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Whatcha thinking about now?

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    Re: What Are You Thinking About?

    Toxocyarnglare, I hear you!

    Thal's advice is very sound. I am in the recovery phase after suffering a bout of quite serious anxiety. Looking back, I'd been experiencing high anxiety for a while but it becomes such a normal part of your life that you don't really notice it until it gets too much and manifests as health conditions (panic attacks and heart palpitations in my case). Once I was alerted by the problem following a frightening panic attack on a bus, I attempted to tackle it head on, using various cognitive therapy and spiritual techniques. It just overwhelmed me though, because I was trying to pack in even more into my time, and my anxiety didn't ease as a result. I ended up living my life to the clock (I'm still a bit like this, but it's manageable now), and feeling guilty if I didn't have time to all the things I wanted to. Meditation wasn't helping me either, nor were the breathing techniques. The only thing that helped was a mindfulness technique I did on my way home from work; which was the only technique I didn't need to make time for, because walking home from work was something I'd be doing anyway.

    Then one day I started reading back over my BoS, which spans 4 volumes, the first started in 1997, the fourth yet incomplete. I found so much forgotten wisdom in those pages. Techniques I'd tried, tested and found sound, but had stopped using along the way. I decided to scrap most of the techniques I'd been trying, and replaced them with things from my BoS. There were two in particular. One was a little ritual said while making your first cup of tea/hot beverage of your choice, when you get up in the morning. It seemed like a good way to combine daily devotionals with an action I'd be doing anyway. But I also told myself that I don't have to remember to do it, making my first cuppa will be a subliminal devotional anyway. This helped ease the anxiety around it.

    The other thing is exactly as Thalassa suggested; I found a cleansing visualisation and chant I'd written while at Uni, that was done while taking a shower. Besides the mindfulness excersise I do on my way home from work; the only technique that seemed to have any affect on me, this was all I was doing for a few weeks. I found that using home made herbal hair rinses (nettle and/or rosemary in particular), That took little more effort than pouring boiling water over the herbs and letting it cool on the side of the shower until needed, helped make the showers feel more 'witchy' too. Again, I made it optional, not essential!

    I then discovered that when it comes to deep breathing, it isn't the speed or depth that has the biggest impact on heart rate, it's the rhythm. So when I was anxious and trying to breath deeply, I was probably breathing in for 4, out for 5, in for 5, out for 6, in for 4... and so on. I use a breath pacer I found on youtube, and sit with that for just a few minutes if I am feeling anxious. I'm so used to it now that just by recalling the image in my mind, I can use this to pace my breath even if I can't get to a PC. Breathing finally works for me thanks to this!

    After a while, I even found a mediation routine that works for me too, again, using a visualisation from my BoS, that I used many years ago. I'd had the opposite problem to you. I had to stop doing it in bed, because I would lose concentration, or even fall asleep. So I started sitting on the floor in the bay windows. I try not to demand too much from myself though. I keep a little 'positive thinking' notebook, where I write 4 positive things from the previous 24 hours, and then 4 positive things I'd like to do to enhance myself over the next 24 hours. I include writing this as part of my 20 minute meditation. That way, I can mediate on giving thanks for the good things in my life, and then visualise my day going well.

    I wish you all the best in finding the techniques that work for you. It has taken me quite a while to find mine, but I already feel so much more grounded and in control of my life. Although ironically, now that I'm more secure and grounded, I'm doing a lot more woowoo.. helping an ancient deity, healing my ancestral line, speaking to faeries and spirits of all kinds.. so I probably don't seem particularly grounded from the outside ^^.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also.. finally changed my religion on my profile. It was about time.
    夕方に急なにわか雨は「夕立」と呼ばれるなら、なぜ朝ににわか雨は「朝立ち」と呼ばれないの? ^^If a sudden rain shower in the evening is referred to as an 'evening stand', then why isn't a shower in the morning called 'morning stand'?


      Re: What Are You Thinking About?

      The full moon is so bright the sky looks closer to late afternoon than midnight...
      You remind me of the babe
      What babe?
      The babe with the power
      What power?
      The Power of voodoo
      Who do?
      You do!
      Do what?
      Remind me of the babe!

      Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat


        Re: What Are You Thinking About?

        I'm thinking that I realize that I don't really fit in at all with pretty much anyone at the place where I work. I work in a warehouse, packing and shipping for an international fine china company. During this time of year, it is our busy season, as all of the major department stores are placing their orders for their Christmas stock, and we bring in anywhere between 50 and 75 temporary workers from now until December.

        For the most part, those who are sent to us from the agencies are poorly educated, barely motivated to actually want to do work, and 80% of them are non-english speaking (the warehouse manager is Puerto Rican, and she likes hiring folks who predominantly speak Spanish because she knows how hard it could be for them to get jobs. This is pretty awesome of her, but it makes for a difficult work environment for the actual employees and supervisors, who do not speak Spanish). Added to that, the lifestyles that they have been living, the areas that they live in, and their sub-culture do so vastly different then mine that it makes it quite hard to relate. For the most part, they are unfriendly, young, try to be "gangsta", and generally want nothing to do with anyone who does not speak Spanish.

        Of course, then there are the regular, full time employees. Again, they are not as educated, and have vastly different lifestyles than what I am familiar with. They are extremely heavy drinkers, most of them are also heavy smokers, are sports nuts, and have vocabularies that not only would make a sailor blush, but consist of fewer words than my 10 year old nephew knows. There are one or two exceptions, but as a whole, I'm basically an outcast. I come up with ideas to make things better and I'm told I think too much, I bring up topics that I find amazing and I'm talked over about last night's ball game. I can fake it, and most often do just so I can have some sort of social interaction at work, but at the end of the day I often feel like a pretender.


