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    I don't work today, but my mood isn't much better. I tried, then fought with the hubby, now we're just licking our wounds and waiting for my coworker to come over in an hour to watch GoT.
    Good times. -.- I had to postpone my spa night to tonight since I fell asleep really early yesterday after fighting with the hubby (seeing a pattern with my grumpy states and his bad habits clashing).

    Oh well, it'll get better. Always does. Boys be crazy too, not so great when both crazies happen simultaneously. o.0

    - - - Updated - - -

    I'm just going to add another mini-rant just to get it out of my system. Why is the cheapest shipping option for UPS $23 to mail back something that cost $50? It's just like the time the Postal person told me the cheapest option to mailing an xmas present to the in-laws was $60 for $50 worth of items. I know it's a lie, because not two months ago I did the same thing and it cost $6.

    Both clerks were lazy and condescending and had a hard time understanding that my last name is spelled with a "Z" and not some other letter (like an "L" in this case). Never again. Screw shipping my things to the EU, I'm just going to give away what I have and replace everything else later.

    I'm so fed up with this place and its lazy, entitled, patronizing, arrogant, and judgmental people who only see you as a walking dollar sign (even if you have no money).

    *mutters non-english curses and goes off to dig out the bottle of chocolate liquor and game of thrones*



      Just watched the movie UP--my rant is...IT IS SO SAD! Lol.


        Re: THE RANT THREAD!

        It is sad but it's also beautiful, and moving.
        "If you want to know what a man is like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." -- Sirius Black

        "Time is an illusion, lunch time doubly so."-- Ford Prefect


          Re: THE RANT THREAD!

          My work is very slow this month :/ On one hand, I haven't been feeling great and I'm super unmotivated anyway, but on the other hand, I could use more money. I know it won't last, but argggg.




              Re: THE RANT THREAD!

              Originally posted by Ljubezen View Post
              I don't work today, but my mood isn't much better. I tried, then fought with the hubby, now we're just licking our wounds and waiting for my coworker to come over in an hour to watch GoT.
              Good times. -.- I had to postpone my spa night to tonight since I fell asleep really early yesterday after fighting with the hubby (seeing a pattern with my grumpy states and his bad habits clashing).

              Oh well, it'll get better. Always does. Boys be crazy too, not so great when both crazies happen simultaneously. o.0

              - - - Updated - - -

              I'm just going to add another mini-rant just to get it out of my system. Why is the cheapest shipping option for UPS $23 to mail back something that cost $50? It's just like the time the Postal person told me the cheapest option to mailing an xmas present to the in-laws was $60 for $50 worth of items. I know it's a lie, because not two months ago I did the same thing and it cost $6.

              Both clerks were lazy and condescending and had a hard time understanding that my last name is spelled with a "Z" and not some other letter (like an "L" in this case). Never again. Screw shipping my things to the EU, I'm just going to give away what I have and replace everything else later.

              I'm so fed up with this place and its lazy, entitled, patronizing, arrogant, and judgmental people who only see you as a walking dollar sign (even if you have no money).

              *mutters non-english curses and goes off to dig out the bottle of chocolate liquor and game of thrones*
              End icky grumpy day.

              Now I just have to will myself to go sit outside for an hour. I'm ok with that being my biggest rant of the day.


                Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                Got over the angst... then noticed that my driver's license (aka my most valid ID besides the passport) is not in my wallet where it definitely should be. Yikes. *freaks out over identity theft conspiracy theories*


                  Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                  Got over the angst... then noticed that my driver's license (aka my most valid ID besides the passport) is not in my wallet where it definitely should be. Yikes. *freaks out over identity theft conspiracy theories*
                  Nare, maybe you left it somewhere in your apartment.. Try saying where you put your keys, wallet, et cetera with your mouth, for instance "I put the keys on the table". It should help.
                  "Fair means that everybody gets what they need. And the only way to get that is to make it happen yourself."

                  Since I adore cats, I might write something strange or unusual in my comment.Cats are awesome!!! ^_^


                    Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                    Originally posted by kalynraye View Post
                    It is sad but it's also beautiful, and moving.
                    Yeah. Don't think I've ever seen an animated/Disney/Pixar movie like it. Seemed more "mature" in the sense of having deeper emotions and such than other animated films.


                      Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                      Originally posted by Gleb View Post
                      Nare, maybe you left it somewhere in your apartment.. Try saying where you put your keys, wallet, et cetera with your mouth, for instance "I put the keys on the table". It should help.
                      Thanks for the tip!
                      However, I didn't find it yet. There might a chance that I've left it at my parents' place since I don't need it here. Going to check it on Friday.


                        Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                        Free to a good home: one boyfriend. Does housework when prompted. Geek chic thing going on (think Giles from Buffy). Pained to rehome but can't keep due to him showing me up tonight.

                        I have spent 4 years desperately cramming Japanese. JP came to the conversation group tonight. He has never, and I swear never ever, studied Japanese. Every last word and sentence pattern he knows, he picked up by osmosis either from the anime he watched when he was younger, or from me and my Japanese friends. Yet tonight he chatted, fluently, for 2 hours about Japanese food and video games. I was left out of the conversation because even in English I didn't know what I was talking about.

                        It's a very rare gift. Almost no one can learn a language by osmosis, but this tw*t has... And he refuses to study properly. Just think what he could do if he did...

                        Chances are at least some people reading this will think I'm lying. I've had people call me a liar before when I tell them about JP. But tonight it was witnessed, yet again, that this guy really did learn Japanese by accident. I'm so damned jealous right now.

                        So.. any takers?
                        夕方に急なにわか雨は「夕立」と呼ばれるなら、なぜ朝ににわか雨は「朝立ち」と呼ばれないの? ^^If a sudden rain shower in the evening is referred to as an 'evening stand', then why isn't a shower in the morning called 'morning stand'?


                          Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                          Me thinks Jem,you done latched on to a special person. I will tell you they come by very seldom,so you should be happy to have been gifted by fate with a "Special" treasure.

                          Just my take,but what do I know...I am just an elder human who has been around a little bit.
                          MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                          all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                          NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                          don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                          my new page here,let me know what you think.

                          nothing but the shadow of what was



                            Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                            Jembru, he has a gift. Studying might not make it better, not if he doesn't want to (that's from personal experience). I'm sure it's not out of disrespect for your hard work
                            You remind me of the babe
                            What babe?
                            The babe with the power
                            What power?
                            The Power of voodoo
                            Who do?
                            You do!
                            Do what?
                            Remind me of the babe!

                            Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat


                              Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                              Originally posted by Ljubezen View Post
                              End icky grumpy day.

                              Now I just have to will myself to go sit outside for an hour. I'm ok with that being my biggest rant of the day.
                              Mine lifted yesterday in the middle of service. I had been grumpy and not wanting to work, and wanted the day over with and then BAM all was right in my world.

                              Now if we could just Texans to drive in the rain all would be right.
                              "If you want to know what a man is like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." -- Sirius Black

                              "Time is an illusion, lunch time doubly so."-- Ford Prefect


                                Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                                I hate having phobias. Eff you water.

                                I started taking a swiftwater rescue course today. Bear in mind, I wouldn't even call what I'm able to do 'swimming', and I have a serious fear of being in water. On water, fine. In water, no bueno.

                                I got offered a course for free. Hell yeah, I'll take it. Today was the theory day. I was nervous, but I thought, 'I got this!'

                                ...I don't got this.

                                I was extremely anxious all day during class, and I started to hyperventilate when we started trying on drysuits and helmets in the afternoon. In a classroom. Away from water. By the end of the class, I was silently freaking out inside my head. I went to the instructor after class, and asked if there was any way I could still help out/learn without having to do the in-the-water portion of tomorrow's class. We'll be jumping and diving into rapids, aggressively swimming over and in rapids, learning how to go down holes/hydraulics and shoot ourselves out of them again, learning to escape whirlpools, etc.

                                If I'm not in the water swimming, there's nothing for me to do. So I don't get to finish the course.

                                I'm bummed. I feel like a sissy. But telling myself to man up just makes my mind go blank. You know, it's not that I'm afraid to jump into a rapid. It's that I'm so afraid to jump into a rapid/moving river/water that my brain goes blank. I can't think, or act, or function. Every time I think about it.

                                Jump off a cliff? Sure! Jump out of an airplane? Sure! Run off an embankment with nothing but a parachute attached to you? Been there, done that. ...oh, there's a puddle at the end of my jump? Hellllllllll no.

                                Mostly art.

