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A new blog on European tradition and religion

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    Re: A new blog on European tradition and religion

    Again, I could and should write an entire essay on this highlighted line.

    From my research, I get the invlination that paganism had/has a sydtem of mysteries to it and that the common man had only a fraction of the knowledge held by those who involved themselves within cultic socities such as that of Mithraism, which it can be assumed had something to do with PIE religion as Mithra is depicted always as wearing a phrygian cap, which is of Yamnaya origin and worn more commonly by germanic tribes.

    I wish to do more research into this area, but it does not make sense to me that if there was not a tiered system of knowledge what the purpose in priests would have been at all.

    Use christianity (yeah, I know) as an example. Why do priests exist? To decipher the scripture and simplify it for the layman. Why do bishops exist? To advise priests and further their spiritual education.

    Every religion for obvious reasons has a tiered system of knowledge under which the average person only has a limited understanding.

    Paganism is even more "mysterious" if you will, as there were no scriptures to reas as far as we know and so a person would have to learn the lore by word of mouth. IE the knowledge would have to be sought out.


      Re: A new blog on European tradition and religion

      Originally posted by Knowledge Goblin View Post
      Again, I could and should write an entire essay on this highlighted line.

      From my research, I get the invlination that paganism had/has a sydtem of mysteries to it and that the common man had only a fraction of the knowledge held by those who involved themselves within cultic socities such as that of Mithraism, which it can be assumed had something to do with PIE religion as Mithra is depicted always as wearing a phrygian cap, which is of Yamnaya origin and worn more commonly by germanic tribes.

      I wish to do more research into this area, but it does not make sense to me that if there was not a tiered system of knowledge what the purpose in priests would have been at all.

      Use christianity (yeah, I know) as an example. Why do priests exist? To decipher the scripture and simplify it for the layman. Why do bishops exist? To advise priests and further their spiritual education.

      Every religion for obvious reasons has a tiered system of knowledge under which the average person only has a limited understanding.

      Paganism is even more "mysterious" if you will, as there were no scriptures to reas as far as we know and so a person would have to learn the lore by word of mouth. IE the knowledge would have to be sought out.
      I can't speak on Paganism and other religion but I can speak to Christianity. In Catholicism runs in a hierarchical system. The Pope (Highest), Archbishop, Bishop, Priest, I can't name other ranks. The four that I know of. They run by a hierarchical system in which they achieve but following Catholicism rules. I'm not Catholic but I have some knowledge of how Catholicism. Same thing with Christianity, Hebrew and Islam.


        Re: A new blog on European tradition and religion

        Originally posted by B. de Corbin View Post

        ... when you discuss the nature of a religion, what are you talking about?
        Nature: the basic or inherent features, character, or qualities of something.

        Inherent: existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.

        So when I say that the nature of all European paganism has the same nature, it is as aforementioned when I discuss the link back to Neanderthal and then palaeolithic religion. It is all about the perfection of the soul, the struggle of reincarnation and the eventually hope of spiritual ascension, and always has been.


          Re: A new blog on European tradition and religion

          Originally posted by Knowledge Goblin View Post
          Nature: the basic or inherent features, character, or qualities of something.

          Inherent: existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.

          So when I say that the nature of all European paganism has the same nature, it is as aforementioned when I discuss the link back to Neanderthal and then palaeolithic religion. It is all about the perfection of the soul, the struggle of reincarnation and the eventually hope of spiritual ascension, and always has been.

          And you've lost me...

          Reincarnation is explicitly not a thing in Heathenry. I'm relatively sure that it is not a thing or is at most a very minor thing in Hellenic practice and Roman Practice (there are at least two figures in Hades who by this point would likely love a fate as benign as reincarnation instead of the personalized and eternal fate Hades gave them). It might be a thing in some Celtic or East European practices (I don't know to say one way or another) but it certainly isn't aome constant factor across European belief aystems.
          Life itself was a lightsaber in his hands; even in the face of treachery and death and hopes gone cold, he burned like a candle in the darkness. Like a star shining in the black eternity of space.

