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    Didn't know that when I inform people after they kick me out that I'm coming to get my things somehow equates to "please loot my belongings". If only all the shelters weren't full...
    my etsy store
    My blog

    "...leave me curled up in my ball,
    surrounded by plush, downy things,
    ill prepared, but willing,
    to descend."



      Suddenly had an allergic reaction to something on the way home from work. I don't know what it was but it was scary. My throat started swelling up and I was having a hard time swallowing. Thank goodness my doctor is an early bird. He met me at his office and gave me some benadryl and steroids. I feel okay now.. but I hope that never happens again!


        Re: THE RANT THREAD!

        Can I thump my husband in the head now?!



          Re: THE RANT THREAD!

          Picked up mail today. In one shot I have jury duty and my car registration is due (with smog certification) oh wonders. What a great day!
          Satan is my spirit animal


            Re: THE RANT THREAD!

            Potential sickness, I'd really like it if you shoved off. You see, I don't have time for you. I can't slow down now that spring is here. It's not in my job description. So if you'd kindly piss off, I can get up and start tilling and planting first thing tomorrow, like I have to anyway (but if you weren't around, it'd be way cool).
            No one tells the wind which way to blow.


              Re: THE RANT THREAD!

              Anyone want a used left kidney? It comes with rocks and a possible infection. I don't want it anymore, so all you have to pay is shipping and handling.
              The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


                Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                ... We got a notice to Vacate.
                We're suppose to get out by the 22nd if we don't fucking pay the amount that's due seven days after the notice has been sent.
                Why the hell does this shit happen? My birthday is on the 8th of this month. szln fosnfgpinogpoent

                I want to move out yes but this is not the way I want it to be like... I want to move out on my own accord... We have 3 pets. It's... this is... isenfinnrkgntkgneipge.
                This isn't fair. Not fair at all. Why the fuck did this have to happen again? Why can't anyone learn from this? Who the fuck is to blame? I want to put the blame on my fucking dad because of his focusing on the race car so fucking much and dsinfientnginrtnrtoibngrtbhrotgoerebr

                I'm going to go sit in a corner, curl up in a ball, and bawl by eyes out now.


                Update: My mother gets paid today. She's gonna pay for it... maybe through a stock payment and if the land lord wants the full payment, he might have to wait until the 15th when my dad gets paid.
                Last edited by LuciaStar; 06 Apr 2011, 06:23. Reason: Additional info
                Wild Witchy Dusk | TwitterMy Art Blog | My Deviantart


                  Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                  Fucking hell!

                  I'm going driving with my friend (on my Ls).
                  First he tells me I have to go all the way to his place (which means going into the city and back out again) instead of him meeting me half way. I get there, and we make plans. He knows I have to get home early because I start work early tomorrow. I say "ok, let's go then"
                  He says "sure, just let me get changed"
                  TWO HOURS LATER and we're finally on our way. FUCK!


                    Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                    For the first time in about a year and a half, I'm sick and it's making up for lost time.

                    Headache. Congestion. Pressure. Coughing. Insomnia. Aches.

                    No one tells the wind which way to blow.


                      Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                      I went for a walk yesterday, and my legs are completely discoloured (aka bruised) now. What's wrong, legs?

                      Mostly art.


                        Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                        I hate not having a job.
                        -Jessica [aka Whitewolf]


                          Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                          I hate that in so many places, it's still okay to smoke in bars. I'm horribly asthmatic and can't be around smoke even if its "not that bad." It's always "that bad." I want to go out with friends and drink. But I can't do that in my hometown. So it's a Saturday night and I'm stuck alone in my apartment. Ugh.


                            Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                            My uber-favorite non-IE browser doesn't like PF anymore.
                            is squishing
                            onto the
                            left side
                            some weird

                            The forum member formerly known as perzephone. Or Perze. I've shed a skin.


                              Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                              ^ lol... I am not really laughing at you, but it is kinda funny, though probably annoying.

                              Rant: This hospital is run like a business. These are not humans we are caring for they are dollar signs. Who cares if the patient is too unstable for your floor... "you get paid whether they live or die..." I didn't sign up for this. Thank Goddess I am switching to a new job in May.


                                Re: THE RANT THREAD!

                                Originally posted by LiadanWillows View Post
                                Rant: This hospital is run like a business. These are not humans we are caring for they are dollar signs. Who cares if the patient is too unstable for your floor... "you get paid whether they live or die..." I didn't sign up for this. Thank Goddess I am switching to a new job in May.
                                Eeeep, I wouldn't feel good about working in an environment like that either. I remember medically unstable patients being sent to the psych unit I did an internship at and the nurses HATED it. The other floors didn't want to keep patients with behavioral issues because they were terribly understaffed, but those patients were usually sent back once it became clear that the psych floor couldn't handle their medical issues. I know hospitals have to make money, but it turns into such a disaster when they're controlled by huge companies that only see the bottom line. > Good luck with your new job next month!
                                "Gardens are not made by singing "Oh, how beautiful," and sitting in the shade." - Rudyard Kipling

                                Mathbatu: A Canaanite Polytheist's Blog
                                Sparrow Wings: A Personal Blog