          Re: What Are You Thinking About?

          Originally posted by iris View Post
          The full moon is so bright the sky looks closer to late afternoon than midnight...
          It was hidden by clouds on my way to work tonight, but was amazing last night. Such a lovely crisp colour.
          夕方に急なにわか雨は「夕立」と呼ばれるなら、なぜ朝ににわか雨は「朝立ち」と呼ばれないの? ^^If a sudden rain shower in the evening is referred to as an 'evening stand', then why isn't a shower in the morning called 'morning stand'?


            Re: What Are You Thinking About?

            I'm thinking that I like my baby more as she develops personality traits and has started smiling. Don't get me wrong, I love her plenty and have since she was born... But she's not much of a person yet, just a noisy blob that sucks at me for a while every day. Smiling has helped so very much.

            But they were doughnuts of darkness. Evil damned doughnuts, tainted by the spawn of darkness.... Which could obviously only be redeemed by passing through the fiery inferno of my digestive tract.
            ~Jim Butcher


              Re: What Are You Thinking About?

              Originally posted by Maria de Luna View Post
              I'm thinking that I like my baby more as she develops personality traits and has started smiling. Don't get me wrong, I love her plenty and have since she was born... But she's not much of a person yet, just a noisy blob that sucks at me for a while every day. Smiling has helped so very much.
              I hear ya! Babies start looking cute to me around 6 months. I never really understood the attraction to newborns most women have.
              Can you hear me, Major Tom? I think I love you.


                Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                I kinda hungee
                Satan is my spirit animal


                  Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                  Two nights in a row I have come home to dinner made for me. Last night it was gyros tonight he made me rubens. I am pretty spoiled.
                  "If you want to know what a man is like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." -- Sirius Black

                  "Time is an illusion, lunch time doubly so."-- Ford Prefect


                    Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                    I'm lucky with my reaction to alcohol.. And before someone comments - no, I'm not a fan of alcohol. Sometimes I have a half cup of beer which is approximately 200 ml of it (but RARELY). 200 ml of beer and then a cup of tea after 10 minutes. Perfect!
                    "Fair means that everybody gets what they need. And the only way to get that is to make it happen yourself."

                    Since I adore cats, I might write something strange or unusual in my comment.Cats are awesome!!! ^_^


                      Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                      Originally posted by Gleb View Post
                      I'm lucky with my reaction to alcohol.. And before someone comments - no, I'm not a fan of alcohol. Sometimes I have a half cup of beer which is approximately 200 ml of it (but RARELY). 200 ml of beer and then a cup of tea after 10 minutes. Perfect!
                      You're allowed to be a fan Gleb, drinking isn't some horrible inhumane thing most young people at least try it. Here, they usually drink out their brains on a regular basis from they're about 14 so half a cup sounds pretty harmless
                      Besides, some beer tastes really good (mead too, even some wine). I hate that I can't drink any more, but alcohol makes my stomach cramp almost instantly now.
                      You remind me of the babe
                      What babe?
                      The babe with the power
                      What power?
                      The Power of voodoo
                      Who do?
                      You do!
                      Do what?
                      Remind me of the babe!

                      Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat


                        Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                        Originally posted by iris View Post
                        You're allowed to be a fan Gleb, drinking isn't some horrible inhumane thing most young people at least try it. Here, they usually drink out their brains on a regular basis from they're about 14 so half a cup sounds pretty harmless
                        Besides, some beer tastes really good (mead too, even some wine). I hate that I can't drink any more, but alcohol makes my stomach cramp almost instantly now.
                        Pretty harmless, you say, huh? We should hang out!
                        "Fair means that everybody gets what they need. And the only way to get that is to make it happen yourself."

                        Since I adore cats, I might write something strange or unusual in my comment.Cats are awesome!!! ^_^


                          Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                          Originally posted by Gleb View Post
                          Pretty harmless, you say, huh? We should hang out!
                          Yea ^^ I never drank much and I'd still down a few beers and some wine and be pretty sober.. but I have quite the metabolism.
                          You remind me of the babe
                          What babe?
                          The babe with the power
                          What power?
                          The Power of voodoo
                          Who do?
                          You do!
                          Do what?
                          Remind me of the babe!

                          Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat


                            Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                            I'm a cheap drunk. One drink does it for me. Diabetes effs things up. I act like I'm drunk. Oop. Nope. Just about to go into a Diabetic coma.
                            Good times.
                            Satan is my spirit animal


                              Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                              Originally posted by Medusa View Post
                              I'm a cheap drunk. One drink does it for me. Diabetes effs things up. I act like I'm drunk. Oop. Nope. Just about to go into a Diabetic coma.
                              Good times.
                              I've seen it happen a few times. Yikes, I feel bad for you.
                              You remind me of the babe
                              What babe?
                              The babe with the power
                              What power?
                              The Power of voodoo
                              Who do?
                              You do!
                              Do what?
                              Remind me of the babe!

                              Army of Darkness: Guardians of the Chat


                                Re: What Are You Thinking About?

                                My father's 77th birthday picnic is tomorrow, and since my mom just got home from having her knee replaced, I'm doing ALL of the cooking. Here's my menu:

                                Four Kinds of Boneless Ribs: Honey mustard, sweet bbq, Asian sesame, and a mix of all of the above with sriracha added
                                Collard Greens: With bacon and mushrooms
                                Veggie Slaw: Cabbage, zucchini, sugar snap peas, carrots, and green olives
                                Dirty Rice and Beans
                                Corn Bread
                                Grilled Corn on the Cob: Seasoned with adobo

