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    Oh my f*n gawd! It is WAY past my bedtime! The sun is coming up!

    "Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." - Ayn Rand

    "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius

    "The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice." - Mark Twain

    "The only gossip I'm interested in is things from the Weekly World News - 'Woman's bra bursts, 11 injured'. That kind of thing." - Johnny Depp


      Originally posted by ChainLightning View Post
      Oh my f*n gawd! It is WAY past my bedtime! The sun is coming up!
      Sleepy timez...
      ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


      I have never been across the way
      Seen the desert and the birds
      You cut your hair short
      Like a shush to an insult
      The world had been yelling
      Since the day you were born
      Revolting with anger
      While it smiled like it was cute
      That everything was shit.

      - J. Wylder


        Re: THE RANT THREAD!

        Terms and conditions, I hate you. Worst thing to translate ever.


          Re: THE RANT THREAD!

          We've been under a boil water advisory because of not one but 4 water mains breaking and contaminating the water. The mains are fixed now but the advisory is still in effect for another day. Not only is this horribly inconvenient (can't use washing machine, need to wash dishes and hands in a basin (can't use the sponge that's been sitting in the sink), need to brush teeth with bottled water) but it's shutting down local businesses like the fast food places and coffee shops. That's even if you have water, some places had no water at all. So you couldn't even boil water then, or use the toilet.
          They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
          Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
          -Madeline Miller, Circe


            Re: THE RANT THREAD!

            I'm really hungry.... Was sitting with hubby watching tv, then he paused it to go upstairs and make food, which I thought was nice of him, he cooked 1 hamburger and a plate of fries.... He is now sitting here eating them next to me.... And I will be a bitch if I say anything. It just seems sort of rude...

            But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
            ~Jim Butcher


              Re: THE RANT THREAD!

              Originally posted by DanieMarie View Post
              Terms and conditions, I hate you. Worst thing to translate ever.

              Those things suck just to read. Translating them sounds like an experience that'll result in me looking for a flame thrower.
              Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

              Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

              "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

              John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

              "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

              Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                Originally posted by MaskedOne View Post

                Those things suck just to read. Translating them sounds like an experience that'll result in me looking for a flame thrower.
                In German as well. German law also requires several pages of detailed terms and conditions in legalese (though the US looks similar, I guess), so it's not short or straightforward language. I'd definitely love to find a flame thrower so I could set my computer on fire.


                  Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                  Originally posted by Maria de Luna View Post
                  I'm really hungry.... Was sitting with hubby watching tv, then he paused it to go upstairs and make food, which I thought was nice of him, he cooked 1 hamburger and a plate of fries.... He is now sitting here eating them next to me.... And I will be a bitch if I say anything. It just seems sort of rude...
                  In my book that is not just 'sort of' rude. It *is* rude.

                  Feed others, first. Don't take them for granted.

                  "Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it." - Ayn Rand

                  "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius

                  "The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice." - Mark Twain

                  "The only gossip I'm interested in is things from the Weekly World News - 'Woman's bra bursts, 11 injured'. That kind of thing." - Johnny Depp


                    Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                    Hurricane ETA, 66 hours.
                    Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                      Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                      I'm strongly considering taking down FB. I go on there when I feel lonely. I'm tired of the sound bites of info that I myself contribute to. I don't like the idea of being tinkered with, emotionally. I just got into a fight yesterday with my little brother about the hobby lobby thing. And I was a jerk.
                      Great Grandmother's Kitchen


                        Originally posted by thalassa View Post
                        Hurricane ETA, 66 hours.
                        Stay safe!
                        ThorSon's milkshake brings all the PF girls to the yard - Volcaniclastic


                        I have never been across the way
                        Seen the desert and the birds
                        You cut your hair short
                        Like a shush to an insult
                        The world had been yelling
                        Since the day you were born
                        Revolting with anger
                        While it smiled like it was cute
                        That everything was shit.

                        - J. Wylder


                          Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                          In person, I'm pretty introverted (except for karaoke... I love karaoke).

                          As a result, I'm hugely unlikely to initiate conversations... even via text message or phone.

                          I am sick and tired of women getting mad at me because I went an entire day without talking to them... then when I point out that she didn't talk to me either, being told that it is my duty as a man to initiate the conversation.

                          That is sexist bullshit... should a black man wait for a white man to initiate the conversation? Should a gay man defer to a straight man? Why the fuck should a woman wait around for a man to talk to her?

                          You know that I am introverted. You know that I am not often inclined to initiating conversation... I've admitted this as openly as I possibly can. You know that I often get involved with work or whatever I'm working on, and forget to talk to people unless they talk to me... and you refuse to talk to me without me talking first... and this is my fault?

