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    Originally posted by Hawkfeathers View Post
    I miss my daily mileage more than I can express. Just sayin'. Things like arthritis aren't visible, whether someone's thin or fat. Not everyone can walk all over the place. I think all those "10,000 steps a day" plans are actually harmful. I will always wonder if perhaps I'd exercised a bit LESS if I'd be in less pain now.
    Making me feel better about struggling to rack up 4,000 steps a day atm :P haha
    ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


    I have never been across the way
    Seen the desert and the birds
    You cut your hair short
    Like a shush to an insult
    The world had been yelling
    Since the day you were born
    Revolting with anger
    While it smiled like it was cute
    That everything was shit.

    - J. Wylder



      Originally posted by Heka View Post
      Yes these people aren't so morbidly obese they are in wheelchairs. But I can't make excuses for those people that are 5-20 kg overweight. The majority of those people are just lazy.
      In which case, that's their prerogative. But, in my experience, most people that weigh a couple pounds extra aren't on a scooter. And, to be quite honest, being a couple pounds overweight has nothing to do with how fit or how healthy someone is. Weight really isn't as indicative of health as out society thinks it is, and that includes some of the medical establishment. Our bodies are meant to keep weight because, in a historical "real world" scenario, survival depended on it--evolutionary success-wise, a man should be something like 25% and a woman at %30 body fat because it prepares you for times of famine and disease...both of which are overweight by today's medical standard. I was a medic in the military--home to some of the fittest and least healthy people in the world. Sure, there are plenty of people that like food and don't like exercise...but its like anything else, determined by other factors as well. And, usually, morbid obesity is caused by more than someone that letting themselves go.

      Look, I come from a family of fat people. I'm talking 300-500 pounds is the average. What's funny is that the fat people in my family have a far better track record with longevity and heath than the skinny ones. I weigh enough that I am on the fence between overweight and obese. I work out 4 times a week, on top of running around after active kids, and having a job where I spend half the time in the field climbing around military facilities. We eat a disgustingly healthy diet with minimal crap, mostly purchased locally and fresh, and often organic. I fight to stay the weight I am at--I watch what I eat, I exercise, I take my thyroid medication and get my blood checked regularly...and if I get sick (which is fairly common since I have autoimmune problems) I can't walk without needing to use an inhaler--trying to exercise has sent me to the emergency room. But if you saw me, you'd just see a fat chick. And you'd probably think I'm fat because I'm lazy. I've been a "normal" weight--it took 6 months of a 1200 calorie a day diet, 3-4 hours of working out a day, secretly doubling up on my thyroid medicine (to make myself hyperthyroid), and taking anything legal that I could find to keep me from collapsing in exhaustion--I got down to 130 lbs and a size 8 (from 170 lbs and a size 12), and I'm going to tell you know, that I have never felt so horrible in my entire life...but I looked good. Never mind that I can swim a mile in the ocean in a little over half an hour (its a good time--if I could train and do it consistently, it puts me in the top 100 for master's swimming for my age and gender)...when my lungs are behaving. Plus I have cholesterol levels and blood pressure that would make a skinny person cry...personally, I'd rather be "fat" and healthy than ever be a size 8 again.

      I know how hard it is to lose weight in general, much less for someone that isn't genetically predisposed to skinny, that has health problems that limit their activity, that has income restrictions limiting their access to healthy food and recreation (and its not as easy as saying "go for a walk/run/etc" when you don't live in a safe neighborhood), that has self-esteem issues from abuse or neglect or bullying to do so. So no, I'm not prepared to say that its just because they are lazy or refuse to make good choices.

      ETA: I also want to add that I'm not trying to be bitchy, and I apologize if this comes of that way to anyone...I've found though, from lots of research and observation, and from reading some really cutting edge new sciencey stuff, that much of what we know, and accept--even among doctors--about weight and health and losing weight, in particular, is just plain wrong.
      Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


        Re: THE RANT THREAD!

        Originally posted by thalassa View Post
        In which case, that's their prerogative. But, in my experience, most people that weigh a couple pounds extra aren't on a scooter. And, to be quite honest, being a couple pounds overweight has nothing to do with how fit or how healthy someone is. Weight really isn't as indicative of health as out society thinks it is, and that includes some of the medical establishment. Our bodies are meant to keep weight because, in a historical "real world" scenario, survival depended on it--evolutionary success-wise, a man should be a 25% and a woman at %30 body fat because it prepares you for times of famine and disease...both of which are overweight by today's medical standard. I was a medic in the military--home to some of the fittest and least healthy people in the world. Sure, there are plenty of people that like food and don't like exercise...but its like anything else, determined by other factors as well. And, usually, morbid obesity is caused by more than someone that letting themselves go.

