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    Originally posted by Medusa View Post
    I didn't know you couldn't hear. How severe is it, if you don't mind me asking?
    And I know that feeling. Not being able to see properly with glasses or without is a pain in the butt. I'm very independent and I don't like to ask for help.
    It's primarily my right ear - but the left it's that much better. I can get by, but I have to read lips a great deal of the time and I'm all but hopeless in any kind of situation in which there is background noise (working in retail supervising at the checkouts = fail).

    Glad that I'm not alone in that feeling - even if it does suck.

    I don't like asking for help either - unfortunately, most people think that I'm ignoring them or am stuck up when they talk to me because I would rather pretend that I heard them and fudge it rather than keep asking them to repeat themselves or admit that I can't hear.



      Stayed up too late. Had nightmares. Woke up in a bad mood. Yeah, today is panning out to be real well so far.

      Mostly art.


        Re: THE RANT THREAD!

        Originally posted by Torey View Post
        I want to rant about the cost of hearing aids.

        The last audiologist appointment I went to included showing me a range of hearing aids available today. What I didn't know was that there are very few under $2000 (each - not per pair!) and if there are, they're eluding me. Most were $4,000 - $10,000.

        There are programs here designed to help to ease the financial burden of the cost - but I don't qualify because I'm a) not on the dole (I actually have a job, which means I must be LOADED and can afford the ridiculous cost), b) not a pensioner over the age of 65 and c) not eligible for Centrelink assistance because...back to point a) I'm actually working!

        So what do people who aren't on the dole or who aren't over 65 supposed to do??? I don't understand why they're so expensive. I don't understand why Medicare doesn't help to pay for them. My private insurance will only help with $1,200 - which means I would still be forking out, at a minimum, $1000.

        Every day at work is an embarrassing struggle because I can't hear - and then I have to explain over and over that I can't hear and people don't understand why I don't just "go out and get a hearing aid".

        I used to know someone who was in a similar situation; he got an alternative assisted listening device which is a lot cheaper than the real thing. Here's one on amazon for $35. I'm sure the real thing is a lot better and more discrete, but something like this might make a good temporary solution.

        Just thought I'd throw it out there.


          Re: THE RANT THREAD!

          For fuck's sake. Stop using the same 'post modern' word over and over. Pick something else. Crack a thesaurus once in a while.

          Yeah. I mean you.
          Satan is my spirit animal


            Re: THE RANT THREAD!

            Originally posted by Medusa View Post
            For fuck's sake. Stop using the same 'post modern' word over and over. Pick something else. Crack a thesaurus once in a while.

            Yeah. I mean you.
            Duce, the post you're referring to appears to have disappeared.
            Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat

            Honorary Nord.

            Habbalah Vlogs


              Re: THE RANT THREAD!

              As a matter of note to all, if you receive an infraction then the appeals process is to send a very well thought out, very polite message to a member of the staff explaining your disagreement. If you do not possess the courage to PM the staff then keep your damned mouth shut. PM-ing a non-staff member to bitch about them questioning your conduct but not PM-ing the mod who judged your conduct to be infraction worthy has exactly one result:

              Wrath of Mod, delivered at our earliest possible convenience.
              Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

              Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

              "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

              John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

              "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

              Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


                Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                Originally posted by SleepingCompass View Post
                I used to know someone who was in a similar situation; he got an alternative assisted listening device which is a lot cheaper than the real thing. Here's one on amazon for $35. I'm sure the real thing is a lot better and more discrete, but something like this might make a good temporary solution.

                Just thought I'd throw it out there.
                Thanks for the link.


                  Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                  I haz to wake up at 4am for work from 5 am to noon. Gonna suck. But then I'm off Sunday so it's sorta a day and a half off. Meh. I should go to bed soon
                  Satan is my spirit animal


                    Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                    I feel nothing but stress. I was doing so well, and now all I want to do is curl up and cry all day. I don't want to deal with stupid computer problems and losing work over stupid internet freezes. I don't want to deal with the other owners in my building (who don't even live here and have never even SEEN the construction work they are talking about. Seriously, they are so lazy that they don't even come and check on their own buildings when they come into town. EFFING out-of-town owners).


                      Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                      I am *so* behind at work...and here I have to take off another day because Phee is @ round 2 with strep...and tomorrow Sharkbait has a all morning dentist visit...
                      Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                        Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                        People suck.

                        That is all.


                          Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                          I'm too stupid.
                          It was too easy to get accepted to the university. I shouldn't be here or at least I shouldn't be allowed to take whatever courses I want to.
                          But I don't want to go back to some vocational school either. Ugh.


                            Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                            I'm too stupid.
                            It was too easy to get accepted to the university. I shouldn't be here or at least I shouldn't be allowed to take whatever courses I want to.
                            But I don't want to go back to some vocational school either. Ugh.
                            Are you first year? First year is really challenging for a lot of people. It will probably pass


                              Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                              I just have to let this out.

                              Alright, so first my husband's father fell and broke his hip, so he can't help us move. My husband's brother comes down to help us move, but me and my husband get very sick so we do not move anything. My husband's parents are now sick too. The moving is on hold. Also, there was a leak from one of the aquariums, unknown to us at the time, on the wood floor so now the floor has bumps in it and comes up in places. This, no doubt, will cost something we do not have money for. My question is, why now? So much bad luck in so little time. We cannot leave the apartment since it is cold outside and we are sick. All we do is sit here all day being miserable and then sleep. We are getting better though. Slowly. I just want us to get better so we can move out of here as fast as possible and move on with our lives.
                              Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat


                                Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                                Everything is just so hectic right now. Complete chaos. So much to do so little time.
                                Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat

