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Unpopular Opinions.

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    Re: Unpopular Opinions.

    In Illinois, I learned that you have to be 21 to purchase a handgun. While this has no effect on me, for I am 23, I think this law is garbage, and unconstitutional. In the United States, your rights begin when you turn 18, as a legal adult. An 18 year old can join the military, can vote, and can sign legal documents, but in Illinois, you must be 21 for the your second amendment rights to become active? Well, if you can join the military at 18, and become trained to kill with high efficient killing machines, I think you should be able to own a handgun in the states. What's more, apparently at 18, you can own a rifle, and a shotgun, but not a handgun. Is that kind of ridiculous? Thoughts?
    "In the shade now tall forms are advancing,
    And their wan hands like snowflakes in the moonlight are gleaming;
    They beckon, they whisper, 'Oh! strong armed in valor,
    The pale guests await thee - mead foams in Valhalla.'"
    - Finn's Saga


      Re: Unpopular Opinions.

      Does it bother you that you can't legally drink until you're 21? I'm just wondering.

      For the record, I think the 21 drinking age is really stupid. Teens can buy beer here at 16 and drunken driving accidents and alcoholism aren't any worse off.


        Re: Unpopular Opinions.

        Originally posted by DanieMarie View Post
        Does it bother you that you can't legally drink until you're 21? I'm just wondering.

        For the record, I think the 21 drinking age is really stupid. Teens can buy beer here at 16 and drunken driving accidents and alcoholism aren't any worse off.
        Absolutely. 18 is the legal age of adulthood in the States. If you can vote, purchase firearms, enter the military, and enter 'adult themed' stores, then you should be able to get pissed on whiskey if you want.
        No one tells the wind which way to blow.


          Re: Unpopular Opinions.

          Originally posted by DanieMarie View Post
          Does it bother you that you can't legally drink until you're 21? I'm just wondering.

          For the record, I think the 21 drinking age is really stupid. Teens can buy beer here at 16 and drunken driving accidents and alcoholism aren't any worse off.
          The drinking age thing bugs me more. Ya can join the military and fight for your country, but Ya can't share a beer with em. (You will, you're just not supposed to.)

          But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
          ~Jim Butcher


            Re: Unpopular Opinions.

            Originally posted by Maria de Luna View Post
            The drinking age thing bugs me more. Ya can join the military and fight for your country, but Ya can't share a beer with em. (You will, you're just not supposed to.)
            Yeah it doesn't exactly make sense to me. You can't kill someone that easily by getting drunk unless you do something like drink and drive (which is illegal for anyone) or get in a fight (again, illegal for everyone). You can kill yourself if you drink too much, but it seems like not letting college age kids drink is like an invitation for irresponsible drinking. In Canada where I grew up, we could drink at 19 (it's 18 in about half of the provinces). We went out, partied for our 19th birthday, and then after that it was toned down a lot more....kind of like when people turn 21 in the US. We could allllwwwayyyys spot the American students over from the Seattle Clipper for the weekend because they'd always be so much more wasted than local students. There is pretty much no cultural difference between Victoria/Vancouver and Seattle, so it had to be the drinking age thing.


              Re: Unpopular Opinions.

              Originally posted by DanieMarie View Post
              Yeah it doesn't exactly make sense to me. You can't kill someone that easily by getting drunk unless you do something like drink and drive (which is illegal for anyone) or get in a fight (again, illegal for everyone). You can kill yourself if you drink too much, but it seems like not letting college age kids drink is like an invitation for irresponsible drinking. In Canada where I grew up, we could drink at 19 (it's 18 in about half of the provinces). We went out, partied for our 19th birthday, and then after that it was toned down a lot more....kind of like when people turn 21 in the US. We could allllwwwayyyys spot the American students over from the Seattle Clipper for the weekend because they'd always be so much more wasted than local students. There is pretty much no cultural difference between Victoria/Vancouver and Seattle, so it had to be the drinking age thing.
              I don't get the 21 age limit... here it's 16 for beer such and 18 for alcohol like vodka. They changed that recently, used to be 16 for everything. But that we get to drink from a young age unfortunately doesn't mean responsible drinking. Danes are nutorious drinkers... most of my classmates started around age 13-14 (so did I, I just never grew fond of it). They're still going strong drinking their brains out from thursday 'til sunday now, ten years later...
              You remind me of the babe
              What babe?
              The babe with the power
              What power?
              The Power of voodoo
              Who do?
              You do!
              Do what?
              Remind me of the babe!

              Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat


                Re: Unpopular Opinions.

                I don't think drinking should be legal to kids (because they sure aren't adults) who are in high school etc. Just seems counterproductive. It's bad enough kids don't want to go to class on Friday because of Fridayitus. Now it's going to be like dude, I had a hang over.

                But 18? I think if you can die for your country, you can drink for your country.
                Satan is my spirit animal


                  Re: Unpopular Opinions.

                  I guess I can recall to clearly the debate that raged about raising the drinking age to 21. Figure one of the main killer's of teens and such today is texting and driving so may states have enacted rules that says kids can get a license at 16 but can't have but so many people in the car and can't drive after a certain time of night. A lot of the same justifications for raising the drinking age. Yet there is always that group that claims they would never do it, it's always other kids so why should they be punished for their actions. Then we read about the prom killings, home coming accidents that take a group of lives or worse we walk the roadside looking for body parts.

                  Sorry walked one friggin road to many looking for a kids head or other body part because they didn't realize the difference between a right and a privilege. Driving, having firearm's, etc are privileges not rights. As such can and will be regulated as to when you can get them, when they can be taken away and how they can be obtained.

                  Let's not even touch upon the fact the 2nd amendment pertains to having a regulated militia and it being armed not about the average person being entitled to possess a firearm.
                  I'm Only Responsible For What I Say Not For What Or How You Understand!


                    Re: Unpopular Opinions.

                    Just because I look at your boobs doesn't mean that I am a rapist, that I am sexist, or that I do not respect what you are saying... it only means that I am a horny heterosexual male that really likes your boobs.

                    Actually, the whole idea that the female torso is taboo, is bullshit!

                    Secondary sexual characteristics are fine... as long as they are male... beards, adam's apples, pecs, v-shaped torsos, etc... secondary sexual characteristics are acceptable... as long as they aren't boobs.

                    Nipples are even acceptable... as long as they're useless (male)!... But Heaven forbid you breastfeed in front of Victoria's Secret!!!! Can't let anyone get the wrong idea of what breasts are really for!!!

                    - - - Updated - - -

                    "the troops" aren't fighting for your rights.

                    Yeah, some soldier, in history, might have fought for our freedom, but today's troops are fighting for Arabian oil... sorry, just because you volunteered to murder brown-skinned-dudes doesn't mean that you get to hide behind the Bill of Rights.

                    - - - Updated - - -

                    "Don't ever miss a good opportunity to shut up." - Harvey Davis "Gramps"


                      Re: Unpopular Opinions.

                      Originally posted by iris View Post
                      I don't get the 21 age limit... here it's 16 for beer such and 18 for alcohol like vodka. They changed that recently, used to be 16 for everything. But that we get to drink from a young age unfortunately doesn't mean responsible drinking. Danes are nutorious drinkers... most of my classmates started around age 13-14 (so did I, I just never grew fond of it). They're still going strong drinking their brains out from thursday 'til sunday now, ten years later...
                      Haha...I think that's actually a German stereotype about Danes.

                      Germans aren't always responsible drinkers. People do get drunk, there are alcoholics, and occasionally people drink and drive. It's not any worse than most other places, though, and I think it's definitely better than some (definitely better than any English-speaking countries I've been to). Like, there's this bar here that lets you pay for wine by donation. That could never, ever happen in Canada. People wouldn't be able to walk out the door.

                      I think the culture around drinking does matter. Like, the UK can be really bad when it comes to partying and alcohol. I don't think it's everyone (pretty much every British person I know save a few is a moderate drinker), but there is definitely a culture around drinking that isn't positive.

                      - - - Updated - - -

                      Originally posted by ThorsSon View Post

                      "the troops" aren't fighting for your rights.

                      Yeah, some soldier, in history, might have fought for our freedom, but today's troops are fighting for Arabian oil... sorry, just because you volunteered to murder brown-skinned-dudes doesn't mean that you get to hide behind the Bill of Rights.

