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    Originally posted by thalassa View Post
    There was an APB on a car similar to mine (unbenownst to me) in a rural area that I drove thru on the way home when I was in college. It was the middle of the night on a dark, two lane highway and the cop behind me was in an unmarked police car with the windshield light. Needless to say, I kept driving until I made it to a farm with huge overhead lights, and pulled up right next to their house.

    The cop was all sorts of pissed off, but I was like "sir, I'm a 19 year old girl in the middle of no where and you are in an unmarked car...I'm doing exactly what my police officer boyfriend told me to do because its not all that difficult to get a light for your car". He checked my ID and stuff and let me on my way... (this was also 13 years ago)
    I call a smart move. So this cop was basically stalking you? Man... I think you did the right think parking at a farm. If he was pissed off because of that, he obviously didn't want the attention/to be seen. Why? Who knows...



      Originally posted by WinterTraditions View Post
      I call a smart move. So this cop was basically stalking you? Man... I think you did the right think parking at a farm. If he was pissed off because of that, he obviously didn't want the attention/to be seen. Why? Who knows...
      Nah, he wasn't stalking me, he just thought I might be the bad guy he was looking for. He was trying to pull me over, but he was in an unmarked car on a dark rural road. I wasn't having any of that, all by my self in the middle of the night!
      Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


        Re: THE RANT THREAD!

        Originally posted by Doc_Holliday View Post
        WHY do people hate on cops so much? I've met a few bad cops, I've met a ton of good ones. You cant judge a whole organization by a few idiots who managed to get a badge. I gotta admit they can be annoying because whenever Motorcyclists ride in groups they will pull you over and ask for id, basically just to slow us down. But, that being said, if we didn't have cops society would collapse in a week. So its a good trade off.
        I've never met a Canadian cop who wasn't friendly. Even when there have been misunderstandings, they've always been super nice to me. Once when we were teens, my friend borrowed her mom's car without asking, not realizing the insurance expired the day before. The cops caught us, but were really nice about it and drove us home. No ticket, no written warning, just got told to "check with our parents next time." Another time in college, we went to watch the Canucks game at a friend's place. This friend rented a basement suite in a house by the lake. I guess some teenagers had a party at the lake, and one of the neighbours called the cops about the noise and tons of cars parked on the street. They thought we were with the party (we looked rather young at the time, at 19-20), but they let us explain the situation and talked to the friend's landlord, then apologized for the mix up. Every other experience I've had directly with police is when I needed them, and they were really nice and helpful.

        I've always found Berlin cops to be abrasive and difficult...but a lot of Berliners are like that, so it's not a cop thing.


          Re: THE RANT THREAD!

          Originally posted by DanieMarie View Post
          I've never met a Canadian cop who wasn't friendly. Even when there have been misunderstandings, they've always been super nice to me. Once when we were teens, my friend borrowed her mom's car without asking, not realizing the insurance expired the day before. The cops caught us, but were really nice about it and drove us home. No ticket, no written warning, just got told to "check with our parents next time." Another time in college, we went to watch the Canucks game at a friend's place. This friend rented a basement suite in a house by the lake. I guess some teenagers had a party at the lake, and one of the neighbours called the cops about the noise and tons of cars parked on the street. They thought we were with the party (we looked rather young at the time, at 19-20), but they let us explain the situation and talked to the friend's landlord, then apologized for the mix up. Every other experience I've had directly with police is when I needed them, and they were really nice and helpful.

          I've always found Berlin cops to be abrasive and difficult...but a lot of Berliners are like that, so it's not a cop thing.
          I can agree with you on that. It's strange how much of a difference a nation makes. I live in Canada, and I've never had any issue with the police. Those in my city are especially good at doing their job. There is always a police car patrolling around the catholic high school I go to (Which is in the center of a shopping district with a mall) and they've always been really good about keeping teens from jay-walking, speeding in the parking lot, and so on. When we traveled to North and South Dakota, I remember that these two cops were especially snobby while I waited for my father to book the hotel room. Yeesh.


            Re: THE RANT THREAD!

            Originally posted by thalassa View Post
            Nah, he wasn't stalking me, he just thought I might be the bad guy he was looking for. He was trying to pull me over, but he was in an unmarked car on a dark rural road. I wasn't having any of that, all by my self in the middle of the night!
            That's like the beginning of so many slasher flicks and scary campfire stories, lol.
            The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


              Re: THE RANT THREAD!

              I had a run in with the local SWAT team a year or two ago. I was walking out in the forest nearby looking at nature and such. And I seen the glare of a rifle scope in the bush, I thought oh shit a hunter, I better make it obvious I'm not an animal. I started waving my arms like mad and 8 men dressed in black stood with full face covers and helmets up out of the bush. Kind of scared me but I seen their badges so I walked on over to them. They were really nice guys, it was only about 6 o' clock in the morning and they were out in the woods looking for a black cougar that had been attacking people and livestock in the area. The showed me their van and their guns and what not. Kind of goes to show that these cops don't treat the civilians like the enemy, they trusted me a random guy around their armoured van. And I have tattoos and whatnot.

              Also I know a local cop who goes to elementary schools and parks his cruiser out front. All the kids run up and he quizzes them on math and spelling and if they get it right he'll throw them a toonie.