        Look, I come from a family of fat people. I'm talking 300-500 pounds is the average. What's funny is that the fat people in my family have a far better track record with longevity and heath than the skinny ones. I weigh enough that I am on the fence between overweight and obese. I work out 4 times a week, on top of running around after active kids, and having a job where I spend half the time in the field climbing around military facilities. We eat a disgustingly healthy diet with minimal crap, mostly purchased locally and fresh, and often organic. I fight to stay the weight I am at--I watch what I eat, I exercise, I take my thyroid medication and get my blood checked regularly...and if I get sick (which is fairly common since I have autoimmune problems) I can't walk without needing to use an inhaler--trying to exercise has sent me to the emergency room. But if you saw me, you'd just see a fat chick. And you'd probably think I'm fat because I'm lazy. I've been a "normal" weight--it took 6 months of a 1200 calorie a day diet, 3-4 hours of working out a day, secretly doubling up on my thyroid medicine (to make myself hyperthyroid), and taking anything legal that I could find to keep me from collapsing in exhaustion--I got down to 130 lbs and a size 8 (from 170 lbs and a size 12), and I'm going to tell you know, that I have never felt so horrible in my entire life...but I looked good. Never mind that I can swim a mile in the ocean in a little over half an hour (its a good time--if I could train and do it consistently, it puts me in the top 100 for master's swimming for my age and gender)...when my lungs are behaving. Plus I have cholesterol levels and blood pressure that would make a skinny person cry...personally, I'd rather be "fat" and healthy than ever be a size 8 again.

        I know how hard it is to lose weight in general, much less for someone that isn't genetically predisposed to skinny, that has health problems that limit their activity, that has income restrictions limiting their access to healthy food and recreation (and its not as easy as saying "go for a walk/run/etc" when you don't live in a safe neighborhood), that has self-esteem issues from abuse or neglect or bullying to do so. So no, I'm not prepared to say that its just because they are lazy or refuse to make good choices.
        I totally agree with everything you are saying. Unfortunately my experience as often been growing up with people who just eat crap, then complain about being fat *sigh*

        I'm actually unbelievably impressed you got to 150 lbs. I'm 154 atm and frustrated with myself. I am super impressed that you're happy I know one person who is overweight who is actually completely happy, and I envy her. I spend so much time standing on scales and obsessing over the calories I've ingested, vs the lack of exercise I've done lately.

        But I've learnt that you can lose weight with out doing any exercise. Slimness is about 80% nutrition, rather than exercise. But it doesn't make you healthy or fit etc. The only way to get that is to exercise. My so focused on my weight, rather than my fitness. I am craving being around 67 kilos (uh, 147 lbs). I haven't been there in my entire adult life. Except once, when I was dehydrated. I recently hit 75 kg (165 lbs), the heaviest I've ever been ever, so it's been a real focus for me, an obsession almost. My plan is to lose the weight, long term, and slowly build the fitness up. I want to be an exercise junky, but I'm too lazy.

        I think I went off topic to your post... whoops. My weight is just such a focus right now. I'm hating on it.
        ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


        I have never been across the way
        Seen the desert and the birds
        You cut your hair short
        Like a shush to an insult
        The world had been yelling
        Since the day you were born
        Revolting with anger
        While it smiled like it was cute
        That everything was shit.

        - J. Wylder


          Re: THE RANT THREAD!

          Ehhh depends on how much you exercise. When I bike tour, I find I need to eat a lot of food to not lose a lot of weight.


            Re: THE RANT THREAD!

            Thal, I realize there are valid reasons for overweight people to be in a wheelchair and that one can lead to another and vice versa. And I wouldn't treat a person any different for their weight, really. I'm overweight myself. But I have a job that requires I walk 7 hours a day and I'd say I'm relatively fit. It just really irks me that I do know a couple people who have no good reason to be in a wheelchair/scooter other than they just don't want to walk because they're so obese. I'm talking family members, whose health history I know quite well. Maybe they would have to stop halfway to catch their breath if the walk was a long one, but that has to be better for them than scooting around all the time. If they spent the time walking that they spend scooting, they would at least be improving lung capacity, etc, right?