                      OMG yes...THANK YOU.

                      It drives me even crazier when Canadians say this, because the only 20th century wars that Canada directly fought in were WWI, WWII, and Korea. WWI happened because Europe had a pissing contest (i.e. not for Canadian rights), WWII makes sense, Korea was basically a proxy war against the USSR (i.e. not really for Canadian rights). After that, Canada's armed forces spent a lot of time peacekeeping, which is noble, but not really anything to do with Canadian rights.

                      Now, Canada is back to war, and a lot of Canadians use similar language when it comes to wars in the Middle East. I wish they'd stop it.


                        Re: Unpopular Opinions.

                        I like people who get drunk. Because I can steal their wallets.

                        True story.

                        TRUE STOOOORY!
                        Satan is my spirit animal


                          Re: Unpopular Opinions.

                          Originally posted by DanieMarie View Post
                          Does it bother you that you can't legally drink until you're 21? I'm just wondering.

                          For the record, I think the 21 drinking age is really stupid. Teens can buy beer here at 16 and drunken driving accidents and alcoholism aren't any worse off.
                          Your country wasn't founded by Puritans. The US has never escaped that legacy.

                          Actually, the voting age here was mostly 21 (as was the drinking age in most localities). It didn't change nationally until they passed the 26th Amendment (signed by the crazy super liberal Richard Nixon, who also passed the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, and Marine Mammal Act...ah, the days with the GOP could be swayed with science...) in 1971. This is also the same time frame when most states changed lowered their drinking ages. The old "if you can die for your country, you can drink/vote" response to the Vietnam war.

                          They re-upped the drinking age in the 80's when Reagan (another crazy invasive Federal big gov't liberal) signed the Minimum Drinking Age Act (or some similarly named legislation) in response to huge drinking and driving problems. Most states upped their drinking ages rather than lose highway money from the feds...I think there may have been a few hold outs, but it (I'm sure combined with other factors) reduced alcohol related accidents by 50%, and reduced 16-20 year old alcohol-related auto deaths by a third.

                          The age of majority has always been fluid, and its rarely been consistent, whether its the age of consent or the age of conscription. Basically, the age of majority is not the same as the age of consent, voting age, age you are legally able to decide medical things, age to buy smoking products, age to drink, age to drive, age to marry, age to own fire arms, age you can be charged as an adult with a crime, age to...well, you get the idea. Really, 18 is just the age you are your own legal entity and are no longer the legal entity of your parents.
                          Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of HistoryPagan Devotionals, because the wind and the rain is our Bible


                            Re: Unpopular Opinions.

                            Originally posted by DanieMarie View Post
                            Haha...I think that's actually a German stereotype about Danes.
                            Well, it's true so many people don't know how to function socially without alcohol... danes drink, a lot. I'm pretty sure we hold a world record for alcohol consumption.
                            You remind me of the babe
                            What babe?
                            The babe with the power
                            What power?
                            The Power of voodoo
                            Who do?
                            You do!
                            Do what?
                            Remind me of the babe!

                            Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat


                              Re: Unpopular Opinions.

                              Vegan activists are opportunists that will find any possible circumstance and situaron to prove they're right and you're wrong for eating meat:

                              -Plane Crash here in France, one of the pilots crashed the plane purposely as a suicide: "people that eat meat are more prone to depression and psychological troubles"

                              - Terrorist attacks in Paris: "Vegans are peaceful people in tune with nature that would never hurt someone"

                              -School meals not being adapted to all religious impediments: "Vegan meals are valid for all religions"

                              This kind of turned into a rant. Lol.

                              Check out my blog! The Daily Satanist


                                Re: Unpopular Opinions.

                                Even a vegen could do is fuel,not "soul fodder". Just because a person eats meat will not make them evil or crazy...If you want to eat grass,die and incarnate as a Cow...
                                MAGIC is MAGIC,black OR white or even blood RED

                                all i ever wanted was a normal life and love.
                                NO TERF EVER WE belong Too.
                                don't stop the tears.let them flood your soul.


                                my new page here,let me know what you think.

                                nothing but the shadow of what was


