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Is Wrestling Real Or Fake?

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    Is Wrestling Real Or Fake?

    People have been wondering this question for years. Is wrestling real or fake. At first I thought that wrestling was real that people get hurt and blood come spilling all over their face. Until years later I ask a couple of friends at school that they told me that wrestling is fake. So now I know the truth wrestling is fake. What do you think? Is wrestling real or fake?

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    Re: Is Wrestling Real Or Fake?

    TV wrestling is fake and rehearsed. Yet high school and college level wrestling is real and people do get hurt at times.
    I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


      Originally posted by monsno_leedra View Post
      TV wrestling is fake and rehearsed. Yet high school and college level wrestling is real and people do get hurt at times.
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        Re: Is Wrestling Real Or Fake?

        The emotions and story are fake/rehearsed. But if those guys have to be in shape and know what they are doing. When they throw a person...that person is literally flying through the air. You can (and often) get very hurt if moves are done incorrectly.

        Say fake all you want. Try lifting another 250 pound human muscle man over your shoulders and toss him. Go on.
        Satan is my spirit animal


          Re: Is Wrestling Real Or Fake?

          Its basically a soap opera for rednecks.


            Re: Is Wrestling Real Or Fake?

            Originally posted by Medusa View Post
            The emotions and story are fake/rehearsed. But if those guys have to be in shape and know what they are doing. When they throw a person...that person is literally flying through the air. You can (and often) get very hurt if moves are done incorrectly.

            Say fake all you want. Try lifting another 250 pound human muscle man over your shoulders and toss him. Go on.

            Sorry gotta throw the bs flag here. I did that and more every time I answered a rescue call and had to carry a victim out, lift them out of a place or toss someone from a danger situation. We trained all the time for that and how to accomplish it when our own body mass and strength would suggest otherwise as a result. Never rehearsed it once with the other person it was all live or die at the moment and unscripted.
            I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


              Re: Is Wrestling Real Or Fake?

              Originally posted by monsno_leedra View Post
              Sorry gotta throw the bs flag here. I did that and more every time I answered a rescue call and had to carry a victim out, lift them out of a place or toss someone from a danger situation. We trained all the time for that and how to accomplish it when our own body mass and strength would suggest otherwise as a result. Never rehearsed it once with the other person it was all live or die at the moment and unscripted.
              I think you are wrong. But I'm not going to argue this. Obviously neither of us are wrestlers. You can google and gain that knowledge on your own.
              Satan is my spirit animal


                Re: Is Wrestling Real Or Fake?

                Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                I think you are wrong. But I'm not going to argue this. Obviously neither of us are wrestlers. You can google and gain that knowledge on your own.
                Don't know I wrestled in High School for a bit so have some experience in it. Granted that was years ago now though so may not matter as experience.
                I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                  Re: Is Wrestling Real Or Fake?

                  a few wrestlers have died,mainly I think because they kept doing more stuff to get the crowd pumped and get attendance up. was one that fell from a harness as he "Glided" down to the ring,and the harness let go to soon. Even if it is scripted,people do get hurt,and a few may die.
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                    Re: Is Wrestling Real Or Fake?

                    Originally posted by monsno_leedra View Post
                    Don't know I wrestled in High School for a bit so have some experience in it. Granted that was years ago now though so may not matter as experience.
                    I did Wing Chun a bit as well. And I had to throw a person. Guess what chicken butt? It takes some strength to do so.

                    High school wrestling doesn't involve chairs thrown or body slams from above a rope. But again..neither of us are wrestlers. Google will give you some great info on the training that goes into this entertainment.

                    Fake. Yes.
                    Rehearsed and practice for safety? Yes as well.
                    That's all my saying.
                    Satan is my spirit animal


                      Re: Is Wrestling Real Or Fake?

                      Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                      I did Wing Chun a bit as well. And I had to throw a person. Guess what chicken butt? It takes some strength to do so.

                      High school wrestling doesn't involve chairs thrown or body slams from above a rope. But again..neither of us are wrestlers. Google will give you some great info on the training that goes into this entertainment.

                      Fake. Yes.
                      Rehearsed and practice for safety? Yes as well.
                      That's all my saying.
                      Oh I agree it is very rehearsed to ensure the safety of the actors. Occasionally people do die because of set failures, equipment failures and occasionally medical conditions that results from health issues. Admit though never sure if it's the actor's taking the extra steps to sell the crowd or the promoters who push them to take the more dangerous stunts.
                      I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                        Re: Is Wrestling Real Or Fake?

                        Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                        The emotions and story are fake/rehearsed. But if those guys have to be in shape and know what they are doing. When they throw a person...that person is literally flying through the air. You can (and often) get very hurt if moves are done incorrectly.

                        Say fake all you want. Try lifting another 250 pound human muscle man over your shoulders and toss him. Go on.
                        There was a story that came out around the death of Andre the Giant. It outright said that the results of the matches are choreographed and the outcomes are preordained, but that things can happen to cause some changes last minute and require some ad-lib. During a bout with Hulk Hogan, which was determined that Hogan was going to win, the Hulkster attempted to lift Andre off the ground in order to slam him to the ground and then pin him. As the Hulk lifted, he tore something in his back and almost dropped Andre onto himself, but pushed through the pain to finish the move. There was some tricky work that was done to end the match quickly so that the Hulk could get medical attention without it seeming like there was anything wrong.


                          Re: Is Wrestling Real Or Fake?

                          Perfect example (ignore the Hugh thing. Totally kewinkidink :: )

                          Hugh and the guys choreographed this scene. Rehearsed it. Blah blah.
                          Jackman never said Ziggler's name but said the guy he was working with told him to punch him hard because if Jackman didn't the people would boo him. Jackman said he wanted to hit Ziggler hard in the shoulder or neck but accidentally punched him in the jaw and fractured it. Jackman said Ziggler was thrilled over getting punched. Jackman also said he sent Ziggler a case of beer the next day.

                          Jackman added that working RAW was the most terrifying thing he's ever done in show business.
                          Satan is my spirit animal


                            Re: Is Wrestling Real Or Fake?

                            It's a combination of both. As Medusa has said several times over-yes the stories and a lot of the outcomes are rehearsed and preset. However, the actual athleticism needed to do said performances is very, very real. As a friend of mine said once, its theater for guys. There's a reason they don't give certain people access to a microphone, because they can't act or speak on one to save their lives (Brock Lesnar is one of those people) however, I'd like to use this pic as a reference for the matches and the outcomes. It's from a few years back when CM Punk was still around and had that grudge with Jehrico, and he was posting about his back after getting beaten all to hell with a kendo stick. That match was brutal and left actual lasting damage and scars from the beating he took at Extreme Rules.

                            About the time Brock Lesnar first came back to the WWE-I was actually on the floor of the arena, close enough to hear Triple H's arm snap when it was broken in the ring. More recently-Daniel Brian had to give up his title because he injured his shoulder to the point that doctors aren't ever sure he's going to ever be able to wrestle again because of how much damage these guys put themselves through in that ring. And even more recently-John Cena had to have reconstructive surgery on his face because Rawlins messed up a move and destroyed his face, completely shattering his nose.
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                              Re: Is Wrestling Real Or Fake?

                              Wouldn't use the term "fake". "Scripted" is more like it. The plots and storylines are scripted, as are the larger-than-life characters. But if you could stop for a moment to appreciate the supreme level of strength, conditioning and willpower to do what they do to entertain the crowd. I'm a martial arts enthusiast myself, and I have never been as banged up as a professional wrestler.