          Yoda: Dark Rendezvous

          "But those men who know anything at all about the Light also know that there is a fierceness to its power, like the bare sword of the law, or the white burning of the sun." Suddenly his voice sounded to Will very strong, and very Welsh. "At the very heart, that is. Other things, like humanity, and mercy, and charity, that most good men hold more precious than all else, they do not come first for the Light. Oh, sometimes they are there; often, indeed. But in the very long run the concern of you people is with the absolute good, ahead of all else..."

          John Rowlands, The Grey King by Susan Cooper

          "You come from the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve", said Aslan. "And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beggar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest emperor on earth; be content."

          Aslan, Prince Caspian by CS Lewis


            Re: A new blog on European tradition and religion

            I can't think of any "scientific" proven study that says the Neanderthal had a religion or believed in reincarnation. Funeral rites don't specifically indicate a religion or an indication of an afterlife. Yet it does suggest a social system that recognizes a cultural & familial system of sorts, an ancestral system of sorts and some sort of belief system but not specifically a religious system but spiritual system. Probably an animistic (Animism or Animatism) system more than a religious system as we would today define religion.

            Lore wise I don't see reincarnation in Hellene mythos as the norm. If and when it is present it is the exception to the norm and not for the common person but tends to occur with the gods. The common people basically drink the waters of forgetfulness and that is the end of their past lives. Their shade stays in the underworld. Though later stories do speak of Heroes who visit or call upon the shades and speak with them if they were famous in life or connected to the hero. Then you have the Orpheus and Bacchic tablets that one was supposed to memorize that would allow you to by pass the waters of forgetfulness by calling upon Persephone and retain your memories. Yet again you didn't reincarnate but were still bound to some level of the underworld. Your living family potentially able to change your status or location in the underworld through offerings, rituals, ceremonies, etc. That or aide in transition your "shade" from the category of restless dead to underworld dead by proper funeral rites and such.

            The closest Nordic concept of reincarnation I can think of would be with Ragnarok and the Warriors joining the Gods from the Great Halls to do battle. Yet realistically is that reincarnation?
            I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


              Re: A new blog on European tradition and religion

              There is no reincarnation in European paganism, explicitly in heathenry? What? It is mentioned explicitly many times.

              Ok, firstly reincarnation is prominently discussed in Greek religious dialogues that we know of and likely many that are not extant. Orpheus, Socrates, Plato, Xenophon, Pythagoras and many others were advocates of reincarnation and we know from their works that this was not an unconventional belief at least among notary people, and there is no reason to suggest that lay people would have thought any differently.

              The reason it is not as heavily mentioned in Roman thought is because the Roman empire had taken in numerous immigrants from across the globe including North Africa, Anatolia and most importantly Jews. Judaism had a tremendous influence over the Roman empire. In fact, one of the main reasons Rome conquered so much of Europe was that the emperor was being threatened because of the debt he owed to money lenders. Feel free to disagree but Roman paganism and to a lesse extent Greek paganism (especially that of Athens) really cannot be used accurately to determine what traditional European religion was like because of just how diluted their religion became. In the Homeric era (Circa 800BC), the religion of Greece can be thought of as PIE but as the era we call the Ancient Era ensued thought changed significantly. Now on to the big topic: Germanic paganism. The Norwegian king Olaf Geirstad was said to have returned from the grave in a dream to request his barrow be opened:

              Alexander Cornelius Polyhistor wrote that the Gauls teach “that the souls of men are immortal, and that after a fixed number of years they will enter into another body.”

              and to further prove my point:

              Julius Caesar wrote of the Celts in his ‘De Bello Gallico’ that “the principal point of their doctrine is that the soul does not die and that after death it passes from one body into another ... a firm belief in the indestructibility of the human soul, which, merely passes at death from one tenement to another; for by such doctrine alone, they say, which robs death of all its terrors, can the highest form of human courage be developed.”