              So yeah, there are lots of good cops. I had only one time where I wanted to assault an officer. I was walking down the side walk when a cruiser rolled up beside me. I just looked in the window and said "Good evenin' officer how are you?" figuring he was stopping to go into one of the houses here. He gets out of the cruiser with a pair of cuffs and tells me to put my hands on the cruiser. Cuffs me and sits me down. I asked him why I was being detained, he says "There was a bank robbery a couple hours ago and you biker types are on the watch list." I'm thinking what the hell? Because I'm a biker I'm a bank robbery suspect? half hour of questioning later and him chatting on his little radio he lets me go and says "You can go, just don't walk around on the side walk looking like your up to trouble. I've got enough to do without you people bothering me" Okayy buddy.

              - - - Updated - - -

              Our little local bank robbery. With the swat team trying to handle it. Robber ran out the back door and got away.
              White and Red 'till I'm cold and dead.
              In Days of yore,
              From Britain's shore
              Wolfe the dauntless hero came
              And planted firm Britannia's flag
              On Canada's fair domain.
              Here may it wave,
              Our boast, our pride
              And joined in love together,
              The thistle, shamrock, rose entwined,
              The Maple Leaf Forever.


                Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                had a cop literally roll his cruiser onto a boardwalk and follow along behind me one day a couple years ago (off-season, so this was feasible, in-season driving a car on that town's boardwalk sets a new standard for bad judgement), didn't have much come of it though. He stopped me at the edge of the boardwalk to get my name. Seems they were looking for someone that day and from behind I looked similar enough to catch attention. It was just hilarious to be walking a boardwalk, hear a tire and turn my head back expecting bikes approaching that I may have to make way for only to find a local police cruiser tooling along 10 feet behind me.
                Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

                Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

                "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

                John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

                "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

                Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                  Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                  I think my only real dealing with cops was back when I was still in high school when I was still in band. We were a small town so I rode my bike home from the school but it was about 2AM when we got back from the football game cause it was stupid far away from us due to being a championship game. I'd even been bitchily warned by another girl in my section that I was gunna get pulled over by a cop but I told her I didn't care.

                  Sure enough, not 3 blocks from the school, cop pulls up beside me while I'm riding home. I stop and wait to figure out what's happening...
                  Cop: So, how's your night?
                  me: not bad
                  Cop: where ya headed?
                  me: home
                  Cop: what are you doing out so late?
                  me: I'm in the band, we literally just got back from the football game *holds up clarinet case*
                  Cop: Oh! Okay, so how was the game?

                  We sat and chatted for about 5 minutes for about how the game went and he told me just be careful riding home and left me alone. The girl ended up being super pissed cause she was hoping I'd get in major trouble lol
                  Always taking art commissions, especially for fantasy and pagan related artwork
                  Featured on Deviantart, Storenvy, Facebook, and Cafepress


                    Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                    Must be nice to live in a place where cops are generally decent. Canada has no use for me, though, lol.
                    The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


                      Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                      Cops still make me paranoid. Even after knowing a few, hanging out with several, being helped by several, I still get paranoid when I see them poaching. Even if I'm not doing anything wrong! :P


                        Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                        Originally posted by perzephone View Post
                        Must be nice to live in a place where cops are generally decent. Canada has no use for me, though, lol.
                        It's really only the small town cops in my opinion. The flip side of my experience with a cop was when a "friend" was off duty. We were at a bonfire at his house and he decided to start trying to be a complete pervert even though I was married and he was engaged and kept rubbing my leg through the pocket in my pajama pants. I about ended up throwing him into the fire. Needless to say I left early that night -____-

                        Originally posted by Ljubezen View Post
                        Cops still make me paranoid. Even after knowing a few, hanging out with several, being helped by several, I still get paranoid when I see them poaching. Even if I'm not doing anything wrong! :P
                        I dont blame you. It's that whole Big Brother's watching you aura that they carry around with them being an authority figure with the power to detain you for any stupid thing they can stick you with sometimes.
                        Always taking art commissions, especially for fantasy and pagan related artwork
                        Featured on Deviantart, Storenvy, Facebook, and Cafepress


                          Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                          Originally posted by Yorin View Post
                          I dont blame you. It's that whole Big Brother's watching you aura that they carry around with them being an authority figure with the power to detain you for any stupid thing they can stick you with sometimes.
                          Maybe that's it. I'm used to being blamed for things I haven't done, and I've gotten pulled over for some stupid things (like for a cop thinking I was too young to be driving when I was actually 21 at the time...) and they couldn't man up and say they made a mistake. It hasn't happened in years though. ^^


                            Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                            Originally posted by Yorin View Post
                            It's really only the small town cops in my opinion.
                            Small town cops can't get away with being jerks for long though, because word travels fast and everybody knows your name. A bad reputation will ruin your career in a small town, I've seen it happen.

                            In a city there's more of a sense of anonymity, and that has a way of bringing the worst out in people.
                            Trust is knowing someone or something well enough to have a good idea of their motivations and character, for good or for ill. People often say trust when they mean faith.


                              Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                              Mt grandfather was one of NYC's finest. When I was little, he was promoted to Detective. When my parents told me, I said "Grandpa's DEFECTIVE?" and it stuck forever.
                              Never had too many dealings with police in my adult life - a couple of speeding tickets, and a couple of instances where they answered a question or asked me if I needed help. I'm very unobtrusive.
                              Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


                                Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                                Originally posted by Hawkfeathers View Post
                                Mt grandfather was one of NYC's finest. When I was little, he was promoted to Detective. When my parents told me, I said "Grandpa's DEFECTIVE?" and it stuck forever.
                                Bwahahahaha! This made my night!!