            Now, the people at my work that are overweight in chairs, I don't know their backstory, but I'm guessing one here and there is probably the same way. And then, they want me to push them halfway across the gaming floor to get to the bathroom or another game or whatnot? It irks me is all. It's annoying when there's other things I need to get done. I'm polite about it. I always help them out. And I do remind myself that I don't know why they're in the shape their in. But it still irks me. Is that understandable?
            We are what we are. Nothing more, nothing less. There is good and evil among every kind of people. It's the evil among us who rule now. -Anne Bishop, Daughter of the Blood

            I wondered if he could ever understand that it was a blessing, not a sin, to be graced with more than one love.
            It could be complicated; of course it could be complicated. And it opened one up to the possibility of more pain and loss.
            Still, it was a blessing I would never relinquish. Love, genuine love, was always a cause for joy.
            -Jacqueline Carey, Naamah's Curse

            Service to your fellows is the root of peace.


              Re: THE RANT THREAD!

              Dear uber dark special snow flakes. You are not any wiser than anyone else just because you willingly associate pagan deities with the Christian satan. You are not any wiser than anyone just because you memorized the Ars Goetia. Talking about tantra and sacred sex a lot and performing rituals and spells under the blanket of night does not make you edgy or superior to anyone. A lot of us have indeed read the Book of The Law. Listing Crowley as an influence on your philosophy does not make you unique. Laughing every time someone mentions ethics does not make you look any more intelligent than anyone. Listening exclusively than metal does not make you any more of a pagan or occultist than anyone else (this is coming from a guy who listens to metal). Mocking and shouting insults about "light" religions doesn't make you more of a pagan or occultist, nor does it make you superior to anyone. By the way including names of beings such as Belphegor and Asmodeus in your craft name does not make you look like the cultured hedonistic occultist you hope it makes you look like. It's not even that frightening if that's what you are aiming for.

              There I said it.


                Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                My son turned 20 today. I am old.


                  Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                  Old is relative Luce,my son is closing in on 40 next year. I do understand how this might might make you feel old,but you are just at the beginning of being old. Good vibes for you and your son.
                  MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                  all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                  NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                  don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                  my new page here,let me know what you think.

                  nothing but the shadow of what was



                    Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                    Originally posted by Luce View Post
                    My son turned 20 today. I am old.
                    As I have always been told, you are as old as you feel, the other one I was told was you are as old as the partner you feel, in my case 3 months younger than I am lol!


                      Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                      So I found out that I haven't received the last two Pell Grants for my tuition that were stated in my fafsa award letter as money I should have received. I met all the criteria, nothing in my schedule changed, the appropriate amount of credits were taken... and I simply never received the money. So... my college has basically shorted us about 4k over the past 18 months. I'm pretty pissed off, and I can find absolutely no information on any forum, website, contact list, FAQ sheet, nothing that even begins to address this problem. The closest I came was my cousin who has stated that if I don't receive the money that the federal government has sent me, then it means the school likely kept it for themselves and that I am entitled to it so I should be contacting the financial aid office directly to ask if they sent it (which they haven't) and then the pell grant officials to notify them that the college never sent it. And, according to my cousin, they will then fix it because if they don't then they will lose their standing as a government subsidized school... or something like that.

                      Between this, my employer shorting me over 1k for their inability to update payroll information on my raise for the past 5 months (which still isn't fixed, and I can't check again until next week), and the people I deal with at work who try every trick under the sun to obtain illegal discounts, fraudulent returns, and outright theft... I'm starting to get to the point where I just think this whole state is full of crooks. -.-

                      Gods help whoever I get my hands on tomorrow at the college if they don't fix this problem...


                        Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                        Who wants to clean up broken bottles from the driveway at 2am? Certainly not me but.... okay where's the broom?
                        Fyi the local police find sweeping in the dead of night to be a suspicious activity
                        They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
                        Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
                        -Madeline Miller, Circe


                          Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                          They already put The Wolverine on Youtube as the full movie. Allbeit a cam one and with French subtitles. But how am I supposed to function every night now? I'm gonna be glued to the damn thing.
                          Satan is my spirit animal


                            Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                            Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                            They already put The Wolverine on Youtube as the full movie. Allbeit a cam one and with French subtitles. But how am I supposed to function every night now? I'm gonna be glued to the damn thing.
                            He doesn't spend enough time with his shirt off...

                            But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
                            ~Jim Butcher


                              Re: THE RANT THREAD!


                              Mostly art.


                                Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                                I have a problem with all the news about "doping" in sports. Sports has not been "Sports" in a long time,it is a media hustle for as much money as they can make. Jocks now are more "Actors" than actual sports figures. I do understand that they effect children in some ways,but it almost seems these guys "Need" to do this to keep up in the sports thing.
                                MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                                all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                                NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                                don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                                my new page here,let me know what you think.

                                nothing but the shadow of what was


