I'm bored of this.. change the topic and move on.


                            Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                            Wooooow, you really know how to make a lady feel special
                            "Otwarty świat; rany zamknięte."
                            - Open world; Wounds closed.


                              Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                              I have really screwed up this time I was feeling so hurt and lonely that I mistook the feeling of being loved for the feeling of loving; I lied to myself so I lied to someone I really care about. Now that I realize all of that, I'm going to have to tell him the truth, because this is horribly unfair to him, and it's going to shatter his heart. I feel like such a terrible person. All he ever did was love me and try to make me happy. Dammit.


                                Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                                I'm sort of pissed off at the person I've become. Nowadays i can't be bothered to care about anyone that isn't in my inner circle of friends....and that list is small. I've become heartless, and the new me is ecstatic about that. And ive got to say it's because of some certain few people, who i not only loathe but thank.

