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Whatcha thinking about now?

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    Re: What Are You Thinking About?

    Originally posted by Jimmy View Post
    I feel that modern society is the hare and my lifestyle is the tortoise. The technological, 24/7 society is quite overwhelming at times. I only hope that the tortoise will win this race in the end!
    Jimmy, the key to it all is to select the parts you want, and let the rest go...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Originally posted by Jembru View Post
    .. So yeah, just as I was typing this, I saw the cat walk across the floor out of the corner of my eye. This time it wasn't solid though. It was just how I've always seen what I assumed to be spirits of some kind.

    Glad it's just a cat and not some creepy kid..
    I've had this happen a lot, so I don't think you're crazy (unless you think I am, in which case we both are ).
    Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


      Re: What Are You Thinking About?

      I'm thinking bad insomnia. I took sleeping pill one at midnight. Woke up at 3am. Slept 3 hours. Woke up at 6am. Took sleeping pill number two. Woke up at 11am. Am now feeling like crashing. It's not insomnia as much as that thing where your sleep shift moves over. So it's a hot day. At least in my room. I pulled my twin mattress off the bed. I put it under the ac and I am now about to take the nap of penguins and finish listening to my zombie book.

      good times.
      Satan is my spirit animal


        Re: What Are You Thinking About?

        Originally posted by Jembru View Post
        I'm sure most of you will think I'm either crazy or plain lying, but I've been seeing a cat that isn't really there all day. It started this morning. I thought Dolly was sitting on the chair in the bedroom. JP was still in bed and I was talking at him. I made a comment about the cat and went towards her to stroke her. Yet she wasn't there. It wasn't even like she vanished suddenly. It was more like realisng that picture you thought was a lady's lower region was really a lamp. Like.. I just kept looking and my brain fed-back to me that this cat I was looking at wasn't a cat.. it was just nothing at all.

        I told JP, because it took my breath a little. He was very underwhelmed. Then later on it happened again. This time I thought Dolly was sniffing around JP's shoes in the hallway. I started speaking to her then again the cat I could see just wasn't there. Finally (never mind, it wasn't finally), I thought Dolly had snuck up besides me while I was scraping the ice out of the freezer compartment of the fridge. I turned to push her aside but.. yep... Dolly wasn't there at all.

        ... So yeah, just as I was typing this, I saw the cat walk across the floor out of the corner of my eye. This time it wasn't solid though. It was just how I've always seen what I assumed to be spirits of some kind.

        Glad it's just a cat and not some creepy kid..
        That's actually why both my cats have bell collars... I see them wandering all of the time, but it's just my wacky brain that thinks they are there when they are not... Though sometimes I hear bells when no one is moving. I think Im Just crazy usually, I wouldn't put it past me.

        But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
        ~Jim Butcher


          Re: What Are You Thinking About?

          I've concluded with enough caffeine I can not only ascend to a higher plane of being but, also achieve omniscience.
          *drinks third energy drink of the day*
          They moaned and squealed, and pressed their snouts to the earth. We are sorry, we are sorry.
          Sorry you were caught, I said. Sorry that you thought I was weak, but you were wrong.
          -Madeline Miller, Circe


            Re: What Are You Thinking About?

            I'm 32 years old and have shingles. It hurts like f---ing hell and is on the right side of my body next to my breast. I recommend you get the vaccine so you never feel the pain. It sucks!

            Dedicated and devoted to Lord Anubis and Lady Bast. A follower of the path of Egyptian Wicca.


              Re: What Are You Thinking About?

              Originally posted by anubisa View Post
              I'm 32 years old and have shingles. It hurts like f---ing hell and is on the right side of my body next to my breast. I recommend you get the vaccine so you never feel the pain. It sucks!
              I feel (well felt) your pain. I got shingles at 26, seems it's not age discriminate (although being stressed out helps it along).

              I invested in baby nail clippers for my hedgehog and it has made a HUGE difference in being able to get to and aim the clippers quickly and accurately. Why didn't I do this sooner?


                Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                Originally posted by Ljubezen View Post
                I invested in baby nail clippers for my hedgehog and it has made a HUGE difference in being able to get to and aim the clippers quickly and accurately. Why didn't I do this sooner?

                Surprisingly enough Whil does extremely well when she gets her nails clipped. She hates bath time but shell definitely let me clip her nails.
                "If you want to know what a man is like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." -- Sirius Black

                "Time is an illusion, lunch time doubly so."-- Ford Prefect


                  Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                  Originally posted by B. de Corbin View Post
                  Jimmy, the key to it all is to select the parts you want, and let the rest go...
                  It's a work in progress I mostly don't let myself get affected by the many frantic, anxious people around me. I'm hoping as time goes on that society will learn to slow down once again.


                    Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                    Remmie the Beagle had a little party last night.

                    We woke up to discover the contents of the kitchen trash can spread all across the living room.

                    Now he's sleeping it off.
                    Every moment of a life is a horrible tragedy, a slapstick comedy, dark nihilism, golden illumination, or nothing at all; depending on how we write the story we tell ourselves.


                      Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                      I ate a lot of junk yesterday for Derby day, and I felt fabulous today - better than I have in a long time.
                      Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


                        Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                        Originally posted by kalynraye View Post
                        Surprisingly enough Whil does extremely well when she gets her nails clipped. She hates bath time but shell definitely let me clip her nails.
                        Eh mine doesn't "enjoy" baths or nail clipping, but he'll tolerate it (mostly). Nail clipping can be challenging, baths are usually fine since we've established a routine since he was a baby. But there are those days where he'll just sit there with a 'tude and tolerate it enough for me to get a few nails clipped.


                          Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                          Albino Peacocks.



                            Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                            +1 for albino peacocks.

                            Why can't my stamps show up in front of me right when I need them? I feel I have to tear apart my apartment just to find them.


                              Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                              It's funny how (most of) the same people against a unified government are FOR one religion for everyone.
                              Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


                                Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                                Originally posted by B. de Corbin View Post
                                Jimmy, the key to it all is to select the parts you want, and let the rest go...
                                This is such great advice... I may have to steal it for my own book of coping with wtf moments in life.