                          Mine is a actual social issue... I don't enjoy initiating social interactions, and it often makes me extremely uncomfortable... and I'm prone to getting lost in myself, and not even thinking that about talking to other people.

                          Yours is an antiquated sexual discrimination that tells you that a woman derives her worth from men.

                          I'm sick of it. It pisses me off... especially if the relationship has been going for any amount of time... surely there comes a time, when it is socially acceptable for a woman to initiate a conversation with a man she is familiar with... no?

                          I get it if you are uncomfortable initiating... I get it, I do... I share your problem... but don't couch it in some antiquated pre-suffrage sexist bullshit... and don't try to pin it all on me.

                          But, I don't buy that every woman that I've dated in the last 5 years is hiding introversion behind chauvinism.
                          "Don't ever miss a good opportunity to shut up." - Harvey Davis "Gramps"


                            Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                            My boyfriend has some serious misconceptions about witchcraft and paganism and it's like pulling teeth to tell him "No you are wrong". He's like you told me you didn't do black magic! do you summon demons and are you into any other dark shit? It's like he knows just enough stuff to think he knows what he's talking about. I told him I'm a neopagan and I spent a good 10 minutes saying pagans are not all wiccan but all wiccans are pagan. I compared it to saying all christians are catholic and he's like it's the same thing! Since I've worked with Nyx in the past I tried to defend "dark is not always evil" from that stand point, then resorted to quoting the bible to make that argument, which he totally missed by the way. It's infuriating. He practically flipped shit when I said how long I've been doing witchcraft and described how much I know about mythology and the occult. It seems to stem from negative experiences with his last boyfriend who used, wait for it, a Ouija board and supposedly got possessed. He does know some things, some crystal stuff, there's some protective symbols around his house I know, but he keeps saying "I'm catholic!" though a nonpracticing one whenever I say no it's not like that. It's just profoundly irritating to be asked if I'm sure I've closed all doors to the other side and that nothing intentional got through, and then say yes I'm sure five more times. Gods, if I was going to be possessed by a demon, or tormented by spirits you'd think it would've happened since I've been pagan for YEARS.


                            On an unrelated note my friend is trying to convince me about how terrible lawns are. First he started with how much a waste of water it is when there's african children that need water then somehow to moved to it's contributing to the economic inequality in our country because it's a misuse of electricity to pump water for something so trivial. I could make an argument for why lawns are bad (fertilizer run off, improper use of water (in our country not africa), droughts and arid areas, invasive garden plants) but he doesn't make much sense. Usually I agree with him (we're both die hard liberals) but I just cannot agree that average Joe watering his lawn somehow contributes to the economic inequality gap in america.
                            They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
                            Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
                            -Madeline Miller, Circe


                              Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                              Originally posted by Corvus View Post
                              My boyfriend has some serious misconceptions about witchcraft and paganism and it's like pulling teeth to tell him "No you are wrong". He's like you told me you didn't do black magic! do you summon demons and are you into any other dark shit? It's like he knows just enough stuff to think he knows what he's talking about. I told him I'm a neopagan and I spent a good 10 minutes saying pagans are not all wiccan but all wiccans are pagan. I compared it to saying all christians are catholic and he's like it's the same thing! Since I've worked with Nyx in the past I tried to defend "dark is not always evil" from that stand point, then resorted to quoting the bible to make that argument, which he totally missed by the way. It's infuriating. He practically flipped shit when I said how long I've been doing witchcraft and described how much I know about mythology and the occult. It seems to stem from negative experiences with his last boyfriend who used, wait for it, a Ouija board and supposedly got possessed. He does know some things, some crystal stuff, there's some protective symbols around his house I know, but he keeps saying "I'm catholic!" though a nonpracticing one whenever I say no it's not like that. It's just profoundly irritating to be asked if I'm sure I've closed all doors to the other side and that nothing intentional got through, and then say yes I'm sure five more times. Gods, if I was going to be possessed by a demon, or tormented by spirits you'd think it would've happened since I've been pagan for YEARS.



                                Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                                Thank you all for the well wishes. I'm still here!!! Just really tired so my online time is very limited. Hubby is sleeping so I'm catching up on Facebook and forums while I can (I should really be in bed but I sleep all day, body needs some uptime ya know).

                                With the organ donor thing, I can't donate most stuff because I'm a recipient but I do have my organ donor card signed and figure the docs will figure it out when the time comes on what can be recycled and what's going into the crematory.