              If you're not going to acknowledge the role of reincarnation in our ancestor's religion, there's really not any point at all because its such a central tenet of the religion. It would be like a Christian saying that Jesus didn't exist.

              Finally, the only extant branch of PIE religion that has an unbroken continuation back at least 6000 years is Hinduism. You of course cannot argue that reincarnation is not a central tenet of Hinduism.
              Last edited by Knowledge Goblin; 12 May 2018, 04:10.


                Re: A new blog on European tradition and religion

                I'll start with the reincarnation bit. Reincarnation is a particularly complex topic, even if it looks simple at the surface. There are many different levels, if you will, of the human soul, many different ways of defining it, even within a single religions example. Often the conscious and the spirit/shade are distinguished as different aspects. In many cultures the conscious part of a person is extinguished at the same time their life is, and what moves on is this manifestation of energy, the shade, spirit, what have you.

                But that's not always the case. African traditions have a strong belief in ancestor worship, though it is varied from culture to culture, it's a common belief. Africans believe that they can always access their ancestors ghost, back for generation upon generation, and it's usually attached to a statue of some kind. While some of these cultural beliefs incorporate reincarnation, they are few. It's much more likely that the ghost is attached to the family until forgotten or no longer needed, at which time they move into the realm of the Ancestors. Or that they immediately move into the realm of the Ancestors, but are forever attached to their family and can assist from there. There are some African religions that believe in earthly reincarnation, but they also believe that their ancestors can help them, even very distant ancestors, which means that some part of the soul couldn't have been reincarnated, it must remain ethereal to offer assistance. And if you want to get down to it, ancient Africa is the source of all religion, for it's the source of all mankind.

                The pagan beliefs of the East in regard to reincarnation are even more confusing and complex, while looking simple at a first glance. They don’t believe that a person’s consciousness is reborn, only the energy of that person, but that energy carries a karmic balance. This is where a lot of the modern day pagan beliefs in reincarnation come from, not Europe. It is perhaps the single greatest thing that pagans have drawn from Eastern traditions, along with the focus on meditation techniques, since the techniques of our ancestors were lost or hard to decipher.

                While reincarnation may be mentioned in some European contexts, it’s important to realize that there was a definite afterlife world in most of these traditions. Hades, Valhalla, the Delightful Plain, Tir no Nog (sp?). Many names, but ultimately the place where people go when they die. And generally, people accepted that they wouldn’t be coming back. That was the consensus.

                The other thing to realize is that there were often separate orders within one faith, and even more so within a greater culture, and those orders could believe drastically different things. There are always outliers, and those individual outlier, when added together, could be greater than the majority. Modern day Evangelical Christians, the extreme right, are particularly vocal, and have tons of published material, but they don't represent the majority. But, in a couple thousand years, when people look back on this time period in America, they are probably going to say, Oh well, all these prominent people (the published ones) believed in XYZ, the greater population must have believed it too. But it's much more complicated than that, isn't it? So saying that because Plato/Socrates/etc believed in XYZ, does not necessarily mean that it was a common belief or that they were representing the populace particularly well.

                Now, on to the topic of monastics and the mysteries. Mysteries are interesting and intriguing. Humanity in general has an interest in anything unseen, or difficult to discover. We’re curious creatures. That meant that by incorporating mysteries, a religion could hold the people’s interest. It’s somewhat manipulative and I don’t like how it’s been incorporated into modern day paganism.

                There is a level of education needed to reach be able to understand higher ideas, but to classify those ideas as mysteries and things that can only be accessed with commitment to one group is a bit underhanded. It’s blackmailing a religious commitment from people. But perhaps that’s a little off topic.

                The monastic order does hold the mysteries sacred. They do interpret the knowledge gained from those mysteries for the general populace. But they are so much more than that. They are the teacher’s and storytellers. They perform the sacred rites. They bring comfort in difficult times. They are the hand that guides. That is their purpose, and they stand between the worlds. So it is much more than just gaining access to the mysteries, but a responsibility as well.

                From what I can find there was no Norse monastic order. Their religion was an integral part of their life. Their rulers were also their religious leaders. And their rulers were determined by popularity, though it stands to reason that the child of one ruler would be in a better position to gain support. So, knowledge of rites, mysteries, etc, was everyone’s responsibility, but especially that of the noble class.

                As far as Hellenic traditions go, there were numerous orders and temples, usually dedicated to a particular deity. There were very obvious levels of the monastic order. But what each of those temple’s believed and dedicated themselves to was at times quite different. Some believed in asceticism and others in indulgence for example. They all served a purpose.

                And finally on Archetypes. I’m a strong believer in archetypes. There is great evidence that archetypes are a thing. After all, in almost every polytheistic religion you can see gods of farming, motherhood, death, and creation. In almost every culture you see the trickster. And I do think, that as we can trace all of humanity back to Africa, we can see the influences of what the most ancient people believed trickling through history. But too much time has passed for us to truly know what the original faith would have looked like. And the religions of today have vast difference and gaps in belief.

                The essential factors of many faiths, outside of deities, can differ greatly though. Many have something that amounts to the Golden Rule. There’s a UU sign that lists them all, it’s pretty cool. But what they held most important outside of that changes. Is death a good thing, a time when you’re moving into a new existence, or an evil thing, a punishment for all the wrong done in life? Is sex good or bad? What values are held highest? What are the taboos? How can one communicate with the divine? These are all things that vary greatly from faith to faith.

                And honestly I don’t think it matters. What’s important is that you be a good person in this life.
                We are what we are. Nothing more, nothing less. There is good and evil among every kind of people. It's the evil among us who rule now. -Anne Bishop, Daughter of the Blood

                I wondered if he could ever understand that it was a blessing, not a sin, to be graced with more than one love.
                It could be complicated; of course it could be complicated. And it opened one up to the possibility of more pain and loss.
                Still, it was a blessing I would never relinquish. Love, genuine love, was always a cause for joy.
                -Jacqueline Carey, Naamah's Curse

                Service to your fellows is the root of peace.


                  Re: A new blog on European tradition and religion

                  Hi there. Your ideas are interesting and I'm a big believer in archetypes. However, as an archaeologist and a Celtic Reconstructionist, I have to advise you that Rule #1 when dealing with the Celts is to never reference Caesar. Remember that everything he wrote about them was propaganda intended to enrage the people at home so that they would support and fund his wars with the Gauls (because he wanted their gold). So please keep an eye on your sources and where you are getting your information, and make sure it's as unbiased as possible.
                  She is like a cat in the dark and then she is the darkness. ~~(=^._.^)

                  I got my war paint on and I'm off to go passive-aggressive all over these socially awkward man-witches. :XD:


                    Re: A new blog on European tradition and religion

                    Originally posted by October View Post
                    Hi there. Your ideas are interesting and I'm a big believer in archetypes. However, as an archaeologist and a Celtic Reconstructionist, I have to advise you that Rule #1 when dealing with the Celts is to never reference Caesar. Remember that everything he wrote about them was propaganda intended to enrage the people at home so that they would support and fund his wars with the Gauls (because he wanted their gold). So please keep an eye on your sources and where you are getting your information, and make sure it's as unbiased as possible.

                    Hi mate, sorry for the late reply; I've not been paying much attention to this site as unfortunately it doesn't seem to be very active usually. I'm no professional historian, but I can not understand the logic you use in reference to not quoting Caesar, Tacitus, etc. There really is no such thing as an unbiased source. From what I have learned and indeed indeed common sense would it not stand to reason that the Romans would wish to portray the Northern European people as less civilized than they actually were in order to justify invasion? This is why there are random references in Tactitus to Celtic women offering themselves to anyone, and Romans saying that there were homosexual Celts which the other sources indicate is not true. As long as you compare sources it shouldn't matter whether there is bias, as it would soon become obvious which one is the odd one out and is telling lies. Also, there could be no political motivation to saying that Celts believed in reincarnation; that's ridiculous.
                    Last edited by Knowledge Goblin; 27 May 2018, 04:47.

